Awards and Achievements

Dr. Della’s Awards and Achievements 


2020 | Selected for the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity Faculty Success Program.

2020 | The Morton Wolfson Faculty Award for Outstanding Service to University of Florida Students, University of Florida’s Division of Student Affairs. 

2019 | APA Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) Jeffrey S. Tanaka Memorial Dissertation Award in Psychology for the dissertation research titled “Exploring Critical Consciousness, Facilitating Black Liberation”. 

2018 | The Counseling Psychologist Outstanding Paper Award for the major contribution “Sex Positivity in Counseling Psychology” Sage Publishing. 

2018 | Outstanding Contribution to Scholarship on Race and Ethnicity Award for the manuscript “Black Lives Matter: A Call to Action for Counseling Psychology Leaders” Section on Ethnic and Racial Diversity (SERD), Society of Counseling Psychology (APA Division 17). 

2018 | Social Justice and Advocacy Award Student Affiliates of Seventeen. 

2017 | Travel Grant for the 2017 convention in Baltimore, MD National Women’s Studies Association. 

2017 | Inclusive Excellence Award Office of the Provost, University of Kentucky.

2016 | Leslie Martin Endowed Fellowship College of Education, University of Kentucky. 

2015 | Outstanding Professional Development Program Award (Stuart C. Tentoni Award) American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS). 

2015 | Student Travel Award for the APA Convention in Toronto, Ontario American Psychological Association. 

2014 | Joint APA Ethics Office, Ethics Committee, American Psychological Association of Graduate Students (APAGS), and Division 44-Society for the Psychological Study of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues student travel award for the 2015 National Multicultural Summit. 

2013 | Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (MHSAS) Minority Fellow – funded for three years through the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) American Psychological Association Minority Fellowship Program (MFP Fellow).


WELLS Team’s Awards and Achievements


2020 | Jules Sostre accepted a position into the University of Florida’s Counseling Psychology PhD Program (fully funded) under the mentorship of Dr. Roberto Abreu. 

2020 | Maggie Moskal accepted a position at the University of South Carolina’s Clinical-Community PhD Program (fully funded) under the mentorship of Dr. Mariah Kornbluh. Maggie was offered admission at Nova Southeastern’s Clinical Psychology PsyD program. 

2020 | Cindy Hernandez accepted a position at Virginia Commonwealth University’s Counseling Psychology PhD Program under the mentorship of Dr. Oswaldo Moreno. 

2020 | Maria Saldana was offered admission at Lehigh University’s Counseling Psychology PhD Program (fully funded) under the mentorship of Dr. Germán Cadenas. 

2020 | Amber Lewis accepted a position at the University of Akron’s Counseling PhD program (fully funded) under the mentorship of Dr. Suzette Speight.

2020 | Teagan Murphy accepted a position at the University of Maryland’s Sociology PhD program and received the University of Maryland Dean’s Fellowship.

2020 | Jess Trochez accepted a position at the University of Florida’s Women’s Studies Master’s Program (fully funded). 

2020 | Jeannette Meijia successfully defended her master’s thesis Afro-Dominicans’ Reclamation: Internalized Racism, Racial Identity Development, and Wellness.

2020 | Garrett Ross successfully defended his master’s thesis Beyond the Narrative: Examining Substance Use Stigmatization Toward Students of Color. 

2020 | Garrett Ross received the Dereck Chiu Training and Research Scholarship for $200. 

2020 | Carla Prieto successfully defended her master’s thesis Associations of Food Insecurity with Physical and Mental Health Quality of Life Among Black Women Patients with Obesity.

2020 | Carla Prieto received the Jacquelin Goldman Spring Scholarship Award for $6,000 for project Exploring Latinx LGBQ girls’ sexual health promotion.

2020 | Victoria McNeil successfully defended her dissertation Self-Altering Strategies, Gendered Racial-Ethnic Socialization, and Well-being among Black College Women.

2020 | Victoria McNeil was accepted at a predoctoral internship at the University of Maryland College Park’s Counseling Center. 

2020 | Victoria McNeil received a Teaching Award from the College of Liberal Arts and Science at the University of Florida.

2020 | Victoria McNeil received a Teaching Award from the Psychology Department for Black Psychology at the University of Florida. 

2020 | Victoria McNeil received a Graduate Student Teaching Award from the Graduate School at the University of Florida.

2019 | Pearis Bellamy successfully defended her master’s thesis Association of Weight Misperception with Weight Loss Effort and Engagement in Healthy Behaviors among Black Women Churchgoers Who Are Overweight or Have Obesity. 

2019 | Sunshine accepted a position at the University of Florida’s Women’s Studies Master’s Program (fully funded). 

2019 | Sunshine received the African American Studies Minor Award at the University of Florida.

2019 | APA 2019 Division 44 First Place Poster Award for Reconstructing Healing: Unpacking Gender Ideologies in Narratives of Racial Trauma

2019 | APA 2019 Division 44 Second Place Poster Award for Sharing Interest, Sharing Identities: QTPOC Community-Based Healing through Popular Media