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Involuntary Resettlement, Assisted, and Spontaneous Settlement Planning

Involuntary Resettlement, Assisted, and Spontaneous Settlement Planning Highlights

Numbers after publications link to locations in the Publications and Reports page
For a definition of all acronyms used on this page, click here

  • Author or lead author of one book and two World Bank technical papers on settlement-related development (Publications: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4) as well as articles (Publications: 8.2, 8.3, 8.6, 8.7, 8.8, 8.9 ) and book chapters (Publications: 9.1–9.13 )
  • Visiting Professor on Resettlement, Department of Anthropology, University of Kyoto
  • Author  of several national and international policy documents:
    • US government Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) position paper on spontaneous new lands settlement
    • Guidelines for Onchocerciasis Control Programme (OCP) river basin settlement in West Africa (adopted by 10 of the 11 OCP countries in West Africa in 2004)
    • Regional paper summarizing short-term implications of OCP program for United States Agency for International Development (USAID) country strategies in West Africa which was adopted by 10 of the 11 OCP countries in West Africa in 1994
  • Resettlement consultant for MCC in Burkina (2008–2012) (Publications: 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.9) and miscellaneous Word Bank assignments with responsibilities for assessing resettlement likely to result from World Bank-funded initiatives: Cameroon and Mali.
  • Miscellaneous articles/assignments on gender issues in resettlement including:
    • Training module on gender issues in resettlement (MCC)
    • Article on gender issues in new lands settlement and resettlement in the OCP river basins (World Bank)
  • Organization of two major international workshops on new lands settlement and resettlement (in Burkina Faso and Uganda) that resulted in World Bank (Uganda) (Publication: 5.2.6) and World Bank/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) strategy papers (Burkina Faso)
  • Longitudinal research on the river basins affected by the 11-country onchocerciasis control focus with a special focus on Burkina Faso
    • Publications:
        • Books in Refereed Series: 1.2, 1.4
        • Program Assessments and Evaluations: 2.3

    “Definitely an important contribution to the literature. Land settlement schemes present social scientists with a quasi-aboratory situation where longitudinal comparative analyses can be made of how migrating households build new communities and new production systems in new habitats. For this reason, the study of land settlement/resettlement has begun a subfield in itself. McMillan’s book is definitely one of the best studies of land settlement to date…One of the ten best worldwide.”

    Thayer Scudder. California Institute of Technology, Review of “Sahel Visions”

    Experience Agencies Countries Sample Assignments
    Longitudinal Research USAID, World Bank Burkina Faso Longitudinal research on settlement trends and impacts in the AVV Sponsored Settlement in the Nakambe River Basin (1977-1989)
      World Bank


    Burkina Faso Longitudinal research on settlement trends and impacts in the Comoe/Leraba, Mouhoun, and Kompienga Valleys (1974-1989)
    Resettlement Action Plans (RAP )
    MCC Burkina Faso Routine backstopping and oversight for RAPs developed in associated with: (a) large land management and land registration initiative; (b) a new irrigation scheme; (c) the rehabilitation of nine markets; and (d) the creation of 47 new municipal buildings
      World Bank Niger Due diligence of RAP for proposed new extension of the Office du Niger
    World Bank Cameroon OP 4.12 due diligence for a series of World Bank Initiatives for rehabilitating transportation infrastructure (roads, airports, trains)
    Gender Issues World Bank Burkina Faso, Mali, Togo, Ghana Gender analysis of settlement constraints and opportunities at 16 sites (sponsored and non-sponsored) in the OCP River Basins)
      World Bank All OCP (11 countries) Draft gender analysis and strategy for the settlement guidelines
    Workshop Organization World Bank Burkina Faso Regional workshop (11 countries) to review settlement trends in the OCP River basins
    USAID Cote d’Ivoire, Ghana, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Guinea Country program workshops on development impacts of successful control of river blindness for USAID
    World Bank Uganda (for all Africa) Workshop to examine the early impact of OP 4.12 on the design of World Bank supported Initiatives (with Cynthia Cook, Dan Mudoola and Patrick Mlindwa)
    Policy Paper/Strategy Development World Bank West Africa Co-draft (with John Elder and Laura Cooley) the 15 Guiding Principles for Sustainable Settlement and Development in the Onchocerciasis Control Programme Area
       Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) Universal Policy review of current trends in new lands settlement worldwide and their implications for  US development policy