Monitoring and Evaluation Highlights
Numbers after publications link to locations in the Publications and Reports page
For a definition of all acronyms used on this page, click here
- Mid-term project and program assessments and evaluations (22 total, 19 as team leader)
- Publications: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, and 2.7
- Training and training module development on basic principles of monitoring and evaluations (M&E) and reporting for donor funded projects and local partners
- Publications: 3.1.1.A., 3.1.2,,
- Indicator, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (PMEP), and Indicator Performance Tracking Table (IPTT) development and revision
- Publications: 3.1.1.A, 3.2.1, 3.2.2,,,
- Development of project and program M&E plans for project staff and local partners
- Publications:
- Other Documents Produced for USAID and USAID-Funded Projects and Programs: 3.2.1,,,,, 3.3,2.16
- Millennium Challenge Account/Burkina Faso (MCA/BF) and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) Consulting Documents: 4.2
- Other: 10.2
- Publications:
- Technical assistance to US and non-US non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and university-based development programs to build staff capacity for reporting
- Publications:
- Books in Refereed Series: 1.1
- Other Documents Produced for USAID and USAID-Funded Projects and Programs: 3.1.3, 3.1.4, 3.2.1
- Other: 10.2
- Publications:
- Design and backstopping of baseline, mid-term and final evaluation surveys
- Publications:
- Program Assessments and Evaluations: 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.6
- Other Documents Produced for USAID and USAID-Funded Projects and Programs:
- Publications:
- Design and facilitation of regional and national training programs to build M&E capacity in NGO, bilateral and multilateral programs
- Publications:
- Other Documents Produced for USAID and USAID-Funded Projects and Programs:,,
- World Bank: 5.2.6
- Publications:
- Co-development of on-line educational/public information programs for NGO programs to highlight monitoring and evaluation reports and briefing papers
- Publications:, 3.3.2
- Design and execution of vulnerability assessments and analyses to assist with the design, execution and evaluation of food security programs
Mid-Term Project and Program Assessments and Evaluations
Participated in 22 external evaluations or project assessments – 19 times as team leader and 3 times as a team member, see Assessment Types and Details
Training and Training Module Development on Basic Principles of M&E and Reporting:
- Organized and facilitated/co-facilitated 16 training workshops for staff and local partners associated with USAID-funded projects (in Ghana, Malawi, Madagascar, Burkina Faso, Mali, Uganda, Niger, South Africa, Mozambique, Guinea, United States) as well as training workshops on gender issues in Burkina Faso for the World Bank in Burkina and the United States
- Co-produced training modules on: (1) quarterly and annual reporting for Africare; (2) strengthening gender issues in reporting for Millennium Challenge Account/Burkina Faso (MCA-Burkina Faso); and (3) three training modules on gender for MCC to use in all of its beneficiary MCA programs world-wide
- Based on lessons learned with NGO, bilateral and multilateral clients: World Bank, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Africare, Agricultural Cooperative Development International/Volunteers in Overseas Cooperative Assistance (ACDI/VOCA), and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) developed two training modules for CRS and American Red Cross (ARC) that are still being widely used by USAID food security programs:
- Preparing for Evaluation and
- Developing and Using IPTTs
- Developed an internal training module or Results based Reporting for Iowa State University (ISU) and Volunteer Efforts For Development Concerns (VEDCO) staff
Indicator, PMEP and IPTT Development and Revision
- Applied research to develop more standardized methodologies for tracking the impact of food security capacity on local community capacity, food access, and staff and partner capacity for Africare and CRS
- Worked with USAID/Russia to finalize a draft PMEP for all of its projects
- Helped Africare, CRS, ARC, Opportunities Industrialization Centers International (OICI), ISU. ACDI/VOCA, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the local NGO VEDCO (in Uganda) strengthen staff capacity to develop and use IPTTs for specific projects and developed a training module for wider use based on lessons learned from this experience
- Worked with one of the first USAID consortia: CRS, Helen Keller International (HKI), Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), and Africare to harmonize data collection and analysis of a single integrated IPTT and summarized major lessons learned from this experience in the ARC/CRS IPTT training module
M&E Plans: Provided technical assistance for Africare and CRS in connection with the development of M&E plans for their Institutional Capacity Building (ICB) and Institutional Support Assistance (ISA) grants. Also worked with ISU and VEDCO to develop an M&E Plan for their Center for Sustainable Rural Livelihoods (CSRL) in Uganda
Reporting: Worked with Africare/ISU/VEDCO’s Sustainable Rural Land Management Program, and the Monitoring, Evaluation and Technical Support Services (METSS II) Project in Ghana to strengthen the internal systems for quarterly and annual reporting on their food security programs as well as their project and M&E success stories; and with MCA-Burkina Faso to strengthen their reporting on gender, using the training programs, guidelines, and checklists
Baseline, Mid-Term and Final Surveys: Helped design, analyze, and write-up quantitative baseline, mid-term, and final surveys for Africare, CARE, and CRS
Regional and National Training Programs: Helped organize and execute five regional M&E workshops (bilingual and tri-lingual) in Mozambique, South Africa, Burkina Faso, Niger, and Mali, as well as two national and project-specific M&E workshops in Guinea and Burkina Faso
Online Educational/Public Information Programs: Worked with Africare’s food programming unit, the Africare web master, and a freelance editor (Leah Cohen) to develop the “Africare Food Security Review” series which published 26 examples of best practice on M&E reporting that were written or co-written with local staff
Vulnerability Assessments and Analyses: Applied research with project teams to (1) assess the longer-term impacts of Title II programming on household food security in Africare’s programs in Guinea and Uganda and (2) strengthen the capacity of country teams to track the participation of vulnerable people in programs designed to address their needs and to assess project impacts on these groups in connection with quantitative baseline, mid-term, and final surveys