Organ Music
Passacaglia and Fugue in C Minor BWV 582
Sinfonia from Cantata BWV 29 (1:02)
Choral Music
BWV 245 St. John Passion Chorale: Ach Herr, lass dein lieb Engelein (1:45:50)
BWV 244 Matthaus Passion (Herreweghe)
BWV 1087 (Fourteen hastily scribbled canons added as an afterthought to the last page
of his personal copy of the Goldberg Variations)
Ricercar a 6 from A Musical Offering, BWV 1079
Surface Topology in Bach Canons
Constraints of the Baroque Era
1:56 chords/simple harmonic progression, Inversions/dissonances
3:40 variations
BWV 232 Mass in B, Cum Sanctu Spritu
BWV 1052 Keyboard Concerto #1, 1st movement excerpt
BWV 1004 Chaconne, Bach-Busoni
BWV 248 Christmas Oratorio “Nun Seid Ihr Wohl Gerochen” 2:27:48
BWV 826 Partita #2, Sinfonia 3:12