Listed in reverse chronological order.
- (April 13, 2025): Curvature and macroscopic dimensions of symmetric products of surfaces. Talk in the 22nd Graduate Student Topology and Geometry Conference, Indiana University.
- (March 25, 2025): On symmetric products of orientable surfaces. Talk in the Topology and Geometry Seminar, University of Florida.
- (March 9, 2025): Homotopy connectivity of Čech complexes of spheres. Invited talk in the Special Session on “Topological Data Analysis, Theory and Applications”, AMS 2025 Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Clemson University.
- (March 8, 2025): Topology and geometry of symmetric products of Riemann surfaces. Invited talk in the Special Session on “Invariants in Geometric Topology: Low Dimensions and Beyond”, AMS 2025 Spring Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Clemson University.
- (November 20, 2024): Topological complexity of intertwining motion. Invited talk in the Graduate Mathematics Association Colloquium, University of Florida.
- (October 24, 2024): On some distributional and intertwining invariants of manifolds. Invited talk in the online Topological Complexity Seminar hosted by the Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network. [Youtube]
- (October 1, 2024): On distributional Lusternik–Schnirelmann category of manifolds. Talk in the Topology and Dynamics Seminar, University of Florida.
- (April 10, 2024): On sequential versions of distributional topological complexity. Talk in the online Mathematics Seminar, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Mohali.
- (March 22, 2024): A new version of topological complexity and LS-category. Talk in the online Topology and Related Topics Seminar, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
- (February 20, 2024): Distributional topological complexity and its sequential versions. Talk in the Topology and Dynamics Seminar, University of Florida.
- (January 31, 2024): Topology and robotics: a new approach to motion planning. Invited talk in the Graduate Mathematics Association Colloquium, University of Florida.