Publications and Preprints

Listed in reverse chronological order.

  • (March 6, 2025) LS-category and sequential topological complexity of symmetric products. [arXiv]
  • (March 3, 2025) Curvature, macroscopic dimensions, and symmetric products of surfaces (with L. F. Di Cerbo and A. Dranishnikov). [arXiv]
  • (January 31, 2025) Homotopy connectivity of Čech complexes of spheres (with H. Adams and S. Mallick). [arXiv]
  • (August 20, 2024) Distributional Lusternik–Schnirelmann category of manifolds. [arXiv]
  • (June 18, 2024) Intertwining category and complexity. To appear in Homology Homotopy and Applications. [arXiv]
  • (January 30, 2024) On sequential versions of distributional topological complexity. Topology and its Applications 363 (2025), 109271, pp. 28. [arXiv] [doi]
  • (January 8, 2024) Distributional topological complexity and LS-category (with A. Dranishnikov). In Topology and AI, ed. M. Farber and J. González, EMS Series in Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 4, EMS Press, Berlin, 2024, pp. 363-385. [arXiv] [doi]

You can also find my papers in my CV, on arXiv, and on Google Scholar.

My survey article titled “A brief history of topological complexity and its versions” won the 2024 Robert Long Prize. Click here to access its PDF.