Syllabus | Calendar | Solutions
Class Time and Location
Section 0724: Monday through Friday, Period 3 (11:00am-12:15pm), LIT 127
Contact Information and office hours
Email address:
Office: LIT 455
Office Hours:
Monday, Thursday, and Friday Period 4 (12:30-1:45pm)
Course Materials
Title: A Survey of Mathematics with Applications
Author: Angel/Abbot/Runde
Publisher: Pearson Education
Edition: 9th Edition
I suggest getting the textbook in one of three ways:
- Purchase the looseleaf, 3-hole-punched version from the UF Bookstore for $27,
- Rent the hardback book from Amazon for ~$11 or from the UF Bookstore for ~$17, or
- Purchase a used copy from Amazon for less than $15 or from the UF Bookstore for $35.
PDF of Chapter 2 of the textbook!
Grading and Exams
There will be six exams plus a potentially optional cumulative final. (See the calendar for tentative exam dates.) The exams are worth 100 points each. If you have a C or higher by the end of the six exams, you do not need to take the final. If your grade is below a C or you want to improve your grade, you may take the final, and it will replace your two lowest exam scores. As such, there are no make-up exams.
Your final grade is out of 600 points, and grades will be assigned as follows:
Point range | Grade | Percentage range | |
Passing grades | 540-600 | A | 90% ≤ x < 100% |
516-539 | A- | 86% ≤ x < 90% | |
492-515 | B+ | 82% ≤ x < 86% | |
468-491 | B | 78% ≤ x < 82% | |
444-487 | B- | 74% ≤ x < 78% | |
420-443 | C+ | 70% ≤ x < 74% | |
396-419 | C | 66% ≤ x < 70% | |
Non-passing grades | 372-395 | C- | 62% ≤ x < 66% |
348-371 | D+ | 58% ≤ x < 62% | |
324-347 | D | 54% ≤ x < 58% | |
300-323 | D- | 50% ≤ x < 54% | |
0-299 | E | 0% ≤ x < 50% |
If you are taking this course with the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grading option, please note that the Gordon Rule is not fulfilled with the S/U option. You must get at least a C (66%) in order to receive a grade of Satisfactory.
Bonus points will be available throughout the course. You only eligible to receive these points if you are in class the day the points are offered or assigned.
Students with disabilities / special accommodations
Students with disabilities requesting accommodations on homework, quizzes, and exams should first register with the Disability Resource Center (352-392-8565, by providing appropriate documentation. Once registered, students will receive an accommodation letter which must be presented to the instructor when requesting accommodation. Accommodation letters must be submitted to the instructor during the first two weeks of the semester.
Academic honesty
The University of Florida expects students to be honest in all of their university classroom work. Please remember to commit yourself to academic honesty with the pledge:
We, the members of the University of Florida Community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
The Math Department expects you to follow the academic honesty guidelines. Matters of violations of academic honesty are adjudicated by the Student Honor Code.