
Recent Publications


Putz, F.E. and Nidhi Patel. 2019. Florida Szechuan pepper: A financial opportunity. The Palmetto 35: 4-7.

Putz, F.E. and C. Romero. 2015. Futures of tropical production forests. Center for International Forestry Research Occasional Paper 143: 1-39. DOI: 10.17528/cifor/005766;

Putz, F.E. 2018. Sustainable = good, better, or responsible. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 30: 1-3.

Romero, C. and F.E. Putz. 2018. Theory-of-change development for evaluation of Forest Stewardship Council certification of sustained timber yields from natural forests in Indonesia. Forests 9, 547: doi:10.3390/f9090547.

Putz, F.E. and C. Romero. 2014. Futures of tropical forests (sensu lato). Biotropica Article first published online June 2014: DOI: 10.1111/btp.12124.

Ruslandi, A. Roopsind, P. Sist, M. Peña-Claros, R. Thomas, and F.E. Putz. 2014. Beyond equitable data sharing to improve tropical forest management. International Forestry Review 16: 497-503.

Ruslandi, A. Klassen, F.E. Putz, and C. Romero 2014. Forest Stewardship Council certification of natural forest management in Indonesia: Required improvements, costs, incentives, and barriers. In, Forests Under Pressure: Local Responses to Global Issues, International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Helsinki, Finland.

Brando, P.M., J.K. Balch, D.C. Nepstad, D. C. Morton, F.E. Putz, M. T. Coe, D. Silverio, M.N. Macedo, E.A. Davidson, C. C. Nobrega, A. Alencar, and B. S. Soares-Filho.2014. Abrupt increases in Amazonian tree mortality due to drought-fire interactions. Proceeedings of the National Academy of Sciences doi/10.1073/pnas.1305499111.

West, T., E. Vidal, and F.E. Putz. 2014. Forest carbon dynamics after conventional and reduced-impact logging in Amazonian Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management 314: 59-63.

Griscom, B., P. Ellis, and F.E. Putz. 2014. Carbon emissions performance in commercial logging concessions of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. Global Change Biology 20: 923-937.

Filotas, E., L. Parrott, P.J. Burton, R.L. Chazdon, K.D. Coates, L. Coll, S. Haeussler, K. Martin, S. Nocentini, K.J. Puettmann, F.E. Putz, S.W. Simard, and C. Messier. 2014. Viewing forests through the lens of complex systems science. Ecosphere 5: 1-23.

Poorter, L., A. McNeil, V.-H. Hurtado, H.H.T. Prins, and F.E. Putz. 2013 Bark thickness and life history strategies of tropical dry- and moist forest trees. Functional Ecology doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12158.

Representative Publications

(Graduate and Undergraduate Students Noted By One and Two Asterisks, respectively, former students noted with a +; N=138)

Wainwright, A.E.* and F.E. Putz. Scientific names matter to marketability: A comparative taste test of infusions of a native Florida holly (Ilex vomitoria) and yerba mate (I. paraguariensis). Economic Botany (in review).

Veldman, J.W.* and F.E. Putz. Grass-dominated vegetation, not species-diverse natural savanna, replaces degraded tropical forests on the southern edge of the Amazon Basin. Biological Conservation (in press).

Sasaki, N., G.P. Asner, W. Knorr, P.D. Durst, H. Priyadi, and F.E. Putz. Approaches to classifying and restoring degraded tropical forests for the anticipated REDD+ climate change mitigation mechanism. iForests (in press).

Nasi, R., F.E. Putz, P. Pacheco, S. Wunder, and S. Anta. Sustainable forest management and carbon in tropical Latin America:The case for REDD+. Forests (in press).

Geselbracht, L., K. Freeman., E. Kelly, D. R. Gordon, and F. E. Putz. Retrospective and prospective model simulations of sea level rise impacts on Gulf of Mexico coastal marshes and forests in Waccasassa Bay, Florida. Climate Change (in press).

Caravalho*, E., L. Kobziar, and F.E. Putz. Fire ignition patterns and charcoal production in a pine flatwoods in Florida. International Journal of Wildland Fire (in press).

Brando, P.M., D.C. Nepstad, B. Bolker, J.K. Balch, M.C. Christman, M. Coe, and F.E. Putz. Post-fire tree mortality in Brazilian tropical forest: the roles of bark traits, tree size, and wood density. Ecology Letters (in review).

Salimon, C.I., F.E. Putz, L. Menezes-Filho, A. Anderson, M. Silveira, I.F. Brown, and L. C. Oliveira. Estimating state-wide carbon stocks for a REDD plan in Acre, Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management (in review).

Putz, F.E., C. D. Canham, and S. Ollinger**. Root foraging efficiencies of trees and shrubs. Journal of Ecology (in revision).

Peña-Claros+, M., L. Poorter, A. Alarcón, G. M. Blate+, U. Choque, T.S. Fredericksen, J. Justiniano, C. Leaño, J.C. Licona, W. Pariona, F.E. Putz, L. Quevedo+, and M. Toledo*. Structure, diversity, and floristic composition of Bolivian tropical forests are influenced by soil chemistry and disturbance history. Biotropica (in revision).

Veldman*, J.M. and F.E. Putz. 2010. Long-distance dispersal of invasive grasses by logging vehicles in a tropical dry forest. Biotropica 42: 607-703.

DeWalt, S.J. and F.E. Putz (with 15 other authors) 2010. Global patterns of liana density and basal area vary with mean annual precipitation. Biotropica 42: 309-317.

Putz, F.E. and K. H. Redford. 2010. Tropical forest definitions, degradation, phase shifts, and further transitions. Biotropica 42: 10-20.

Mazzei*, L., P. Sist, A. Ruschel, F.E. Putz, P. Marco, W. Pena, and W. Baitz. 2010. Carbon retention with reduced-impact logging in the Eastern Amazon. Forest Ecology and Management 259: 367-373.

Veldman*, J.W., B. Mostacedo+, M. Peña-Claros+, and F.E. Putz. 2009. Selective logging and fire as drivers of alien grass invasion in a tropical dry forest of Bolivia. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1643-1649.

Varner+, J.M., F.E. Putz, M.J. Mitchell, J.K. Hiers, J.J. O’Brien, and D.R. Gordon. 2009. Post-fire tree stress and growth following smoldering duff fires. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 2467-2474.

Putz, F.E. and R. Nasi. 2009. Carbon benefits from avoiding and repairing forest degradation. Pages 249-262 in, Realising REDD+: National Strategy and Policy Options, Arild Angelsen (editor), Center for International Forestry Research, Bogor, Indonesia.

Putz, F.E. and P.A. Zuidema. 2009. Conserving carbon in tropical forests: pitfalls and possibilities. Pages 19-24 in, A. J. Van Bodegom, Herman Savenije, and Marieke Wit (eds). Forests and Climate Change: Adaptation and Mitigation.Tropenbos International, Wageningen, The Netherlands. xvi + 160 pp.

Sasaki, N. and F.E. Putz. 2009. Critical need for new definitions of “forest” and “forest degradation” in global climate change agreements. Conservation Letters doi: 10.1111/j.1755-263X.2009.00067.x see also: Putz, F.E. and N. Sasaki. 2009. Response to Guariguata, M.R., Nasi, R. & Kanninen, M. Conservation Letters. Most downloaded paper of 2009. See stories in Nature (, Mongabay, and CarbonPositive.

Paz*, C. and F.E. Putz. 2009. Anthropogenic soils and tree distributions in a lowland forest in Bolivia. Biotropica 41: 665-675.

Palumbo*, M. J., S.T. Talcott, and F.E. Putz. 2009. Ilex vomitoria: An overlooked North American caffeine source. Economic Botany 63: 130-137.
Mostacedo*, B., F.E. Putz, T. S. Fredericksen, A. Villca, and T. Palacios. 2009. Contributions of root and stump sprouts to natural regeneration in a logged tropical dry forest in Bolivia. Forest Ecology and Management 258: 978-985.

Putz, F.E. and K.H. Redford. 2009. Dangers of carbon-based conservation. Global Environmental Change 19: 400-401.

Putz, F.E., P. Zuidema, M.A. Pinard+, R.G.A. Boot, J. A. Sayer, D. Sheil, P. Sist, Elias, and J.K. Vanclay. 2008. Tropical forest management for carbon retention. PLOS Biology 6: 1368-1369.

Putz, F.E., P. Sist, T.S. Fredericksen, and D. Dykstra. 2008. Reduced-impact logging: challenges and opportunities. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1427-1433.

Peña-Claros+, M., Peters, E.M., Justiniano*, M.J., Bongers, F., Blate+, G.M., Fredericksen, T.S., Putz, F.E., 2008. Regeneration of commercial trees species following silvicultural treatments in a moist tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management 255: 1283-1293.

Peña-Claros+, M., L., T.S. Fredericksen, A. Alarcon, G.M. Blate+, U. Choque, C. Leaño, B. Mostacedo+, W. Pariona, Z. Villegas, and F.E. Putz. 2008. Beyond reduced-impact logging: silvicultural treatments to increase growth rates of tropical trees. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1458-1467.

Marshall Mattson*, K.D. and F.E. Putz. 2008. Sand pine (Pinus clausa) seedling distribution and biomechanics in relation to microsite condition and proximity to nurse plants. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1458-1467.

Varner*, J.M., J.K. Hiers, R.D. Ottmar, D.R. Gordon, F.E. Putz, and D.D. Wade. 2007. Overstory tree mortality resulting from re-introducing fire to long-unburned longleaf pine forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37: 1349-1358.

Grawe DeSantis*, L.R., S. Bhotika*, K. Williams, and F.E. Putz. 2007. Sea-level rise and drought interactions accelerate declines of coastal forests on the Gulf Coast of Florida, USA. Global Change Biology 13: 2349-2360.

Casteneda*, H. and F. E. Putz. 2007. Predicting sea-level rise effects on a coastal nature preserve on the Gulf coast: a landscape perspective. Florida Scientist 70: 166-175.

Condon*, B.M. and F.E. Putz. 2007. Countering the broadleaf invasion: Financial and carbon consequences of removing hardwoods during longleaf pine savanna restoration. Restoration Ecology 15: 296-303.

Putz, F.E. 2007. On fire. The Palmetto 24: 4-7, 13-15.

Palumbo*, M.J., F.E. Putz, and S. T. Talcott. 2006. Nitrogen fertilizer and gender effects on the secondary metabolism of yaupon, a caffeine-containing North American holly. Oecologia 151: 1-9.

Putz, F.E. 2006. Perils and joys of ecosystem restoration. The Palmetto 23: 4-7.

Putz, F.E. 2006. Getting started with ecosystem restoration: Reading your landscape. The Palmetto 23: 4-5,12-13.

Spector*, T. and F. E. Putz. 2006. Biomechanical plasticity facilitates invasion by Brazilian pepper Schinus terebinthifolius. Biological Invasions 8: 255-260.

Romero*, C., F.E. Putz, and K. Kitajima. 2006. Light, mist, and pendant epiphytes in a tropical montane oak forest. Biotropica 38: 35-41.

Spector*, T. and F.E. Putz. 2006. Crown retreat of open-grown live oak (Quercus virginiana) due to canopy encroachment. Forest Ecology and Management 228: 168-176.

Gerwing+, J.J., S.A. Schnitzer, R. J. Burnham, F. Bongers, J. Chave, S.J. DeWalt, C.E.N. Ewango, R. Foster, M. Martinez-Ramos, M. Parren, N. Parthasarthy, D.R. Pérez-Salicrup+, F.E. Putz, and D.W. Thomas. 2006. Censusing lianas. Biotropica 38: 256-261.

Varner*, J.M III, D. R. Gordon, F.E. Putz, and J. K. Hiers. 2005. Restoring fire to long-unburned Pinus palustris ecosystems: Novel fire effects and consequences for long-unburned ecosystems. Restoration Ecology 13: 536-544.

Kennard*, D.K. and F.E. Putz. 2005. Effects of fire intensity on early tree regeneration in a Bolivian dry deciduous forest. New Forests 30: 1-20.