Due date: Friday, Apr. 18
Last updated Apr 16 02:53 EDT 2014
You are required to do all of the problems below. You will not be required
to hand them all in. I’ve indicated below which ones you do have to hand in.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that I’m collecting only the problems I
think are important. The “due date” above is the date that your written-up
problems should be handed in, but don’t wait to get started on the assignment.
You should always get started on problems as soon as we cover the relevant
material in class.
- A. Rosenlicht Chap. VII (pp. 160-167)/ 25 (do non-book problem B2 before
this, in order to make sense of the sum), 26 (Problem 15, referred to here,
is B2(d)), 28-30, 35, 36. Of these, hand in only #25. - B. Do problems 17–19 in the Improper Integrals handout. Of these, hand in only #17. Click here
for additional non-book problems. Of these, hand in only B2.