MAC1140 Current Semester

MAC1140 Current Semester


Currently I am teaching Monday and Wednesday 2nd period (8:30-9:20am) in Pugh Hall, room 170. Live lecture and online only students are welcome to attend any and all lectures, provided there is sufficient room to accommodate anyone not normally in that lecture period; students who are officially assigned to the lecture period obviously have priority on seating over those that are not.

You can also see the current TA and lecturer Office Hours here.

You can access the Syllabus for the live course Syllabus-Spring2020-Live and the online course Syllabus-Spring2020-Online which also contains a tentative calendar for the topics covered in each lecture. The syllabus also contains dates for the exams. Keep in mind however that all details are provided (and kept much more current) in the canvas page, so anything posted there overrides anything found here. Moreover, students are expected to stay up to date with the canvas content as that is the primary communication and content portal for the course.

Finally, there is an optional lecture added Friday, also 2nd period (8:30-9:20am) in LIT113. This is available to both live and online students on a first-come first-serve basis. This lecture will provide more examples and deeper discussion on some of the concepts that I don’t have time to delve into properly in normal lecture. However, as it is an optional lecture, there is nothing covered in that lecture that is required in the sense that (theoretically) a student that never attends the optional lecture should have learned all the topics that those that attend the optional lecture have learned. However, the 50% additional instruction time will certainly help prepare students more for exams and quizzes in the course, so I highly recommend students attend if they are able.