
Curriculum Vitae

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Edited Books

Stephen C. Craig and Michael D. Martinez, eds. 2005. Ambivalence and the Structure of Political Opinion. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 196 pages.

Stephen C. Craig and Michael D. Martinez, eds. 2005. Ambivalence, Politics, and Public Policy. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 188 pages.

Refereed Articles

Michael Morse, Michael C. Herron, Marc Meredith, Daniel A. Smith, and Michael D. Martinez. Forthcoming. “Election Administration Harms and Ballot Design: A Study of Florida’s 2018 United States Senate race.” American Journal of Political Science (published online 14 October 2024)

Michael D. Martinez and Daniel A. Smith. 2024.  “A Blue Primary in a Reddish State: How Preferences are Shaped by Expectations, Issues, and Sexism.” Florida Political Chronicle 30 (1).

Kenneth D. Wald and Michael D. Martinez. 2022. “Measuring “Who is a Jew and Why Pollsters Should Care.” Contemporary Jewry 42 (3): 357-383.

Enrijeta Shino, Michael D. Martinez, and Michael Binder. 2022.  “Determined By Mode? Representation and Measurement Effects in a Dual-Mode Statewide Survey.” Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10 (1): 183-202.

Enrijeta Shino and Michael D. Martinez. 2021. “The Different Faces of Public Opinion: Is the American Voter Tinted by Mode?” International Journal of Public Opinion Research 33 (4): 756–778.

Enrijeta Shino, Michael D. Martinez, Michael P. McDonald, and Daniel A. Smith. 2020. “Verifying Voter Registration Records.” American Politics Research. 48(6): 677-681.

Stephen C. Craig, Paulina S. Cossette, and Michael D. Martinez. 2020. Partisan Ambivalence and Electoral Decision Making. American Review of Politics 37 (1, January): 1-28.

Michael D. Martinez. 2016. “Rediscovering Partisanship as the Long Term Force in the Vote Decision.” American Review of Politics 35 (1): 1-17.

Michael D. Martinez.  2015.  “Do Partisan Voters Trust Party Switchers?  A Case Study of the 2014 Florida Gubernatorial Election.” Florida Political Chronicle 24 (1, Summer): 8-18.

Michael D. Martinez and Stephen C. Craig. 2010. “Race and 2008 Presidential Politics in Florida: A List Experiment.” The Forum: Vol. 8 : Iss. 2, Article 4.

Jason Gainous, Michael D. Martinez, and Stephen C. Craig. 2010. “The Multiple Causes of Citizen Ambivalence: Attitudes about Social Welfare Policy.Journal of Elections, Public Opinion, and Parties 20 (3, July): 335-356.

Jason Gainous, Stephen C. Craig, and Michael D. Martinez. 2008.  “Social Welfare Attitudes and Ambivalence about the Role of Government.”  Politics and Policy 36 (6, December): 972-1004.

Michael D. Martinez, Kenneth D. Wald, and Stephen C. Craig.  2008.  “Homophobic Innumeracy? Estimating the Size of the Gay and Lesbian Population.Public Opinion Quarterly 72 (4, Winter): 753-767. [Website Appendix]

Michael D. Martinez and David Hill.  2007.  “Was the Joke on the Democrats Again?: Turnout and Partisan Choice in the 2004 U.S. Election.” American Review of Politics 28 (Summer): 81-95.

Stephen C. Craig, Michael D. Martinez, Jason Gainous, and James G. Kane.   2006.  “Winners, Losers, and Election Context: Voter Responses to the 2000 Presidential Election.”  Political Research Quarterly 59 (4, December): 579-592[Website appendix]

Michael D. Martinez and Jeff Gill.   2006.   “Does Turnout Decline Matter?: Electoral Turnout and Partisan Choice in the 1997 Canadian Federal Election.”  Canadian Journal of Political Science 39 (2, June): 343-362.  [Website appendix]

Michael D. Martinez and Jeff Gill.  2005. “The Effects of Turnout on Partisan Outcomes in U.S. Presidential Elections 1960-2000.” Journal of Politics 67 (4, November): 1248-1274 [Website appendix]

Stephen C. Craig, Michael D. Martinez, James G. Kane, and Jason Gainous. 2005. “Core Values, Value Conflict, and Citizens’ Ambivalence about Gay Rights.Political Research Quarterly 58 (1, March): 5-17.

Michael D. Martinez. 2003. “Comment on ‘Voter Turnout and the National Election Studies’.” Political Analysis 11 (2, Spring): 187-192.

Dennis R. Hoover, Michael D. Martinez, Samuel Reimer, and Kenneth D. Wald. 2002. “Evangelicalism Meets the Continental Divide: Moral and Economic Conservatism in the United States and Canada.” Political Research Quarterly 55 (2, June): 351-374.

Stephen C. Craig, James G. Kane, and Michael D. Martinez. 2002. “Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut, Sometimes You Don’t: Citizens’ Ambivalence about Abortion.” Political Psychology 23 (2, June): 285-301. [website appendix]

Kenneth D. Wald and Michael D. Martinez. 2001. “Jewish Religiosity and Political Attitudes in the United States and Israel.” Political Behavior 23 (4, December): 377-397.

Stephen C. Craig, Michael D. Martinez, and James G. Kane. 1999. “The Structure of Political Competition: Dimensions of Candidate and Group Evaluation Revisited.” Political Behavior 21 (4, December): 283-304.

Michael D. Martinez and David Hill. 1999. “Did Motor Voter Work?American Politics Quarterly 27 (3, July): 296-315.

Michael D. Martinez and Michael J. Scicchitano. 1998 . “Who Listens To Trash Talk?: Education and Public Media Effects on Recycling Behavior.” Social Science Quarterly 79 (2, June): 287-300.

Michael D. Martinez. 1997. “Don’t Tax You, Don’t Tax Me, Tax the Fella Behind the Tree: Partisan and Turnout Effects on Tax Policy.” Social Science Quarterly 78 (4, December): 895-906.

Michael D. Martinez. 1992. “The Effects of Congressional Role on the Vote Decision: A Case Study.” Southeastern Political Review 20 (2, Fall): 245-268.

Michael D. Martinez. 1990. “Partisan Reinforcement in Context and Cognition: Canadian Federal Partisanships, 1974-1979.” American Journal of Political Science 34 (3, August): 822-845.

Michael D. Martinez and Michael M. Gant. 1990. “Partisan Issue Preferences and Partisan Change.” Political Behavior 12 (3, September): 243-264.

Michael D. Martinez and Tad Delegal. 1990. “The Irrelevance of Negative Campaigns to Political Trust.” Political Communication and Persuasion 7: 25-40.

Stephen C. Craig and Michael D. Martinez. 1989. “Perceived Choice and Institutional Support: Limits to Rational Partisanship,” Polity 21 (3, Spring): 606-618.

Michael D. Martinez. 1989. “Gubernatorial Tickets in Primary Elections, 1983-1986,” State and Local Government Review 21 (2, Spring): 84-87.

Michael D. Martinez. 1988. “Political Involvement and the Projection Process,” Political Behavior 10 (2, June): 151-167.

Michael D. Martinez. 1984. “Inter-Generational Transfer of Canadian Partisanships,” Canadian Journal of Political Science 17 (1, March): 133-143.

Chapters in Books

Michael D. Martinez.  2014.  “Turning Out or Tuning Out?  Electoral Participation in Canada and the United States.”  In David Thomas and David Biette (eds.), Canada and the United States: Differences That Count. (Fourth Edition. Toronto: University of Toronto Press). Chapter 7. Pp. 142-162.

Michael D. Martinez, Jason Gainous, and Stephen C. Craig. 2012. “Measuring Ambivalence about Government.”  In Kathleen M. McGraw and  John Aldrich (eds.) Improving Public Opinion Surveys:  Interdisciplinary Innovation and the American National Election Studies. Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 14.

Stephen C. Craig and Michael D. Martinez.  2010. “Voter Competence.” In Stephen C. Craig and David B. Hill (eds.) The Electoral Challenge: Theory Meets Practice. 2nd edition. Washington: CQ Press. Chapter 4.

Michael D. Martinez. Forthcoming 2010.  “Why Is American Turnout So Low, and Why Should We Care?” In Jan E. Leighley (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of American Elections and Political Behavior. New York: Oxford University Press.  Chapter 7.

Michael D. Martinez.  2007.  “Turning Out or Tuning Out?  Electoral Participation in Canada and the United States.”  In David M. Thomas and Barbara Boyle Torrey (eds.), Canada and the United States: Differences That Count. (Third Edition. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press). Chapter 16, pp. 349-366.

Michael D. Martinez, Stephen C. Craig, and James G. Kane. 2005. “Pros and Cons: Ambivalence and Public Opinion.” In Craig and Martinez (eds.) Ambivalence and the Structure of Political Opinion. Chapter 1. pp. 1-13.

Stephen C. Craig, Michael D. Martinez, and James G. Kane. 2005. “Ambivalence and Response Instability: A Panel Study.” In Craig and Martinez (eds.) Ambivalence and the Structure of Political Opinion. Chapter 4. pp. 55-71.

Michael D. Martinez and Stephen C. Craig. 2005. “Preface.” In Craig and Martinez (eds.) Ambivalence, Politics, and Public Policy.   pp. xv – xviii

Jason Gainous and Michael D. Martinez. 2005. “What Happens When We Simultaneously Want Opposite Things? Ambivalence about Social Welfare.” In Craig and Martinez (eds.)  Ambivalence, Politics, and Public Policy. Chapter 3. pp. 47-62.

Michael D. Martinez, Stephen C. Craig, James G. Kane, and Jason Gainous. 2005. “Ambivalence and Value Conflict: A Test of Two Issues.” In Craig and Martinez (eds.) Ambivalence, Politics, and Public Policy. Chapter 4.  pp. 63-82.

Michael D. Martinez. 2000. “Turning Out or Tuning Out? Electoral Participation in Canada and the United States.” In David Thomas (editor), Canada and the United States: Differences That Count.  (Second Edition. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press). Chapter 9. pp. 211-228.

Michael D. Martinez. 1997. “Losing Canada? Generation X and the Constitutional Crisis.” In Stephen C. Craig and Stephen Earl Bennett (eds.). After the Boom: The Politics of Generation X. (Boulder, Colorado: Rowman and Littlefield). Chapter 8. pp. 145-166.

Norman R. Luttbeg and Michael D. Martinez. 1990. “Demographic Differences in Public Opinion, 1956-1984″ in Samuel Long (editor) Research in Micropolitics (Volume 3; Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press). pp. 83-117.

Stephen C. Craig and Michael D. Martinez. 1989. “Partisan Change in the American Electorate,” in Samuel Long (editor), Political Behavior Annual (Volume 2; Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press)  pp. 125-147.

Book Review

Avey, Michael J. (1989).  The Demobilization of American Voters:  A Comprehensive Theory of Voter Turnout.  (New York:  Greenwood Press).  Journal of Politics 53 (February, 1991): 240-43.

Recent Conference Papers and Working Papers

Michael D. Martinez. 2014.  “The Resurgent American Voter, 1996-2012.” Presented at the 2013 Meetings of the Southern Political Science Association (New Orleans).

Michael D. Martinez. 2013. “Turning Out or Tuning Out? Electoral Participation in Canada and the United States” Presented at the Biennial Conference of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States (Tampa).

Michael D. Martinez and James E. Keesling. 2013. “Waiting to Vote.”  Presented at the Electoral Integrity Project (Pre-APSA) Workshop, Chicago, IL (August 28, 2013).

Michael D. Martinez. “Macropartisanship in Florida.” Presented at the 2013 Meetings of the Southern Political Science Association (Orlando).

Michael D. Martinez. 2011. “The Bright Side and the Dark Side of Political Sophistication: Issue Voting and Race in the 2008 Presidential Election.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Seattle) and the 2012 Southern Political Science Association meetings. (New Orleans).

Michael D. Martinez and Stephen C. Craig.  2010. “Dick Cheney? Didn’t He Shoot Somebody?  Measuring Political Knowledge in the 2008 American National Election Study.” Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Washington) and the 2011 Southern Political Science Association meetings. (New Orleans).

Michael D. Martinez. 2009. “The Resurgent American Voter, 1988-2008.” Presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Toronto) and the 2010 Annual Meetings of the Southern Political Science Association (Atlanta).

Michael D. Martinez. 2009. “Battleground Voters: Issues, Race, and Retrospective Evaluations in Florida 2008“. Presented at the Annual Meetings of the Southern Political Science Association (New Orleans).

David Hill and Michael D. Martinez. “The Interactive Effects of Electoral Reform, Competitiveness and Age on Turnout.” Presented at the 2008 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Boston).

Michael D. Martinez. “Voters and Nonvoters in Canadian Federal Elections.” Presented at the 2008 Annual Meetings of the Canadian Political Science Association (Vancouver, BC).

Michael D. Martinez, Jason Gainous, and Stephen C. Craig.  “Measuring Ambivalence about Government in the 2006 ANES Pilot Study.”  Presented at the 2007 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Chicago).   ANES Pilot Study Report, No. nes011905.

Michael D. Martinez, Kenneth D. Wald, and Stephen C. Craig.  “Homophobic Innumeracy?  Estimating the Size of the Gay and Lesbian Population.”  Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Philadelphia).

Craig, Stephen C., Jason Gainous, and Michael D. Martinez.   “Political Trust and Support for Social Welfare: The Role of Ambivalence.”  Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Philadelphia).

Michael D. Martinez.  “If Turnout Is So Low, Why Do So Many People Say They Vote?” Paper presented at the 2006 Annual Meetings of the Southern Political Science Association (Atlanta).

Michael D. Martinez and David Hill.  “Was the Joke on the Democrats Again?: Registration, Turnout, and Partisan Choice in the 2004 Presidential Election.”  Paper presented at the 2005 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Washington).

Michael D. Martinez. “Does Turnout Decline Matter? Electoral Turnout and Partisan Choice in Britain.”  Presented at the 2005 Annual Meetings of the Southern Political Science Association (New Orleans).

Stephen C. Craig, Michael D. Martinez, Jason Gainous, and James G. Kane. “Winners, Losers, and Perceived Mandates: Voter Explanations of the 1998 Gubernatorial and 2000 Presidential Elections in Florida.”  Paper presented at the 2004 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Chicago). Recipient of the Best Paper Award presented by the APSA Organized Section on State Politics and Policy.

Michael D. Martinez, Stephen C. Craig, and James G. Kane.  “Information and Voting: A Panel Study.” Paper presented at the 2001 Annual Meetings of the American Political Science Association (San Francisco).

Michael D. Martinez and Gretchen M. MacMillan.  “A Joint Distance Learning Course in American Government.”  Paper presented at the 1998 Meetings of the American Political Science Association (Boston).

Non-refereed articles

Michael D. Martinez. 2009.  “Battleground Voters: Partisanship, Issues, and Retrospective Evaluations in Florida 2008.Florida Focus 5 (2, May).

Michael D. Martinez, Lee Sigelman, Mary E. Guy, and Randolph C. Horn.  2004.  “Symposium on ‘How to Get and Keep Your Academic Job.’”  Florida Political Chronicle 15 (1, Spring): 57-63.