Milan Savoury, M.S.

Graduate Instructor and Doctoral Candidate/ Counseling Psychology Department

Areas of Interest/Research

Romantic Relationships, Healthy Sexuality,  Sexual Assault Victims, Dysfunctional Sexual beliefs, and Gender


Milan attended the University of Florida for her B.S. in Psychology, her B.A. in Women’s Studies, and her M.S in Counseling Psychology. She is a doctoral candidate under her advisor and mentor, Dr. Laurie Mintz and an Advanced Practicum Counselor at the Counseling and Wellness Center. She has served as a Graduate Teaching Assistant for the undergraduate courses: General Psychology (Fall 2017), Psychology of Women (Spring 2018), General Psychology Online (Fall, 2018), Psychology of Human Sexuality (Spring, 2019), and Developmental Psychology (Summer B, 2020). She was the Instructor for Psychology of Human Sexuality (Spring and Fall, 2020).

Contact Information

Office: PSY 269