Gay & Lesbian Politics

Time and Location

M W F 2-3, Anderson 031


Description and Goals

This course examines the dynamics of modern lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) politics in American politics. The course provides an overview of the state of protections and legal status for LGBTQ Americans, and then proceeds to address how each American institution influences public policy. This course looks at federal, state and local institutions in order to get a more extensive understanding of the current state of LGBTQ protections and legal battles that exist in the United States.


The primary learning objectives are for students to:

    • Understand the historical and cultural background that underlines much of the political debates in current politics.
    • Develop an understanding of how American political institutions can, and at times have, influenced public policy for the LGBTQ community.
    • Evaluate and critically examine the future of LGBTQ protections from an American and global standpoint.



Final Grades

Final grades are posted on E-learning.


Grading Scale

Overall course percent Grade
90% – 100% A
88% – 89.9% A-
86% – 87.9% B+
80% – 85.9% B
78% – 79.9% B-
76% – 77.9% C+
70% – 75.9% C
68% – 69.9% C-
66% – 67.9% D+
60% – 65.9% D
58% – 59.9% D-
57.9% or less E

Attendance and Late Policy

Students are expected to attend classes. No formal attendance record will be kept, but participation accounts for 10% of the overall grade and can only be earned while in attendance. Exceptions are only made for students that have university excused absences.