
Berlin 2022




Research Interests:
  • Culture, politics, and institutions (including subaltern and micro-level state-society relations & society and institutions, comparative and international)
  • Religion and politics (comparative and international)
  • Judicial institutions (comparative and international judicial institutions; judicial-executive relations; and civil-domestic and human-international rights, freedom of religion, and women’s rights)
  • Qualitative methods, research design, field methods, observations, and political ethnography
  • Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Israel, Arab-Jewish Relations, and Palestinians; and Asian perspectives and popular (e.g., mass market) film
University of Michigan Press, May, 2022. Edited by Simone Raudino and Patricia Sohn.  (Introductory chapter by Patricia Sohn and Simone Raudino.)
Substantially revised Second Edition with full dataset of national survey of women’s movement volunteers. SUNY Press, 2017.
First Edition. SUNY Press, 2008.














Editor, E-textbook. Kendall Hunt, Higher Education series, 2017.