SEALS 2025

South Eastern Logic Symposium 2025

University of Florida, March 1-2, 2025

With colloquium talks on Friday February 28 and Monday March 3.

General Information

The Southeastern Logic Symposium (SEALS) series provides a forum for logicians to meet on a regular basis. It has traditionally been a unique venue for set theorists, computability theorists, and other logicians to interact, facilitating conversation between different fields of mathematics. The weekend meetings are held annually in the beginning of March at University of Florida.

SEALS 2025 is planned as an in-person conference at University of Florida. There will be three plenary talks and parallel special session talks in set theory and computability.


The plenary speakers and supported participants should be in contact with our secretary Margaret Somers regarding your accommodation. Reimbursement checks will be sent out after the conference (this will likely take 3-4 weeks to process).

Regardless of reimbursement status, every participant will be charged a USD20 conference fee upon registration to cover refreshment expenses.

If you plan to stay over for a couple of days after the conference, please make arrangements with Margaret and inform the organizers as well about your stay details.


Organizers: Dana BartošováRobin Tucker-Drob, Jindřich Zapletal, Doug Cenzer

Please contact Margaret Somers ( for fiscal and accommodation matters.


The conference is supported by NSF award DMS 2401437, the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences of University of Florida, the mathematics department of University of Florida, and the office of research of University of Florida.

Plenary Speakers:

Clinton Conley, Carnegie Mellon University
Matthew Harrison-Trainor, University of Illinois Chicago
Paul Larson, Miami University, Ohio__

Friday, February 28: 3pm Colloquium, preceded by tea at 2:30pm

In the Atrium of Little Hall (the large room in the middle of the 3rd floor of the math department):
Keng Meng Ng, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. “The algorithmic aspects of continuous mathematics”
After the colloquium all are invited to join for dinner starting at 5:30pm at Tinker Latin Restaurant located at 502 S Main St, Gainesville, FL 32601. (1.1 mile walk from the UF math department and 1.3 mile walk from the AC Hotel.)
If anyone needs to get in contact with an organizer:
Zapletal’s cell: +1 352-256-5796
Tucker-Drob’s cell: +1 347-513-3421

Directions to the party:
From the hotel, take US441 (13th Street) south for 18 miles. You will pass the town of Micanopy after 12 miles. Once you get to the town of Mc Intosh, there will be blinking yellow lights above the road, the intersection with Ave. G (State Route 320). Turn right (west). It is the second house on the right, with a row of tall palm trees in front. Park anywhere on grass.
Address: 20600 NW 10th Street, Mc Intosh FL32664
Phone: 352-256-5796

Sunday, March 2, 9am Plenary Talk is moved to LIT 121

Confirmed Speakers:
Jason Block, CUNY
Wesley Calvert, Southern Illinois University
David Gonzalez, UC Berkeley
Emma Gruner, Penn State University
Valentina Harizanov, George Washington University
Gabriela Laboska , University of Chicago
Ang Li, University of Wisconsin
Patrick Lutz, UC Berkeley
Don Stull, University of Chicago
Java Darleen Villano, University of Connecticut
Set Theory:
Katalin Berlow, UC Berkeley
Azul Fatalini, University of Muenster
Michel Gaspar, Miami University, Ohio
Elliot Glazer, Epoch AI
Jacob Kowalczyk, University of Florida
Antoine Poulin, McGill University
Spyridon Petrakos, University of Münster
Luke Serafin, Cornell
Assaf Shani, Concordia University
Michael  Wolman, Caltech


Abstracts: abstracts (pdf).

Schedule: schedule (pdf). All talks will be in the mathematics building, Little Hall. 

Local Information

There are plenty of new restaurants along W. University Ave. The downtown is a fine 20-minute walk in the east direction along 2nd Ave, with a great choice of mediocre restaurants and cafes once you get there.

Restaurants, lunch:

4th Ave Food Park:  A few different options for food, including Humblewood fire (bagels), Satch Squared (detroit style pizza, and also waffles), Fehrenbacher’s (artisan sausages and other meats; they have sandwiches and more), Sublime Tacos (tacos).  There’s also a bakery and a coffee truck. 409 SW 4th Ave

Dick Mondell’s: Burgers & Fries. It’s just across the street from 4th ave food park. 412 SW 4th Ave

Midpoint Park: Park with food trucks. 931 SW 2nd Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601

The Bistro has closed.

Chipotle: you will survive. 1432 W University Ave, Phone: (352) 372-5330

Just Salad: a decent recent salad bar option. 1404 W University Ave, Phone: (866) 673-3757

Restaurants, dinner:

Blue Gill: great Southern food. 1310 SW 13th St, Phone: (352) 872-5181. A long walk, USD25.

Satchel’s Pizza: A very good pizza place with a cult following, 1800 NE 23rd Ave, Phone: (352) 335-7272. Drive, USD25, no reservations.

The Top: American diner with many vegetarian options. 30 N Main St, Phone: (352) 337-1188. Downtown, a long walk, USD25, make sure to call ahead.


Pascal’s: A Christian study center with good coffee. 112 NW 16th St, Phone: (352) 377-5480. They close early. Walk.

Opus: Nitro and a continual stream of cat videos. 800 SW 2nd Ave, Phone: (352) 262-0348. Walk

Concord: The closest option. 1380 W University Ave, Phone: (561) 312-3974

There is Starbucks in Library West and in Norman Hall, both walkable.


First Magnitude Brewing Company: No food, but endless variety of beer on tap next to the best Gainesville brewery. Highly recommended. 1220 SE Veitch St, (352) 727-4677.


People watch the sunrise and sunset along US441 on Payne’s Prairie, just as you leave the town and cross the wide-open swamp. The sunset is at 6:08pm on Saturday. There is also a boardwalk there.

Butterfly Rainforest. Mostly indoors, great variety and number of butterflies in all stages of their lives. 3215 Hull Rd, Florida Museum of Natural History, 352-846-2000. On campus, but you have to drive. Admission USD12.