
  1. A new minimal excludant for overpartitions (with Aritram Dhar and Avi Mukhopadhyay), in preparation
  2. New symmetries for overpartition rank and crank generating functions (with Frank Garvan), in preparation
  3. Combinatorial interpretations of cranks of overpartitions and partitions into odd distinct parts (with Frank Garvan), submitted, [arXiv]
  4. Bailey pairs, radial limits of q-hypergeometric false theta functions, and a conjecture of Hikami (with Jeremy Lovejoy), submitted, [arXiv]
  5. Transformation and symmetries for the Andrews-Garvan crank function, submitted, [arXiv]
  6. New symmetries for Dyson’s rank function (with Frank Garvan), Ramanujan Journal (2024), [DOI] [arXiv]
  7. An application of the Jacobi Triple Product, proposed by G. E. Andrews and M. Merca, Problems and Solutions, The American Mathematical Monthly130(8) (2023), 765–778, [DOI]
  8. Generalization of the Extended Minimal Excludant of Andrews and Newman (with Aritram Dhar and Avi Mukhopadhyay), Journal of Integer Sequences, 26, Article No. 23.3.7 (2023), [journal link] [arXiv]
  9. On a Euler Ramanujan formula, Dirichlet series and minimal surfaces (with Rukmini Dey and Rahul Kumar Singh), Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), 130, Article No. 61 (2020), [journal link] [arXiv]