MAT6932 Fall 2013 Section 5536
An introduction to current research topics in analysis, including function theory, operator theory, operator algebras, and symplectic geometry, with topics to be determined by student and faculty interests. In addition to the introduction to current research trends in analysis, goals of the course include developing mathematical presentation skills.
Scott McCullough 490 Little Hall 392.0281×258 Office hours M 5, W 6, and F 4, or by appointment.
Grades will be based upon classroom participation and several presentations of either original research or material from research articles or specialized books.
Attendance is recommended.
The course will be conducted in accordance with the University honor code and academic honesty policy, which can be found in the student guide (
Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.
Two seminars and one problem session per week with topics to be determined by student and faculty interest. |