

MAC2311 Syllabus
Fall 2018 Section 16FH

Course Content and Objectives
The Calculus was initially developed by Newton and Leibniz in the 17th century to mathematically describe physical phenomena. It is now ubiquitous in science, engineering, economics and finance. MAC2311 introduces the main themes of calculus. Namely, limits, continuity, the derivative, the integral and the fundamental theorems of calculus, which link the latter two. Obtaining a firm conceptual understanding of these themes, as well as competency in using the concomitant computational tools, are objectives of this course. An understanding of and appreciation for applications of the calculus is also a goal.

A command of precalculus (both algebra and trigonometry) is assumed. Students must be able to do arithmetic without a calculator.

The text, openstax Calculus Volume 1-3.1, is available freely online.

Suggested Problems
Selected problems from the text will be assigned on a daily basis.

There will be 12 quizzes each worth 10 points. The lowest two scores will be dropped (in lieu of make-ups) for a quiz total of 100 points.

There will be three exams each worth 100 points. The final exam will serve as a make-up.

    Exam 1 Tuesday 25 September.
    Exam 2 Tuesday 30 October.
    Exam 3 Tuesday 4 December.
    Make-up Wednesday 12 December, 8-9 pm.

A course total (out of 400) will be computed by adding the exam scores and homework score. Grades will then be assigned according to the (percentage) scale: 90 A; 87 A-; 83 B+; 80 B; etc.

UF policy on assigning grade points.

Attendance is recommended.

Academic Honesty
The course will be conducted in accordance with the University honor code and academic honesty policy, which can be found in the student guide (

Accommodation for students with disabilities
Students requesting classroom accommodation must first register with the Dean of Students Office. The Dean of Students Office will provide documentation to the student who must then provide this documentation to the Instructor when requesting accommodation.

Tentative weekly schedule

Weeks 1-3. Functions.
Weeks 4-7. Limits
Weeks 8-10. Differentiation.
Weeks 11-13. Applications.
Weeks 14-16. Integration.