Doctorates by Year
Alex Elchesen
- Advisor: Peter Bubenik
- Title: Universality of the Wasserstein Distances and Relative Optimal Transport
John Streese
- Advisor: Frank Garvan
- Title: Rank and Crank Identities and Relationships to Quasi-Modular Forms
Yuxin Zhou
- Advisor: Jindrich Zapletal
- Title: Coloring Isosceles Triangles in Choiceless Set Theory
Jamie Scott
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: LS-Category and the Topological Complexity of Maps
Yi Gu
- Advisor: Advisor: Lei Zhang
- Title: Degree Counting Theorems and Blow-Up Analysis for Singular Liouville Systems
Joshua Smith
- Advisor: Libin Rong
- Title: Modeling the Impact of Broadly Neutralizing Antibody Therapy on Chronic HIV Infection
Mahya Agahee
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: An Unconstrained Optimization Approach to Singular Control Problems
Richard Krogman
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Injection Structures Specified by Finite State Machines
Paul Schwartz
- Advisor: Kevin Keating
- Title: Galois Scaffolds and Galois Module Structure for Certain Totally Ramified Extensions of Local Fields
Nicole Tuovila
- Advisor: Scott McCullough
- Title: Automorphisms of Free Spectrahedra
Nikola Milicevic
- Advisor: Peter Bubenik (co-advisor Kevin Knudson)
- Title: An Algebraic Approach for Topological Data Analysis
Christie Mauretour
- Advisor: Bill Hager
- Title: Improved Solutions to the Vertex Separator Problem Based on the Optimality Conditions
Robert Furguson
- Advisor: Vincent Vatter
- Title: Notes on Lettericity
Andrew Kriehn
- Advisor: Richard Crew
- Title: Using Valuations to Compute Regular Models of Hyperelliptic and Trigonal Superelliptic Curves
Michael Engen
- Advisor: Vincent Vatter (co-adviser Miklos Bona)
- Title: Universal Combinatorial Structures
Andrew Latham
- Advisor: Alexander Turull (co-adviser Kevin Keating)
- Title: The Pi-Submaximal Subgroups of Simple Groups
Nicholas Sizemore
- Advisor: Burton Singer (co-adviser James Keesling)
- Title: A Multiscale Stochastic Model of Statewide HLB Spread in Florida
Thomas Winckler
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Some Results Using Weak Axioms Of Choice
John Hester
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer (co-adviser Jindrich Zapletal)
- Title: Novel Methods for First Order Automated Theorem Proving
Endrit Fejzullahu
- Advisor: Kevin Keating
- Title: Eisenstein Polynomials of Certain Wildly Ramified Extensions
Mike Binder
- Advisor: Sergei Pilyugin
- Title: Model of a Co-Circulation of Two Vector Borne Diseases (Zika / Dengue)
James Diffenderfer
- Advisor: Bill Hager
- Title: An Active Set Method for Nonlinear Programming
Parker Edwards
- Adivsor: Peter Bubenik
- Title: A New Palette for Persistence Landscapes
Alexander Wagner
- Advisor: Peter Bubenik
- Title: Embedding, Approximating, and Visualizing Persistence Modules
Trevor Davila
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: Infinite-Dimensional Coarse Geometry of Groups and Spaces
Ruyue Yuan
- Advisor: Murali Rao (Co-advisor Vincent Vatter)
- Title: Portfolio Optimization with No Short-selling and a Time Consistent Solution
Nowell, Jason
- Advisor: Michael Jury
- Title: Denjoy Wolff Sets for Analytic Maps on the Polydisk
Shahrtash, Hossein
- Advisor: Alexander Turull
- Title: The Implications of Conjugacy Class and Rational Class Sizes for the Structure of Finite Groups.
Goswami, Ankush
- Advisor: Krishnaswami Alladi
- Title: Some Problems in Analytic Number Theory
Smith, Darby
- Advisor: Scott McKinely
- Title: An exploration and analysis of molecular motor protein models
Pfeffer, Douglas,
- Advisor: Michael Jury
- Title: Szego and Widom Theorems for Finite-Codimensional Subalgebras of a Class of Uniform Algebras
Copenhaver, Keith
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: Distance Statistics in Rooted Trees
Gruber, Alexander
- Advisor: Kevin Knudson
- Title: Inference and Classification of Symmetry in Point Clouds
Lacey Johnson
- Advisor: Kevin Knudson
- Title: Discrete Morse Theory on the Loop Space of S^2
Augat, Meric
- Advisor: Scott McCullough
- Title: The Free Grothendieck Theorem
Pantangi, Venkata Raghu
- Advisor: Peter Sin
- Title: Smith and Critical Groups of Graphs
Chen, Chenxi
- Advisor: Yunei Chen
Khonthapagdee, Subhorn
- Advisor: Sergei Pilyugin
- Title: Models of Crowding Effect on Phytoplankton Competition for Nitrogen
Van Duzer, Anthony
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: Vertices of Rooted Trees, and Their Distance from the Closest Leaf
Betthauser, Leo
- Advisor: Peter Bubenik
- Title: Topological Data Analysis of Digital Images
Hocutt, Jeremiah
- Advisor: Paul Robinson
- Title: Twisted Duality in Various Clifford Structures
Li, Xianqi
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Fast First-Order Optimization Methods with Applications to Inverse Problems
Saucier, Chase
- Advisor:Paul Robison
- Title: Strict Contactomorphisms of Hyperquadrics
Vallejo, Celeste
- Advisor: James Keesling
- Title: Some Techniques for Analyzing Stochastic Models with Application to Epidemiology
Wijesooriya, Udeni
- Advisor: Scott McCullough
- Title: Finite Rank Isopairs
Kim, Yena
- Advisor: Maia Martcheva
- Title: On the Principle of Host Evolution in Immuno-Epidemiological Models
Dey, Agnish
- Advisor: Murali Rao
- Title: Collapsing of Non Homogeneous Markov Chains
Uncu, Ali
- Advisor: Alexander Berkovich
- Title: Some Topics in Q-Series and Partitions
Amarsinghe, Ashwini
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: On Acyclicity Properties of Complements of Subsets in the Hilbert Cube
Zhang, Wei
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Accelerated Bundle Level Type Methods for Large Scale Convex Optimization
Hiller Joshua.
- Advisor: James Keesling.
- Title: On Some Variations of the Multistage Model of Carcinogenesis
Adams, Francis
- Advisor: Jindrich Zapletal
- Title: Anticliques in Borel Graphs on Polish Spaces and Computable Ultrahomogeneous Structures
Borchering, Rebecca
- Advisor: Scott McKinley
- Title: Population Thresholds and Disease Ecolog
Cyr, Christopher
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: On S-Semipermutable Subgroups of Simple Groups
Milliken, Evan
- Advisor: Sergei Pilyugin
- Title: Metapopulation Models of Infectious Salmon Anemia
Molnar, Todd
- Advisor: Krishnaswami Alladi
- Title: On the Local Distribution of Small Prime Factors of Integers
Zhang, Hao
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Modeling and Algorithm of Information Sharing in Inverse Problem
Saucedo, Omar
- Advisor: Miai Martcheva
- Title: Mathematical Modeling of Avian Influenza
Ward, Larie
- Advisor: Mike Jury
- Title: Shift Operators on Hilbert Spaces Arising from Trees Shift Operators on Hilbert Spaces Arising from Trees
Russo, Ben
Advisor: Scott McCullough
Title: Lifting Theorems for Tuples of 3-Isometric and 3-Symmetric Operators with Applications
Sharpe, Nick
- Advisor: Jonathan King
- Title: A Z2 Construction of a K-Automorphism That Commutes with a Rank-1 Transformation
Wiggins, Liz
- Advisor: Peter Sin
- Title: On Certain Weyl Modules and Simple Modules for Algebraic Groups of Type B and D
Zhu, Jiajie
Advisor: William Hager
Title: Efficient Sparse Optimization Algorithms: Designing Non-Convex and Distributed Algorithms for Machine Learning and Engineering Applications.
Gray, Daniel
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: Bounds on the Lengths of Restricted Superpatterns
Pantone, Jay
- Advisor: Vince Vatter
- Title: Structural Analysis of Permutation Classes
Severa, William
- Advisor: Philip Boyland
- Title: Geometric Representations of the Infimax S-Adic Family
Srinivasan, Tulsi
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: The Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category of Peano Continua
Torres, Juan Carlos
- Advisor: Maia Martcheva
- Title: Dynamics of Low and High Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Birds
Basabe, Ibai
- Advisor: Yuli Rudyak
- Title: Advancing Topological Robotics: Topological Complexities of Robot Motion Planning
Jefferson, Aziza
- Advisor: Vince Vatter
- Title: The Substitution Decomposition of Matchings and RNA Secondary Structures
Jennings-Shaffer, Christopher
- Advisor: Frank Garvan
- Title: Analytic and Arithmetic Properties of Smallest Parts Partition Functions and Generalizations
Patane, Frank
- Advisor: Alexander Berkovich
- Title: On Representations by Positive Definite Binary and Ternary Quadratic Forms
Meng, Liu
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Modeling and Algorithms for Compressive Magnetic Resonance (MR) Image Reconstruction
Gulbudak, Hayriye
- Advisor: Maia Martcheva
- Title: Modeling Culling and Vaccination in Poultry with Application to Avian Influenza.
Yashtini, Maryam
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: Fast TV-Regularized Large-Scale and Ill-Conditioned Linear Inversion with Application to Partially Parallel Imaging.
Homberger, Cheyne
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: Patterns in Permutations and Involutions, a Structural and Enumerative Approach.
Broschinski, Adam
- Advisor: Scott McCullough
- Title: Eigenvalues of Self-Adjoint Toeplitz Operators with Respect to a Constrained Algebra
Gluck, Mathew
- Advisor: Lei Zhang
- Title: Blow-up Analysis and Classification Theorems for Solutions to Semi-linear Elliptic Equations
Huynh, Duc
- Advisor Kevin Keating
- Title: Problems on Finite Extensions of Local Function Fields
Homberger, Cheyne
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: Patterns in Permutations and Involutions, a Structural and Enumerative Approach
Lauderdale, Lindsey-Kay
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: Maximal Subgroups of Finite Groups
Li, Jie
- Advisor: Bill Hager
- Title: Multiset Graph Partitioning
Stetler, Eric
- Advisor: Scott McCullough
- Title: Multiplication Operators on Hilbert Spaces of Dirichlet Series
Shi, Jiangli
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Statistical Dependence Measure Based Multi-Model Image Registration and Registration Assisted Non-Parametric Image Segmentation
Stupiansky, Jillian
- Advisor: Sergei Pilyugin
- Title: Mathematical Modeling of Citrus Greening
Zhang, Haili
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Mathematical Modeling for Image Segmentation and Restoration
Guo, Ying
- Advisor: Lei Zhang
- Title: Energy Estimates and Harnack Type Inequalities for Prescribing Curvature Type Equations with Boundary Conditions
Feng, Wei
- Advisor: Bill Hager
- Title: Charge Transport Analysis for Lightning
Hou, Hongyan
- Advisor: Bill Hager
- Title: Convergence Analysis of Orthogonal Collocation Methods for Unconstrained Optimal Control
James Hungerford
- Advisor: Bill Hager
- Title: The Vertex Separator Problem and Edge-Concave Quadratic Programming
Jessica (Langebrake) Inman
- Advisor: Patrick DeLeenheer
- Title: Examples of Reaction-Diffusion Equations in Biological Systems: Marine Protected Areas and Quorum Sensing
Lee, Jo Ann
- Advisor: Jed Keesling
- Title: A Simulation Model for the Spread of Citrus Greening via Transmission between Flush Shoots and Diaphorina Citri
Mico-Umutesi, Delphine
- Advisor: Bill Hager
- Title: Estimating the Violation of the KKT Conditions
Newton, Robert
- Advisor: Yuli Rudyak
- Title: On Lusternik-Schnirelmann Category of Connected Sums
Ouyang, Yuyuan
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Optimal First Order Methods for a Class of Non-Smooth Convex Optimization with Applications to Image Analysis
Richards, Trevor
- Advisor: Michael Jury
- Title: On Level Curves and Conformal Equivalence of Meromorphic Functions
Jacobsen, Karly, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Sergei Pilyugin
- Title: A Mathematical Model for Tumor Therapy with a Fusogenic Oncolytic Virus
Kutsak, Sergii, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: Essential Manifolds with Extra Structure
Lee, Jin-Seop, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Image registration by using statistical information
Luery, Kristen, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Michael Jury
- Title: Composition Operators on Hardy Spaces of the Disk and Half-Plane
Maissen, James, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: James E. Keesling
- Title: Extensions of Group Actions and the Hilbert-Smith Conjecture
Raney, Lee, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: Idempotent Elements in Blocks of p-Solvable Groups
Rosenfeld, Joel, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Michael Jury
- Title: Classes of Densely Defined Multiplication and Toeplitz Operators with Applications to Extensions of RKHS’s
Toska, Ferit, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Effective Symbolic Dynamics and Complexity
Wyman, Sebastian, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Closed Sets, Continuous Functions, and Symbolic Dynamics in the Arithmetic Hierarchy
Posirca, Iulia, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Bregman Metrics and Their Applications
Browne, Cameron, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Sergei Pilyugin
- Title: Two Extensions of a Classical Within-Host Virus Model
Castillo-Gil, Miriam, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Michael Jury
- Title: Functions of Positive Real Part of the Unit Ball of a Normed Space
Chen, Fuhua, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Multiphase Image Segmentation Based on Intensity Statistics: Modeling and Applications
Gregus, Jan, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Summers Stephan
- Title: Geometric Modular Action in 5-Dimensional Minkowski Space
Brennan, Joseph, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: Classification of Certain Families of Finite P-Groups
Prosper, Olivia, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Maia Martcheva
- Title: Modeling Heterogeneities in Malaria
Shao, Anqi, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Liqing Yan
- Title: A Fast and Exact Simulation for CIR Process
Sun, Pengyi, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Liqing Yan
- Title: Liquidity Risk Measurement and Management
Zuhr, Erica, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Jay Gopalakrishnan
- Title: A Generalized Keller-Segel Model
DeRoy, Swati, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Maia Martcheva
- Title: Hepatitis C Infection in the Human Liver: Viral Dynamics, Treatment and Related Side-Effects
Bhattacharya, Souvik, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Maia Martcheva
- Title: Oscillations in a Size-Structured Prey Predator Model
Gentimis, Athanasios, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: Properties of Groups at Infinity
Ledis, Dennis, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Louis Block
- Title: Semi-Conjugacies to Tent Maps, Transitivity and Patterns, and Inverse Limit Spaces
Ndangali, Remy Friends, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Sergei Shabanov
- Title: Electromagnetic bound states in the radiation continuum and second harmonic generation in double arrays of periodic dielectric structures
Ducey, Joshua, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Peter Sin
- Title: Problems in Algebraic Combinatorics
Sankarpersad, Ryan, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Liqing Yan
- Title: Optimal Investment and Consumption Portfolio Choice Probem for Assets Modeled by Levy Processes
Ye, Xiaojing, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Mathematical Models and Fast Numerical Algorithms in Medical Image Analysis
Harrington, Jason, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Philip Boyland
- Title: Topological Efficiency of Stirring with Obstacles
Balasubramanian, Sriram, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Scott McCullough
- Title: The Non-Commutative Caratheodory-Fejer Problem.
Smith, Aaron, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Philip Boyland
- Title: Using Ulam’s Method to Test for Mixing
Debhaumik, Anales, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: Hidden Subgroup Problem
Fisher, Andrew, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Paul Robinson
- Title: Hyperlink Manifolds
Morofushi, Yuri, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Richard Crew
- Title: P-Adic Theory of Exponential Sums on the Affine Line
Oh, Minah, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Jay Gopalakrishnan
- Title: Efficient Solution Techniques for Axisymmetric Problems
Phan, Dung, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: Topics in Global Optimization: Ellipsoidal Bisection, Graph Partitioning and Sparse Reconstruction
Luo, Jiangtao, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: Functional Mapping of Dynamic Systems
Arslan, Ogul, Ph.D. in July
- Advisor: Peter Sin
- Title: Some Algebraic Problems from Coding Theory
Tan, Shuguang, Ph.D. in July
- Advisor: Jayadeep Gopalakrishnan
- Title: Iterative Solvers for Hybridized Finite Element Methods
Bonner, Timothy, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: The Characters and Commutators of Finite Groups
Yang, Yong, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: Orbits of the Actions of Finite Solvable Groups
Dashti, Ali, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Effective Symbolic Dynamics
- URL:
Nguyen, Hung Ngoc, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Pham Tiep
- Title: Representations of Finite Groups of Lie Type
- URL:
Coleman, Micah, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: Asymptotic Enumeration in Pattern Avoidance and in the Theory of Set Partitions and Asymptotic Uniformity
- URL:
Sabuwala, Adnan, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Shari Moskow
- Cochair: Jay Gopalakrishnan
- Title: Convergence Study of Spectrally Matched Grids in the Presence of Non-Smooth Data and Anisotropy
- URL:
Venkataraman, Prabhu, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Richard Crew
- Title: The 2-Lien of a 2-Gerbe
- URL:
Brodhead, Paul, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Computable Aspects of Closed Sets
- URL:
Zeng, Qingguo, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Diffusion Weighted Magnetic Resonance Image Analysis and Medical Image Registration
Strich, Robert, Ph.D. in November
- Advisor: Stephen Summers
- Title: Passive states and essential observers in algebraic quantum field theory
- URL:
Zheng, Xiqiang, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Andrew Vince
- Cochair: Gerhard Ritter
- Title: Efficient Fourier transforms on hexagonal arrays
- URL:
Aslan, Beyza Çalışkan, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: Continuous approach to the lightning discharge
- URL:
Chen, Pengwen, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Cochair: Murali Rao
- Title: Bregman metrics and their applications
- URL:
Guo, Weihong, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Medical image segmentation and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance image analysis
- URL:
Liu, Juan, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Murali Rao
- Title: Information theoretic content and probability
- URL:
Smith, Justin I., Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: Discrete groups from a coarse perspective
- URL:
Turygin, Yuri A., Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: Borsuk-Ulam property of finite group actions on manifolds and applications
- URL:
Keeran, Willard S., Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Sergei Pilyugin
- Title: Coexistence in a feedback-mediated chemostat
- URL:
Zahnen, Jeffrey A., Ph.D. in November
- Advisor: Bernard Mair
- Title: Penalized maximum likelihood methods in emission tomography
- URL:
Bhat, Yermal Sujeet, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Shari Moskow
- Title: A Multiscale Analysis of PDE Modeling Voltage Potential
- URL:
Nenciu, Adriana, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: Characters of Finite Groups
- URL:
Zhang, Hongchao, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: Gradient Methods for Large-Scale Nonlinear Optimization
- URL:
Tweddle, J. Christopher, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Minimization of Linear Growth Functionals of Measure
- URL:
Gray, Peter, Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: Nicolae Dinculeanu
- Title: The Predictable Projection and the Predictable Dual Projection of a Two Parameter Stochastic Process
An, Jung-ha, Ph.D. in November
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Cochair: David Groisser
- Title: Various Methods in Shape Analysis and Image Segmentation and Registration
Jakimovik, Slagjana, Ph.D. in July
- Advisor: James E. Keesling
- Cochair: Louis Block
- Title: On the Classification of Inverse Limit Spaces of Tent Maps
- URL:
Thiruvenkadam, Sheshadri, Ph.D. in July
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Cochair: David Groisser
- Title: Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and Variational Methods Applied to Medical Image Analysis
Kozinski, Jason, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Abstract Bilinear Integration and Applications
Rojas-Rebolledo, Diego, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: William J. Mitchell
- Title: Approximations to the Strength of ODA-determinancy and Applying Determinacy to Porosity
Huang, Shu-Jen, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: Multiscale Discretization of Electric-Field Equations
Smith, Rebecca, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: Combinatorial Algorithms Involving Pattern Containing and Avoiding Permutations
- URL:
Warren, Daniel, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: Optimizing the Packing Behavior of Layered Permutation Patterns
- URL:
Sheu, Yuan-Chyuan, Ph.D. in February
- Advisor: Jindrich Zapletal
- Title: Partition Properties and Halpern-Lauchli Theorem on the Cmin Forcing
Melikohov, Sergey, Ph.D. in November
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: Geometry of Link Invariants
- URL:
Huang, Feng, Ph.D. in September
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Applications of Variational PDE Models in Medical Image Processing
- URL:
Uddin, Zia, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Structures Subject to Space Complexity
Carrera, Ricardo, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Jorge Martinez
- Title: Operators on the Category of Archemedean Lattice-Ordered Groups
Griffiths, William, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Miklos Bona
- Title: On Integer Solutions to Systems of Linear Equations
Zenk, Eric, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Jorge Martinez
- Title: Subset Systems and Generalized Distributive Lattices
Sadykov, Rustam, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: Singularities of Smooth Maps
- URL:
Wunderli, Thomas, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Partial Differential Equations Based Image Processing
Mocialca, Oana, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Nicolae Dinculeanu
- Title: Additive Summable Processes and Their Stochastic Integral
- URL:
Bell, Gregory, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Alexander Dranishnikov
- Title: Asymptotic Dimension of Groups
- URL:
Lokvancic, Mahir, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Murali Rao
- Title: Semigroup Perturbations of Martingales
- URL:
Ssembatya, Vincent, Ph.D. in November
- Advisor: James E. Keesling
- Title: Homeomorphisms of Knaster Continua
- URL:
Lataille, Jeffrey, Ph.D. in October
- Advisor: Peter Sin
- Title: The Elementary Divisors of Incidence Matrices between Certain Subspaces of a Finite Symplectic Space
- URL:
Bodmann, Bernhard, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: John Klauder
- Title: Berezin-Toeplitz Quantization by Wiener-Regularized
- URL:
Krishnamoorthy, Vishwanath, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Helmut Voelklein
- Title: Invariants of Binary Forms
- URL:
Riazati, Farzan, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: On the Lattice of Pi-0-1 Classes
- URL:
White, Richard, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Stephen Summers
- Title: An Algebraic Characterization of Minkowski Space
- URL:
Shaska, Tanush, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Helmut Voelklein
- Title: Curves of Genus Two Covering Elliptic Curves
- URL:
Tomerlin, Andrew, Ph.D. in October
- Advisor: Scott McCullough
- Title: Representation and Realization of Bounded Holomorphic Functions Defined on a Polydomain
- URL:
Yi, Tae-il, Ph.D. in July
- Advisor: Beverly L. Brechner
- Title: A Classification of Tree and Application of Topology and Graph Theory to Neurosurgery
- URL:
De la Cruz, Omar, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: William J. Mitchell
- Title: Three Topics in Set Theory: Finiteness and Choice, Cardinality of Compact Spaces, and Singular Jonsson Cardinals
- URL:
Swearingen, Michael, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: Joseph Glover
- Title: The Risk-Spread Option in a Potential Theoretic Framework
- URL:
Chastain, Stacey, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Yunmei Chen
- Title: Geometric Evolution Equations
- URL:
Zapata, Jaime, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: The Generalized Matrix Product and Fast Fourier Transform for Permutohedral Aggregates
- URL:
Vanderbilt, Amy, Ph.D. in February
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Common Derivations in Locally Determined Nonmonotonic Rule Systems and Their Complexity entitle
- URL:
Brask, David Aaron, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Joseph Glover
- Title: Arbitrage Pricing of Several New Exotic Options: The Partial Tunnel and Get-Out Options
Van, Tri Pham Minh, Ph.D. in July
- Advisor: Gang Bao
- Title: Approximation Methods in Fiber Optics
Leaning, Jeffrey S., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: William J. Mitchell
- Title: Disassociated Indiscernibles
Florig, Martin, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Stephen Summers
- Title: Geometric Modular Actions
Kimber, Chawne M., Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Jorge Martinez
- Title: Prime Ideals in Rings of Continuous Functions
Park, Soon Chul, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: A Continuous Quadratic Programming Approach to Two-set Graph Partitioning
Chastain, Scott, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Paul Robinson
- Title: Geometric Quantization on Symplectic Tori
Bereczky, Aron, Ph.D. in November
- Advisor: John Thompson
- Title: On the Density of Generating Pairs in Finite Projective Special Linear Groups and Projective Symplectic Groups of Odd Characteristic
Carroll, Raymond, Ph.D. in October
- Advisor: Bernard Mair
- Title: An Orthogonal Series Approach to Positron Emission
Clancy, Robert, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Scott McCullough
- Title: Homological Algebra of Hilbert Spaces Endowed with a Complete Nevanlinna Pick Kernel
Du, Zhaowei, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Alexandre Turull
- Title: Schur Indices of Projective Representations of Hyperoctahedral Groups
Krishnamurthi, Chithra, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: James E. Keesling
- Title: Self-Similar Sets in Complete Metric Spaces
McGovern, Warren G., Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Jorge Martinez
- Title: Algebraic and Topological Properties of C(X) and the F-topology
Muthu, Muthiah, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Nicolae Dinculeanu
- Title: The Stochastic Integral of Process Measures
Finn, Robert, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Jorge Martinez
- Title: Homological Features of Rings of Continuous Functions
Lone, Amjad, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Murali Rao
- Title: Generalized Poisson Distributions
Wang, Xibing, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Joseph Glover
- Title: A Construction of Multidimensional Reflected h-Brownian Motion
Moser, William Ray , Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Douglas Cenzer
- Title: Approximation Methods in Inductive Inference
Peterson, Kevin, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Neil White
- Title: The Stress Spaces of Bipartite Frameworks
Sussner, Peter, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: Morphological Decomposition Problems in Computer Vision
Underhill, Brandon, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Joseph Glover
- Title: Some Problems in Approximation Theory
Pulapaka, Hari, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Andrew Vince
- Title: Non-Revisiting Paths and Cycles in Polyhedral Maps
Crosby, Frank J., Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: Maxpolynomials and Morphological Template Decomposition
Shih, Chun-Liang, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: Active Set Strategy in Optimization
Valaristos, Antonio, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Louis Block
- Title: Period Doubling Patterns and Equicontinuity Iterates in One-dimensional Dynamics
Daniels, Frank Emmett, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Krishnaswami Alladi
- Title: The Rank Parity Function of Srinivasa Rammanujan
Jamieson, Michael W., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Rick Smith
- Title: Set Theory with a Universal Set
Li, Lin, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Integration in Locally Convex Spaces
Reti, Zoltan, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Krishnaswami Alladi
- Title: Five Problems in Combinatorial Number Theory
Dowd, Michael Francis, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Peter Sin
- Title: Some 1-Cohomology Computations for Groups of Lie Type of Rank 4 in Characteristic 3
Radas, Sonja, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Chat Yin Ho
- Title: PSL(3,q) as a Totally Irregular Collineation Group
Sarmah, Purandar, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: William Hager
- Title: Application of Eigenvalue Sensitivity and Eigenvector Sensitivity in Eigencomputations
Griffin, Kristine L., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Chat Yin Ho
- Title: PSL(2,q) Acting Totally Irregularly on Finite Projective Planes
Lee, Joo Sung, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Beverly L. Brechner
- Title: Hilbert-Smith Conjecture and Prime End Theory on 3-Manifolds
Song, Renming, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Joseph Glover
- Title: Feynman-Kac Semigroups with discontinuous Additive Functionals, Gauge Theorems, and Applications to Dirichlet Problems
Yang, Yongzhi, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Andrew Vince
- Title: A Counting Formula for Edge Reconstruction of Graphs
Sikic, Hrvoje, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Murali Rao
- Title: Superprocesses
Zhu, Huizia, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: The Generalized Matrix Product and Its Applications in Signal Processing
Burkett, John C., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Arun K. Varma
- Title: On Some Problems of Interpolation and Approximation Theory
Dhavakodi, Salai T., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Krishnaswami Alladi
- Title: On the Parity of the Number of Some Prime Factors of Integers
Woodward, Scott David, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Jorge Martinez
- Title: On Commutative f-Rings Which Are Rich in Idempotents
Gu, Xiao-Ping, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Albert Fathi
- Title: Hausdorff Dimension of Some Invariant Sets
Basavaraj, Udai, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Neil White
- Title: Screw Theory and Lie Groups: The Two Faces of Robotics
Kitto, Cyrus L., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: David A. Drake
- Title: Some Problems in Blocking Sets
Kitto, Wei Z., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: David C. Wilson
- Title: An Isomorphism Theorem Between the Extended Generalized Balanced Ternary Numbers and the p-Adic Integers
Reinke, Edward, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Integration of Locally Convex Valued Functions
Li, Shihai, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Louis Block
- Title: Chaos, Recurrence and Inverse Limit Spaces
Manseur, Zohra Z., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: Decomposition and Inversion of Convolution Operators
Fujimoto, Ichiro, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Gerard G. Emch
- Title: CP-Convexity and its Applications
McMillan, Timothy, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Neil White
- Title: Invariants of Antisymmetric Tensors
Vondracek, Zoran, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Murali Rao
- Title: Special classes of Excessive Functions Satisfying Harnack’s Principle
Davidson, Jennifer, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: Lattice Structures in the Image Algebra and Applications to Image Processing
Bartolomeo, Jerry, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Roberto Triggiani
- Title: Uniform Stabilization of the Euler-Bernoulli Equation with Active Dirichlet and Non-Active Neuman Boundary Feedback Controls
Neal, David, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Optional Stochastic Integration in Hilbert Space with Applications to Nuclear Spaces
Lindsey, Charles, Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Nicolae Dinculeanu
- Title: Two-Parameter Stochastic Processes with Finite Variations
Choudury, Gilbert, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Irena Lasiecka
- Title: Fully Discrete Galerkin Approximately of Parabolic Boundary Value Problems with Nonsmooth Boundary Data
Davis, Steven, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Single Valued and Set Valued Integrals in Locally Convex Spaces
Gader, Paul, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: Image Algebra Techniques for Parallel Computations of the Discrete Fourier Transform and General Linear Transforms
Howell, Gary, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Arun K. Varma
- Title: Error Bounds for Polynomial and Spline Interpolation
Sousa, Michael, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Set Valued Integrals
Chang, Sung Kay, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Irena Lasiecka
- Title: Riccati Equations for Nonsymmetric and Nondissipative Hyperbolic Systems with L2-Boundary Controls
Kurihara, Eiji, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: James E. Keesling
- Title: Essential Families, Mappings in Dimension Theory and Hereditarily Infinite Dimensional Spaces
Mason, Dorothy Alice, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: David C. Wilson
- Title: Open Mappings and Dimensions
Toledo Manzur, Juan Antonio, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Beverly L. Brechner
- Title: Finite and Compact Actions on Chainable and Tree-Like Continua
Wijesinha, Alexander Leonard, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Minimal Class Theorems in Measure Theory
Dow, Stephen J., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: David A. Drake
- Title: Partial Projective Planes
Kenoyer, David B., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Jorge Martinez
- Title: Generalization of Ideal Theory
Mayer, John C., Ph.D. in May
- Advisor: Beverly L. Brechner
- Title: Embeddings of Plane Continua and the Fixed Point Property
Hsieh, Lienzu L., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Convergence Theorems for Vector Integrals
Livada, Panos E., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: S. S. Chen
- Title: Domains of t-Holomorphy on a Banach Space
Johnson, Carolyn R., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: A. R. Bednarek
- Title: An Integer Valued Hausdorff Like Metric
Osteen, Robert E., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: A. R. Bednarek
- Title: Algebras of Covers
Turman, Eleanor G., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Mark L. Teply
- Title: Supplementary Semilattice Sums of Rings
Boyles, Stephanie M., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: A Counter-Example to the Bounded Orbit Conjecture
Winslow, Alicia B., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: James E. Keesling
- Title: Compacta in the Stone-Cech Remainder of Rn
Winslow, David G., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Gerhard X. Ritter
- Title: Periodic Homeomorphisms on S2×(0,1) and R3
Chen, Raymond, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: Vasil M. Popov
- Title: Output Feedback Stabilization of Linear Systems
Howorka, Edward R., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: S. M. Ulam
- Title: On Discrete Metrics and Betweenness Relations
Smith, Robert W., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Convergence Theorems for Abstract Asymptotic Martingales
Davis, Danny Nevin, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Mark L. Teply
- Title: The Prime Discriminant Factorization of Discriminants of Algebraic Number Fields
Hsieh, John-Tien, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Mark P. Hale
- Title: Fusion of p-Elements in Symmetric Groups
Quesada Rettschlag, Antonio, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Mark L. Teply
- Title: Properties of Twisted Semigroup Rings
Yamamoto, Yutaka, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Rudolf E. Kalman
- Title: Realization Theory of Infinite-Dimensional Linear Systems
Riddle, Fay A., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: A. R. Bednarek
- Title: Bivariegated Graphs and Their Isomophism
Carter, P. H., Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: R. Daniel Mauldin
- Title: An Improvement of the Poincaré-Birkhoff Fixed Point Theorem
Yoon, Yong Joon, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: Vasil M. Popov
- Title: Stability of an Infinite System of Differential Equations
Limsui, E., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Vector Integration in Tensor Product Spaces and Compactness in Lebesque-Type Spaces
Sontag, Eduardo D., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Rudolf E. Kalman
- Title: On the Internal Realization of Polynomial Response Maps
Hwang, Rong Chfoo, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: Charles P. Luehr
- Title: Projection Operator Method for the SU(2), Clebsch Gordan Coefficients and Map of Even Spin-Tensors into Tensors and Functions on Euclidean 3-Space in the Theory of SU(2)
Barnhardt, J. B., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Kermit N. Sigmon
- Title: Distributive Topological Groupoids
Sanders, Esther Lee Kinsley, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: A. R. Bednarek
- Title: Independent Sets and Tree Structures
Felt, James E., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: James E. Keesling
- Title: Some Contributions to Shape Theory
Hu, Hung-Tzaw, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Kermit N. Sigmon
- Title: Continuum Semigroups with Midunit
Keppler, Karl J., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: E. Shult
- Title: Centralizers of Involutions and Doubly Transitive Groups
Story, Donald P., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Tensor Products of Spaces of Measures and Vector Integration in Tensor Product Spaces
Bacon, Phyrne Y., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: David A. Drake
- Title: Coordinatized Hjelmslev Planes
Mills, Terry, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: Arun K. Varma
- Title: Some Problems in Approximation Theory
Chinda, Kewal Parkash, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: E. Shult
- Title: Structure Theory of Finite, Compact and Connected Semigroups
Fenrick, Maureen Helen, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: Mark L. Teply
- Title: Conditions under which all Preradicals are Torsion or Perfect Torsion Radicals
Witte, Franklin P., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Vector Measures and Stochastic Integration
Bronowitz, R., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: Mark L. Teply
- Title: Decomposition of Torsion Theorem
Todd, Aaron R., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Linear Baire Spaces and Analogs of Convex Baire Spaces
Ivey, George Edward, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Tensor Methods in the Representation of SU(2)
McGranery, Clark R., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Boundary Points in Real Topologicals Semigroup Acts
Anson, Dennis Raymond, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: A. R. Bednarek
- Title: Ordered Recursions
Goulding, Thomas L., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: G. E. Strecker
- Title: Regular Hereditary Subcategories
Hajek, Darrell Wayne, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: G. E. Strecker
- Title: Almost Hausdorff Extensions
Jewett, Robert Stanley, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Generalizations of the Vitali-Hahn-Saks and Nikodym Theorems
McDill, Jean Marie, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: G. E. Strecker
- Title: Categorical Embeddings and Linearizations
Walker, Harry D. , Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: James K. Brooks
- Title: Strongly Bounded, Finitely Additive Vector Measures and Weak Sequential Compactness
Crummer, Arthur, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: Philip Bacon
- Title: Topological Means
Wright, Reverdy Edmond, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: R. G. Selfridge
- Title: Finite Automata
Fay, Temple Harold, Ph.D. in March
- Advisor: G. E. Strecker
- Title: Relation Theory in Category
Robbie, Desmond Alexander, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Some Theorems on Binary Topological Algebras
Brooks, Burrow P., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: W. E. Clark
- Title: Corings in the Category of Rings
Chae, Younki, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Topological Multigroups
Maxwell, Stephen J., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: W. E. Clark
- Title: Certain Well-Factored Categories
Williams, Louis F. , Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: R. G. Selfridge
- Title: Computable Functions
Khuri, Andrawus I., Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Applications of Papkovitch Functions to Three Dimensional Thermo Elastic Problems
Smith, Linda Joe Wahl, Ph.D. in December
- Advisor: G. E. Strecker
- Title: Natural Compactification of Lattices
Norris, Eugene Michael, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: A. R. Bednarek
- Title: Some Structure Theorems for Topological Machines
Kellett, John Michael, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: W. E. Clark
- Title: A Torsion Theory for Modules Over Rings Without Identities
Spears, William Thomas, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: W. E. Clark
- Title: On the Global Dimension of Categories of Diagrams
Shershin, Anthony Connors, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Results Concerning the Schutzenberger-Wallace Theorem
Rho, Jae Chul, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: Zoran R. Pop-Stojanovic
- Title: Spectra on Generalized Dunford Integral
Asadulla, Syed, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Title: On the Existence of a Primative (Properly or Improperly) Ternary Quadratic Form Associated with a Given Determinant
Bondelid, Myron Anton, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: Optimization Theory for Multivariate Regression Analysis of Satellite and Space Navigation Systems
Choe, Tae Ho, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Compact Topological Lattices
Martin, Charles Karter, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: W. E. Clark
- Title: Distinguished Rings of Linear Transformations
Richardson, Robert Lee, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: F. M. Sioson
- Title: Topological m-Groups
Sigmon, Kermit Neal, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Topological Means
Borrego, Joseph Thomas , Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: On Borusk’s Paste Job and Related Topics
Greechie, Richard Joseph, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: David J. Foulis
- Title: Orthomodular Lattices
McWaters, Marcus Mott , Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: A. R. Bednarek
- Title: Cohomology for Normal Spaces
Santos, Alicia Hidalgo, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: John E. Maxfield
- Title: A Noncontaminating Iterative Process for Determining the Zeros of a Polynomial
Bevis, Jean Harwell, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: David J. Foulis
- Title: Quantifiers and Dimension Equivalence Relations on Orthomodular Lattices
Catlin, Donald Edward, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: David J. Foulis
- Title: Implicativity and Irreducibility in Orthomodular Lattices
Lin, Shwu-Yeng Tzeng, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Relations on Spaces
LeVan, Marijo O’Connor, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: John E. Maxfield
- Title: Generalized Totients over Certain Classes of n-Square Matrices
Day, Jane Maxwell, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: W. L. Strother
- Title: The Compact Open Topology for a Space of Relations and Certain Monotone Relations Which Preserve arcs, Pseudocircles and Trees
Lin, You-Feng, Ph.D. in April
- Advisor: A. D. Wallace
- Title: Theorems on Topological Semigroups
Hatfield, Francis C., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: H. A. Meyer
- Title: Root-Powering of Polynomial Equations
Duncan, Donal Lee, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: R. W. Cowan
- Title: Orthogonal Polynomial Solutions of a Class of Sixth Order Linear Differential Equations
Yeung, Shiu-Fong, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: The Use of Complex Variables for Obtaining the Stresses Near a Notch Bounded by a Circular Arc
Beverage, David Gavin, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Title: On the Representation of Integers by Positive Ternary Quadratic Forms
Fay, Edward Allen, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: John E. Maxfield
- Title: An Enumeration of the Sets of Non-Interfering Arithmetic Progressions with Specified Periods
Cundiff, Joyce Coleman, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: R. W. Cowan
- Title: Confluent Cases of Second Order Linear Differential Equations with Four Singular Points
Hare, William Ray , Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: John E. Maxfield
- Cochair: J. W. Gaddum
- Title: Projective Convexity
Furman, Walter Laurie, Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: F. W. Kokomoor
- Title: Mathematical Research in Latin American Universities
Kenelly, John Willis , Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: W. R. Hutcherson
- Title: An Involution of Period Seventeen
Tilley, John Leonard , Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: Stress Distribution of a Rotating Limacon
Hutcherson, Paul Henry, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: The Use of Complex Variables for Solving Certain Elasticity Problems Involving Intersecting Boundaries
Meux, John Wesley, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: R. W. Cowan
- Title: Orthogonal Polynomial Solutions of a Class of Fourth Order Linear Differential Equations
Frank, Stanley, Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: W. R. Hutcherson
- Title: Certain Cyclic Involutory Mappings on Hyperspace Surfaces
Bridgland, T. F. , Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: F. W. Kokomoor
- Title: Linear Filters on a Sequence Space
Crowson, Henry Lawrence, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: R. W. Cowan
- Title: A Study of a Linear Ordinary Second Order Differential Equation with Five Regular Singular Points
Muwafi, Amin A., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Title: On Pairs of Diophantine Equations
Allen, Wade Lee, Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: John Moore
- Title: Complex Groups
Robert, Leonidas Howard, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: Effect on an Elliptic Disk of Orthotropic Material on the Stress Distribution in an Orthotropic Plate
Thoro, Dmitri Elias, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Title: On the Representation of Integers by Indefinite Ternary Quadratic Forms
Andrus, Jan Frederick, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Cochair: A. T. Butson
- Title: Partially Ordered Ideal Preserving Groups
Greiner, John Williams, Ph.D. in February
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Title: Problem on Pellian Equation
Wilson, James Blake, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: On Orthotropic Circular Disk Subjected to it’s Own Weight When Supported at a Point
Yates, Richard Lee, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Title: On Waring’s Problem with Cubic Functions
Hajab, Wasfi, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: Application of Papkovitch Functions to 3-D Problems of Elasticity
Neff, John David, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: R. W. Cowan
- Title: A Study of Heun’s Differential Equation
Neff, Mary Muskoff, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: R. G. Blake
- Title: On Lattice-Ordered Rings
Lytle, Ernest James , Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: H. A. Meyer
- Title: The Determination of Some Distributions for Which the Midrange is an Efficient Estimator of the Mean
Gephart, Landis S., Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: H. A. Meyer
- Title: A Study of the Effect of Non-Normality on Sampling Distributions of the Range
Horton, Thomas Roscoe, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Title: On the Equivalence of Quadratic Forms
Bagley, Robert Walter, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: David Ellis
- Title: The Topolattice and Permutation Group of an Infinite Set
Childress, Noel Arthur, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: W. R. Hutcherson
- Title: Surfaces Obtained from Involutions Generated by Homographics of Periods Three, Five, and Thirteen
Patterson, Paul Bryan, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: E. H. Hadlock
- Title: Almost Regular Forms
Lehman, Alfred Baker, Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: David Ellis
- Title: On Metric Lattices
Morse, Walter Priest, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: F. W. Kokomoor
- Title: An Analysis of the Development of Celestial Navigation
Low, Emmett Francis , Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: Vertical Loading on a Straight Boundary of an Orthotropic Plate
Blake, Robert George, Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: The Solution of Certain Problems of Plane Strain in Laminated Orthotropic Structures by Means of Polynomials
Gormsen, Svend Theodore, Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: W. R. Hutcherson
- Title: Maps of Certain Algebraic Curves Invariant Under Cyclic Involutions of Periods Three, Five and Seven
Sprinkle, H. D., Ph.D. in January
- Advisor: David Ellis
- Title: Topology in B-Metric Spaces
English, Julius Clyde, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: Stress Concentrations in Infinite Orthotropic Plates
Morelock, James Crutchfield, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: W. R. Hutcherson
- Title: Invariants with Respect to Special Projective Transformations
Young, John William, Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: R. W. Cowan
- Title: Non-Classical Orthogonal Polynomials
Conkling, Randall Murray, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: David Ellis
- Title: On Metric Algebras
Findley, George Bernard, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: The Effect of Certain Types of Small Holes on the Stresses in Uniformly Loaded Isotropic Plate
Walters, Kenneth C., Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: Effect of Uniform Displacement on the Stress Distribution of a Wood Plate
Miller, William G., Ph.D. in August
- Advisor: C. G. Phipps
- Title: The Mathematics of Production and Consumption in a Static Economy
Owens, Alvin Jewel, Ph.D. in June
- Advisor: C. B. Smith
- Title: Effect of a Rigid Elliptic Disk on the Stress Distribution in an Orthotropic Plate