(2015) Masculine Virtue in Early Modern Spain. Ashgate Publishing: Aldershot, EnglandReviewed in:Forum for Modern Language Studies: The Journal of Literary, Cultural and Linguistic Studies from the Middle Ages to the Present (University of St Andrews, Scotland, U.K.) January 2016Fernando Rodríguez Mansilla, Oro de Indias (May 23 2016).Christian Pastorelli, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research 22.1(Jul 2016): 111-113. |
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Book Chapters
(2015) “Twisting the Trope: Refiguring the Work of Wedlock in Baroque Spanish Women’s Writing.” Perspectives on Early Modern Women in Iberia and the Americas: Studies in Law, Society, Art and Literature in Honor of Anne J. Cruz. Ed. María Cristina Quintero and Adrienne Martín. Burlington, Vt.: Escribana Books. 220-234.
(2013) “(Des)cifrando voluntades: Códigos de la masculinidad en la corte austríaca española.” Sociabilidad y literatura en el Siglo de Oro. Ed. Mechthild Albert. Madrid and Frankfurt: Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica 84. 203–217.
(2005) “La dama duende in Light of Borges’s ‘El Zahir’.” Studies in Honor of John Jay Allen. Ed. Michael McGrath. Newark DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 37–53.
(2001) “Women and the novela de cortejo”. Zayas and Her Sisters Vol. 2. Eds. Judith Whitenack and Gwyn Campbell. Global Publications, Binghamton, NY. 141–158.
(1994) “Ungilding Spain’s Golden Age.” Tainted Greatness: Antisemitism and Cultural Heroes. Ed. Nancy Harrowitz. Philadelphia: Temple UP. 75–90.
Peer-Reviewed Articles
(2017) “The Spectacle of War in Cervantes’s La Numancia.” Bulletin of the Comediantes. 6607 words. In press.
(2014) “Compromiso y distancia en «La Venus de Ferrara» de Mariana de Carvajal Saavedra.” Edad de Oro XXXIII, 351-364.
(2013) “The Dancing of an Attitude: Inconstancy as Masculine Virtue in Lope de Vega’s El perro del hortelano.” Comedia Performance 10. 93–118.
(2011) “Metageography and Empire in The Second Part of Don Quixote” Annals of Scholarship 19.3. 83–106.
(2011) “Gracián Dantisco and the Culture of Secrecy in Hapsburg Spain.” Ingenium: Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología en Historia de las Ideas 5. Web. 55–75.
(2001) “Rhyme and Reason: Verse Interpolation in Golden Age Prose Fiction.” Caliope: Journal of the Society for Renaissance and Baroque Hispanic Poetry 7. 93–110.
(1999) “Juan Pérez de Montalbán’s ‘Not–So–Terrible Mothers’.” Romance Languages Annual 11. 412–416.
(1998) “The Paper Key: Money as Text in Miguel de Cervantes’s ‘El celoso extremeño’ and José de Camerino’s ‘El pícaro amante’.” Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 18.1. 96–123.
(1995) “The Romance of Courtesy: Mariana de Caravajal’s Navidades de Madrid.” Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 19.2. 241–261.
Review Essays
(2017) “Novels and Narratives: Chapter 11 of Reserch Companion: Early Modern Spanish Women Writers. Ed. Anne J. Cruz and Nieves Baranda Leturio. Aldershot UK: Ashgate Publications. 9,879 words. In Press
(2017) “Novelas y narrativas de mujeres en la España de la temprana Edad Moderna. Chapter 11 of Spanish Edition of Reserch Companion: Early Modern Spanish Women Writers. Ed. Anne J. Cruz and Nieves Baranda Leturio. Trans. Claudia Costagliora. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED) University Press (10,440 words). In Press.
Theater and Book Reviews
Rev. of From Body to Community: Venereal Disease and Society in Baroque Spain by Cristián Berco. U Toronto P, 2016. Bulletin of Spanish Studies. (2017, in progress) .
Rev. of Las dos bandoleras by Lope de Vega. Dir. Marc Rosich and Carme Portaceli. Comedia Performance. Comedia Performance Vol 3, No 1, Spring 2016, pp. 212-217.
Rev. of Tiempos del «Quijote» by Francisco Rico. Barcelona: Acantilado, 2012. Crítica Bibliográfica (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona) 22 (December 2013). Web. 825 words.
Rev. of A Companion to Spanish Women’s Studies. Eds. Xon de Ros and Geraldine Hazbun. Tamesis, 2011. Romanische Forschungen 125 no. 4 (2013): 587–589.
Rev. of Refiguring Authority: Reading, Writing and Rewriting in Cervantes by E. Michael Gerli. South Atlantic Review 61.4 (Fall 1996): 115, 116.
Rev. of The Tradition of the Novela in Spain by Yvonne Yarbro–Bejarano. Modern Language Notes 109.2 (Spring 1994): 311–313.