Things in Motion: Object Itineraries in Anthropological Practice, ed. by Rosemary A. Joyce and Susan D. Gillespie. Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research Press. 2015
Archaeology Is Anthropology, edited by S. D. Gillespie and D. L. Nichols. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association No. 13. 2003
Beyond Kinship: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies, edited by R. A. Joyce and S. D. Gillespie. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2000
The Aztec Kings: The Construction of Rulership in Mexica History. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1989
Winner of the 1990 Erminie Wheeler-Voegelin Prize awarded by the American Society for Ethnohistory
2016 Re-issued in the Century Collection, University of Arizona Press
Spanish translation: Los reyes aztecas: la construcción del gobierno en la historia mexica. Stella Mastrangelo, trans. Colección América Nuestra, No. 40. Mexico City: Siglo XXI. 1993
Place and Person at Pre-Hispanic Teotihuacan. International Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 5(5):1-14. 2024
DOI: 10.56734/ijahss.v5n5a1
An Archaeological Evaluation of the Olmec “Royal Tombs” at La Venta, Mexico by Susan D. Gillespie and Michael Volk. Ancient Mesoamerica 34:640-669. 2023. doi:10.1017/S0956536122000232
The Extended Person in Maya Ontology. Estudios Latinoamericanos (Sociedad Polaca de Estudios Latinoamericanos, Warsaw) 41:105-127. 2021
Clay: The Entanglement of Earth in the Age of Clay. In The Impact of Materials on Society ed. by Sophia Kryzs Acord, Kevin S. Jones, Marsha Bryant, Debra Dauphin-Jones, and Pamela S. Hupp, pp. 15-43. Gainesville, FL: LibraryPress@UF, George A. Smathers Libraries. 2021
Scrappers, Miners and Hunters. In The Anthropology of Precious Minerals, ed. by Andrew Walsh, Elizabeth Ferry, and Annabel Vallard, pp. 35-42. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. 2020
Journey’s End (?): The Travels of La Venta Offering 4. In Things in Motion: Object Itineraries in Anthropological Practice, ed. by Rosemary A. Joyce and Susan D. Gillespie, pp. 39-61. Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research Press. 2015
Making Things Out of Objects that Move, by Rosemary A. Joyce and Susan D. Gillespie. In Things in Motion: Object Itineraries in Anthropological Practice, ed. by Rosemary A. Joyce and Susan D. Gillespie, pp. 3-19. Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research Press. 2015
A 3d Model of Complex A, La Venta, Mexico, by Susan D. Gillespie and Michael Volk. Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage 1(3-4):72-81. 2014. DOI: 10.1016/j.daach.2014.06.001
Gendering the Hero Twins in the Popol Vuh. In Género y Arqueología en Mesoamérica: Homenaje a Rosemary A. Joyce, ed. by María J. Rodríguez-Shadow and Susan Kellogg, pp. 139-151. Mexico City: Centro de Estudios de Antropología de la Mujer. 2013
Early Monumentality in North America: Another Comparative Perspective for Africa. Azania: Archaeological Research in Africa 48(2):301-314. 2013
“El modelo de la “sociedad de casas” en la arqueología de la vida cotidiana.” [The House Society Model in the Archaeology of Daily Life] In VII Coloquio Pedro Bosch-Gimpera: Arqueologías de la vida cotidiana: espacios domésticos y áreas de actividad en el México antiguo y otras zonas culturales, edited by Guillermo Acosta Ochoa, pp. 21-48. Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City. 2012
El Modelo de la ‘Casa’ en la Estructura Política Maya. [The House Model in Maya Political Structure] In El Despligue del Poder entre los Mayas: Nuevos Estudios sobre la Organización Política, ed. by Ana Luisa Izquierdo de la Cueva, pp. 29-61. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 2011
Maya Memory Work Ancient Mesoamerica 21(2): 401-414. (Fall 2010 issue) copyright 2011 Cambridge University Press.
Inside and Outside: Residential Burial at Formative Period Chalcatzingo, Mexico. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 20(1):98-120. 2011
Archaeological Drawings as Re-Presentations: The Maps of Complex A, La Venta, Mexico. Latin American Antiquity 22(1):3-36. 2011
The People of the Cerro: Landscape, Settlement, and Art at Middle Formative Period Chalcatzingo” by David C. Grove and Susan D. Gillespie. In The Art of Urbanism: How Mesoamerican Kingdoms Represented Themselves in Architecture and Imagery, edited by William L. Fash and Leonardo López Luján, pp. 53-76. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks. 2009
Culturas Locales y Transformaciones Regionales: Investigación de la Socialidad Preclásica a través de su Materialidad. In Olmeca: Balance y Perspectivas: Memoria de la Primera Mesa Redonda, edited by María Teresa Uriarte and Rebecca B. González Lauck. Vol. 1, pp 125-131. Mexico City: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Instituto de Investigaciones Estéticas. 2008 (appeared in print 2009)
“Different Ways of Seeing: Modes of Social Consciousness in Mesoamerican Two-Dimensional Artworks.” Baessler-Archiv 55:103-142, Ethnologisches Museum, Berlin. 2008 (2007 issue) [file is too large for this website. Check]
“Embodied Persons and Heroic Kings in Late Classic Maya Sculpture.” In Past Bodies: Body-Centred Research in Archaeology, edited by Dušan Borić and John E. Robb, pp. 125-134. Oxford (UK): Oxbow Press. 2008
“Aspectos Corporativos de la Persona (Personhood) y la Encarnación (Embodiment) entre los Mayas del Periodo Clásico“. [Corporate Aspects of Personhood and Embodiment among the Classic Period Maya] Estudios de Cultura Maya 31:55-89. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City. 2008
“Pájaro-Serpiente” y la Gobernatura en Mesoamérica.” [Feathered-Serpent and Rulership in Mesoamerica] In Ideología política y sociedad en el periodo Formativo, Ensayos en homenaje al doctor David C. Grove, ed. by Ann Cyphers and Kenneth G. Hirth, pp. 371-392. Mexico City: Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 2008
“Chalcatzingo Monument 34: A Formative Period “Southern Style” Stela in the Central Mexican Highlands.” The PARI Journal 9(1):8-16. 2008
“History in Practice: Ritual Deposition at La Venta Complex A.” In Memory Work: Archaeologies of Material Practices, edited by Barbara J. Mills and William H. Walker, pp. 109-136. Santa Fe: School of Advanced Research Press. 2008
“The Architectural History of La Venta Complex A: A Reconstruction Based on the 1955 Field Records.” Foundation for Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. 2008.
“Blaming Moteuczoma: The Anthropomorphization of the Aztec Conquest.” In Invasion and Transformation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico, edited by R.P. Brienen and M.A. Jackson, pp. 25-55. Niwot: University Press of Colorado. 2008
“Toltecs, Tula, and Chichen Itza: The Development of an Archaeological Myth.” In Twin Tollans: Chichen Itza, Tula, and the Epiclassic to Early Postclassic Mesoamerican World, edited by C. Kristan-Graham and J. K. Kowalski, pp. 84-127. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks. 2007
“When is a House?” In The Durable House: House Society Models in Archaeology, ed. by R. Beck, pp. 25-50. Center for Archaeological Investigations Occasional Paper No. 35. Carbondale, IL. 2007.
“Is Archaeology Anthropology?” by D. L. Nichols, R. A. Joyce, and S. D. Gillespie. In Archaeology Is Anthropology, edited by S. D. Gillespie and D. L. Nichols. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association No. 13, pp. 3-13. 2003 Available on AnthroSource
“Teaching Archaeology as Anthropology.” In Archaeology Is Anthropology, edited by S. D. Gillespie and D. L. Nichols. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association No. 13, pp. 87-97. 2003. Available on AnthroSource
“Archaeology Is Anthropology,” by S. D. Gillespie, R. A. Joyce, and D. L. Nichols. In Archaeology Is Anthropology, edited by S. D. Gillespie and D. L. Nichols. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association No. 13, pp. 155-169. 2003. Available on AnthroSource
“Body and Soul among the Maya: Keeping the Spirits in Place.” In The Space and Place of Death, edited by H. Silverman and D. Small. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association, No. 11, pp. 67-78. 2002. Available on AnthroSource
“Middle Formative Domestic Ritual at Chalcatzingo, Morelos“, by D. C. Grove and S. D. Gillespie. In Domestic Ritual in Ancient Mesoamerica, edited by P. Plunket, pp. 11-19. Los Angeles: UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Monograph 46. 2002
“The Archaeology of Meaning.” In Social Sciences and Humanities, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems. EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK. 2003 (
“Las Flores en el Popol Vuh” by S. D. Gillespie and A. L. E. de MacVean. Revista Universidad del Valle de Guatemala 12 (Dec.):10-17. 2002
“Agency, Personhood, and Mortuary Ritual: A Case Study from the Ancient Maya.” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology. 2001
“Beyond Kinship: An Introduction.” In Beyond Kinship: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies, edited by R. A. Joyce and S. D. Gillespie. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2000
“Lévi-Strauss: Maison and Société à Maisons.” In Beyond Kinship: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies, edited by R. A. Joyce and S. D. Gillespie. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2000
“Maya “Nested Houses”: The Ritual Construction of Place.” In Beyond Kinship: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies, edited by R. A. Joyce and S. D. Gillespie. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 2000
“The Monuments of Laguna de los Cerros and Its Hinterland.” In Olmec Art and Archaeology in Mesoamerica, edited by J. E. Clark and M. E. Pye. Studies in the History of Art. Washington, DC: Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art. 2000
“Rethinking Ancient Maya Social Organization: Replacing ‘Lineage’ with ‘House.'” American Anthropologist 102. 2000
Winner of the 2002 Gordon R. Willey Award, given by the Archeology Division of the American Anthropological Association
“Olmec Thrones as Ancestral Altars: The Two Sides of Power. In Material Symbols: Culture and Economy in Prehistory, edited by J. E. Robb, pp. 224-253. Center for Archaeological Investigations, Occasional Paper No. 26. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University. 1999
“Deity Relationships in Mesoamerican Cosmologies: The Case of the Maya God L,” by. S. D.Gillespie and R. A. Joyce. Ancient Mesoamerica 9:279-296. 1998
“The Aztec Triple Alliance: A Postconquest Tradition.” In Native Traditions in the Postconquest World, edited by E. H. Boone and T. Cummins, pp. 233-263. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. 1998
“Gendered Goods: The Symbolism of Maya Hierarchical Exchange Relations,” by S. D. Gillespie and R. A. Joyce. In Women in Prehistory: North America and Mesoamerica, edited by C. Claassen and R. A. Joyce, pp. 189-207. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. 1997
Llano del Jícaro: un taller de monumentos olmeca. Arqueología (Revista de la Coordinación Nacional de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia), 16 (Jul-Dec 1996):29-42. Mexico City. 1997
“Llano del Jícaro: An Olmec Monument Workshop.” Ancient Mesoamerica 5: 231-242. 1994
Power, Pathways, and Appropriations in Mesoamerican Art.” In Imagery and Creativity: Ethnoaesthetics and Art Worlds in the Americas, edited by D. S. Whitten and N. E. Whitten, Jr., pp. 67-107. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1993
“Ballgames and Boundaries.” In The Mesoamerican Ballgame, edited by V. L. Scarborough and D. R. Wilcox, pp. 317-345. Tucson: University of Arizona Press. 1991
Minor Publications:
(Comment on) Relational Economies of Reciprocal Gifting: A Case Study of Exchanges in Ancient Maya Marriage and War, by Eleanor Harrison-Buck. Current Anthropology 62(5):586-587. 2021
(Comment on) Eventful Archaeology: The Place of Space in Structural Transformations by Robin Beck, et al. Current Anthropology 48:846-847. 2007
Teaching Archaeology: Preaching What We Practice. SACC Notes Fall-Winter 2000-2001, 7(2):14-14-17, 41-42. 2001
Family and Kinship. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, ed. by David Carrasco, pp. 393-396, vol. 1. Oxford University Press. 2001
Rulers and Dynasties. In The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures: The Civilizations of Mexico and Central America, ed. by David Carrasco, pp. 96-98, vol. 3. Oxford University Press. 2001
Archaeology: Research Design and Field Methods. In Archaeology of Ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, ed. by Susan Toby Evans and David L. Webster, pp. 26-30. New York: Garland Publishing. 2001
(Comment on) Playing with Power: Ballcourts and Political Ritual in Southern Mesoamerica, by John Gerard Fox. Current Anthropology 37(3):497-498. 1996
Book Reviews:
Anthropomorphic Imagery in the Mesoamerican Highlands: Gods, Ancestors, and Human Beings, edited by Brigette Faugère and Christopher S. Beekman. Journal of Anthropological Research 7:274-276. 2021
The Codex Mexicanus: A Guide to Life in Late Sixteenth-Century New Spain, by Lori Boornazian Diel. Journal of Anthropological Research 76(1): 105-106. 2020
Relational Identities and Other-Than-Human Agency in Archaeology, edited by Eleanor Harrison-Buck and Julia A. Hendon. American Antiquity 84(4):762-763. 2019
The Popol Vuh: A New English Version, translated from the K’iche’ by Michael Bazzett. Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature 34(2):285-290. 2019
Places of Power and Memory in Mesoamerica’s Past: How Sites, Toponyms and Landscapes Shape History and Remembrance, edited by Daniel Graña-Behrens. Anthropos (Germany) 113(2):728-730. 2018
Excavating Memory: Sites of Remembering and Forgetting, edited by Maria Theresia Starzmann and John R. Roby. American Antiquity 81(4):768-769. 2016
The Murals of Cacaxtla: The Power of Painting in Ancient Central Mexico, by Claudia Lozoff Brittenham. The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 73(1):94-96. 2016 DOI: 10.1017/tam.2016.8
Aztec Philosophy: Understanding a World in Motion, by James Maffie. The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 72:336-338. 2015
Ancestral Encounters in Highland Madagascar: Material Signs and Traces of the Dead, by Zoë Crossland. Journal of African Archaeology 13(1):115-117. 2015
Politics of the Maya Court: Hierarchy and Change in the Late Classic Period, by Sarah E. Jackson. Anthropos (Germany) 109(2):701-702. 2014
Death and the Classic Maya Kings, by James L. Fitzsimmons. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 20(2):270-271. 2010
Material Cultures, Material Minds: The Impact of Things on Human Thought, Society, and Evolution, by Nicole Boivin. American Anthropologist 112(1):156-157. 2010
The Tira de Tepechpan: Negotiating Place under Aztec and Spanish Rule, by Lori Boornazian Diel. Hispanic American Historical Review 90(1):143-144. 2010
Archaeologies of Materiality, ed. by Lynn Meskell. American Antiquity 73:170-171. 2008
Janaab’ Pakal of Palenque: Reconstructing the Life and Death of a Maya Ruler, ed. by Vera Tiesler and Andrea Cucina. Bulletin of Latin American Research (Journal of the Society for Latin American Studies, UK) 27(1):120-121. 2008
Pluralizing Ethnography: Comparison and Representation in Maya Cultures, Histories & Identities, ed. by John M. Watanabe and Edward F. Fischer. Bulletin of Latin American Research (Journal of the Society for Latin American Studies, UK) 25(1):146-148. 2006
Mesoamerican Archaeology, edited by Julia A. Hendon and Rosemary A. Joyce. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (UK) 11(1):145-146. 2005
Tikal: Dynasties, Foreigners, & Affairs of State: Advancing Maya Archaeology, ed. by Jeremy A. Sabloff. Bulletin of Latin American Research (Journal of the Society for Latin American Studies, UK) 23(3):393-395. 2004
Royal Courts of the Ancient Maya, Vol. 1: Theory, Comparison, and Synthesis, ed. by Takeshi Inomata and Stephen D. Houston. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (UK) 8(3):574-575. 2002
Archaeological Theory: An Introduction, by Matthew Johnson. American Antiquity 66:376-377. 2001
The Rabbit on the Face of the Moon: Mythology in the Mesoamerican Tradition, by Alfredo López Austin. Ethnohistory 45:387-388. 1998
Aztec and Maya Myths, by Karl Taube. Hispanic American Historical Review 75(1):90-91. 1995
Mesoamerican Writing Systems Propaganda, Myth, and History in Four Ancient Civilizations, by Joyce Marcus. Ethnohistory 41:484-485. 1994
The Codex Mendoza, ed. by Frances F. Berdan and Patricia Rieff Anawalt. American Anthropologist 95:1035-1036. 1993
Aztecs: An Interpretation, by Inga Clendinnen. Hispanic American Historical Review 72(3):418-419. 1992
Mesoamerican Dualism/Dualismo Mesoamericano, ed. by Rudolf van Zantwijk, Rob de Ridder, and Edwin Braakhuis. Ethnohistory 39:83-85. 1992
Mesoamerica’s Ancient Cities: Aerial Views of Precolumbian Ruins in Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras, by William M. Ferguson and Arthur H. Rohn. American Anthropologist 93:527-528. 1991
Las Unidades Domesticas del Preclásico Superior en la Mixteca Alta, by Nelly M. Robles García. American Antiquity 55(2):440. 1990
People of the Jaguar: The Living Spirit of Ancient America, by Nicholas J. Saunders. New Scientist 128(1743):58. 1990
Aztec Art, by Esther Pasztory. Archaeology 37(6):68-69. 1984
Indian Clothing Before Cortés: Mesoamerican Costumes from the Codices, by Patricia Rieff Anawalt. American Ethnologist 10(4):815-816. 1983