Editorial/calls for papers

I serve on the editorial boards of:

I am a guest editor for the following special issue and topical collection, both with open calls for papers!

  • Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (JCAM), https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/journal-of-computational-and-applied-mathematics, Guest Editor for Special Issue on: Scientific Computing on Complex Physical and Biological Systems
    • Short Description: This special issue is associated with a conference titled: Women in ScientificComputing on Complex Physical and Biological System held at UF in Fall, 2022. The workshop and special issue will focuson the computational challenges arising in numerical modeling and simulation of complex physicaland biological systems posed by: higher dimensions, higher orders, complex spaces, complexgeometries, nonlinearities, non-selfadjoint, multiscales, multi-physics and complex problems.
  • La Matematica (LAMA), https://www.springer.com/journal/44007, Guest Editor for Topical Collection on: Advances in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
    • This topical collection is co-edited by Jingwei Hu, Fengyan Li, and Sara Pollock. It aims to showcase recent advances in the field of numerical analysis and scientific computing. It will cover a wide spectrum of research topics including, but not limited to, mathematical modeling, numerical algorithm design, analysis, and implementation. It will also feature research articles that are of interdisciplinary nature, such as the interplay between ODE/PDE theory and numerics, optimization, numerical linear algebra, data science, etc. Work that connects disparate fields or that provides novel design and analysis of algorithms is particularly encouraged.
    • The submission instructions can be found on this page https://www.springer.com/journal/44007/updates/23692654.
    • Unlike a typical special issue, the topical collection is ongoing, and there is no hard deadline for submission. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach any of us. We look forward to your contributions!