
Some Publications in my main areas of interest (see my CV2024WiltshireForCLASWEbsite for more complete list)

World Englishes, especially Indian English(es)

  • Caroline Wiltshire. 2024. “Indian English: Accents and Attitudes”, International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics, Vol 53.2: 110-129.
  • Priyankoo Sarmah and Caroline Wiltshire. 2023. “Acoustic properties of the monophthongs of Assamese Indian English speakers”, World Englishes (first view), pp. 1-21. DOI:
  • Caroline Wiltshire and Priyankoo Sarmah. 2021 “Voicing contrasts in the stops of Indian English produced by Assamese speakers.” In Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics 179ASA, vol. 42, no. 1, p. 060003. Acoustical Society of America, 2021.
  • Caroline Wiltshire. 2020. “Uniformity and Variability in the Indian English Accents”, monograph for World English series in Elements, Cambridge University Press,
  • Caroline Wiltshire. 2017. “Emergence of the unmarked in Indian Englishes with different substrates”, book chapter for The Oxford Handbook of World Englishes, eds. Markku Filppula, Juhani Klemola, and Devyani Sharma, Oxford Press.pp. 599-620.
  • Caroline Wiltshire. 2015. “Dravidian varieties of Indian English”, in Studies on Indian Languages and Cultures (V.I. Subramoniam Commemoration Vol. II), G.K. Panikkar, B. Ramakrishna Reddy, K. Rangan, and B.B. Rajapurohit, eds., International School of Dravidian Linguistics: Thiruvananthapuram, pp. 49-63.
  • Caroline Wiltshire. 2014. “New Englishes and the Emergence of the Unmarked”, The Variability of Current World Englishes, Ed. by Eugene Green and Charles Meyer, Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 13-40.
  • Devyani Sharma & Caroline Wiltshire, 2012  “Continua and Clines in the development of New Englishes”, in Nevalainenen and Traugott, eds., The Oxford Handbook of the History of English, New York: Oxford University Press, pp.1135-1153.
  • Yunjuan He, Qian Wang & Caroline Wiltshire, 2011 “英语二语学习者词重音声学特征实验研究” (“The acoustic features of English lexical stress by Mandarin speakers”) College English (Academic Edition)   Vol 8.2: 152-158.
  • Priyankoo Sarmah, Divya Gogoi, & Caroline Wiltshire. 2009. “Thai English: Rhythm and Vowels”, English World-Wide 30.2: 196-217.
  • Caroline Wiltshire & James D. Harnsberger, 2006. “The influence of Gujarati and Tamil L1s on Indian English: A preliminary study”,  World Englishes, 25.1: 91-104.
  • Caroline Wiltshire, 2005. “The “Indian English” of Tibeto-Burman language speakers” English World-Wide, 26:3, pp. 275-300.


  • Saleh Batais and Caroline Wiltshire, 2022. “Indonesian phonology and the evidence from loanword adaptation”, The Routledge Handbook of Asian Linguistics, Edited by Chris Shei & Saihong Li London & NY: Routledge, pp. 245-260. DOI (to book):
  • Caroline Wiltshire, 2018. “Sonority Waves in Syllabification”, in Shaping Phonology,  ed. by Diane Brentari and Jackson Lee, University of Chicago Press, pp. 182-200.
  • Saleh Batais and Caroline Wiltshire, 2018. “Indonesian borrowing as Evidence for Harmonic Grammar” Journal of Linguistics,: J. Volume 54, Issue 2 (April 1, 2018), pp. 231-262. Cambridge University Press 2017.
  • Fiona McLaughlin and Caroline Wiltshire, 2017. “Syllable weight and reduplication in Pulaar” Syllable Weight in African Languages, edited by Paul Newman, John Benjamins; 161-176.  doi 10.1075/cilt.338.10lau
  • Youssef Haddad & Caroline Wiltshire. 2014. “Paradoxical Paradigms! Evidence from Lebanese Arabic Phonology”, in Perspectives on Arabic Linguistics 26, ed. by Reem Khamis-Dakwar and Karen Froud, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, pp. 185-209.


  • Chen, Si, Caroline Wiltshire, Bin Li, and Ratree Wayland. 2019. “A quantitative analysis of tone sandhi in Standard Mandarin and Nanjing Mandarin based on surface pitch contours and underlying pitch targets.” International Journal of Chinese Linguistics 6, no. 2 (2019): 183-220. DOI:
  • Si Chen, Caroline Wiltshire, Bin Li, & Ratree Wayland, 2019. “Analyzing Nanjing Tones and Sandhi: statistical modelling methods.”  In Katherine Hout, Anna Mai, Adam McCollum, Sharon Rose & Matt Zaslansky (eds), Supplemental Proceedings of the 2018 Annual Meeting on Phonology. Washington, DC: Linguistic Society of America. URL:
  • Si Chen & Caroline Wiltshire. 2013  “Tone Realization in Younger vs. Older speakers of Nanjing Dialect”, in Increased Empiricism: New Advances in Chinese Linguistics.  ed. by Zhuo Jing-Schmidt. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: Benjamins, pp. 147-170.
  • Priyankoo Sarmah, C. Wiltshire, & S.Hong.  2013. “Tiwa Tones in Monosyllables”, in North East Indian Linguistic Society 5, ed. by Gwendolyn Hyslop, Stephen Morey, and Mark Post, Cambridge University Press India, pp. 249-270.
  • Si Chen & Caroline Wiltshire.  2011. “Differences of tone realization between younger and older speakers of Nanjing dialect”.  Proceedings of the 23rd North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL 23).   Edited by Zhuo Jing-Schmidt. University of Oregon.  Vol. 2, pp. 105-122. Distributed by NACCL Proceedings Online, The Ohio State University.  Available for download at this link:
  • Priyankoo Sarmah & Caroline Wiltshire, 2010. “A Preliminary acoustic study of Mizo vowels and tones”, Acoustic Society of India. Vol 37.3: 121-129.
  • Priyankoo Sarmah & Caroline Wiltshire, 2009. “An Acoustic Study of Dimasa tones,” In Morey, S. and M. Post, eds., Tonology and Phonology in the Assam Flood Plain, pp. 25-44.


Diva Gogoi, Jimmy Harnsberger, and Caroline Wiltshire, 2015. “Perceptual Training of Novel Speech Contrasts in L3 Acquisition: The Effect of Multilingual Benefit”, Crosslinguistic influence and crosslinguistic interaction in multilingual language learning, ed. By Gessica De Angelis, Ulrike Jessner, and Marijana Kresic, Bloomsbury, pp. 119-147.