Design & Analysis of Experiments
Course Materials
Linear Statistical Models, 5th Ed. by Kutner, Nachtsheim, Neter andLi (Chapters 15-30)
Course Description
STA 4211 has a pre-requisite of STA 4210. You will need a computer for homework assignments.
This course provides an introduction to the design and analysis of statistical experiments. Experimental design techniques are used in a wide variety of academic, industrial, and scientific areas. We will cover widely used designs, and discuss practical and computational issues regarding their analysis.
Bassed on the total of 500 points. There will be 5 assignments worth 100 points total. Exams are worth 100 points each.
- Exam1 – 20%
- Exam2 – 20%
- Exam3 – 25%
- ACL Exam/Survey – 5%
- Homework – 20%
- Final Project & Presentation 10%
Grading Scale
- A 90+
- A- 89.99-87.5
- B+ 87.49-85
- B 84.99-80
- B- 79.99-75
- C+ 74.99-70
- C 69.99-65
- C- 64.99-60
- D 59.99-50
Attendance/Late Policy
While attendance is not taken, students are expected to attend lectures and participate in class. Make-up exams will only be considered with documented medical event or conference attendance (graduate students). Early exams will be given under no circumstances. Assignments are to be handed in during class on the date the assignment is due in paper format. Electronic submission of assignments will not be accepted. Turn off cell phones during classes
Missed Exams: Any exams that will be missed must be confirmed as soon as possible, before the time of the exam. Documentation of must be provided. No early exams will be given under any circumstances.
Late Homework: Will not be accepted and will receive a grade of 0. All homework must be handed in by hard copy. No e-mail will be accepted.