Summer B 2020 MHF 3202 Sets and Logic

Time and Location

M T W Th F Period 3 (11:00 am – 12:15 pm) via Zoom

Description and Goals

This is an introduction to rigorous mathematical proofs. The goal is to learn how to structure a proof that contains no gaps, how to correctly and coherently reason. Some statements may look (intuitively) obvious but one can prove them false, which is why we need to be able to prove what seems to be a triviality. The content we will be working with will likely be quite familiar to you already. You will be responsible to read assigned book chapters before the class and work on problems. You are welcome to discuss together but you have to write up homework solutions independently and you are not allowed to copy any part of your work.


Here is a copy of the syllabus for this course:MHF 3202 Summer B 2020 Syllabus

More information will be found on Canvas, which will be published by the end of the day on Sunday, July 5th, 2020.


Weekly assignments will be posted on Canvas. They are due on Thursday nights at 11:59pm, other than the last week of the semester.


The dates and times for exams are in the syllabus. Exams will be conducted on Canvas using Honorlock.