
Taught Regularly

  • GLY 4700/6932: Geomorphology (Offered online, Fall semesters)
    Online undergraduate course in surface processes and landform generation/evolution, covering large-scale Earth features, neotectonics, fault mechanics, constructional landforms, radiometric dating, geochronology, weathering, glacial/periglacial processes, hillslope geomorphology, fluid mechanics, erosional/depositional fluvial processes, coastal systems, and Quaternary climate.
  • GLY 4734/6932: Coastal Morphology and Processes (in-person, Spring semesters)
    Examines the behavior of coastal processes and their influence on the orgin/evolution of coastal landscapes. Undergraduate level course open to graduate students, with permission of instructor. Course includes exams, problem sets, an independent case study project with presentation, and field trips to Florida Atlantic and Florida Gulf coasts.
  • GLY 6931: Department Seminar (in-person, Fall and Spring semesters)
    Graduate course consisting of weekly departmental seminars, delivered by scientists visiting the Department of Geological Sciences.  Includes a significant writing component in the form of weekly summaries of seminar presentations.  Required course for graduate students.

Taught Intermittently

  • GLY 5705: Advanced Quantitative Geomorphology
    Quantitative graduate level course in surface processes and landscape evolution with an emphasis on the derivation of mathematical relationships that describe geomorphologic phenomena and the preparation of computer programs (scripts) to explore those relationships.
  • GLY 6862: Quantitative Methods in Earth Sciences
    Graduate level course. MATLAB computing language used to solve geologic/ hydrologic/ oceanographic problems.  Topics include basic statistics, time series analysis, geospatial analysis, dynamic systems modeling, and numerical solutions to differential equations.