orcid.org/0000-0002-3158-3259 |
Journal Articles (Peer Reviewed)
- Adams, P. N., R. S. Anderson and J. Revenaugh, 2002, Microseismic Measurement of Wave Energy Delivery to a Rocky Coast, Geology, v. 30, no. 10, p. 895-898. https://doi.org/10.1130/0091-7613(2002)030<0895:MMOWED>2.0.CO;2
- Adams, P. N., R. L. Slingerland, and N. D. Smith, 2004, Variations in Natural Levee Morphology in Anastomosed Channel Floodplain Complexes, Geomorphology, v. 61, no.1-2, p. 127-142. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2003.10.005
- Adams, P. N., C. D. Storlazzi and R. S. Anderson, 2005, Nearshore Wave-Induced Cyclical Strain of Sea Cliffs: A Possible Fatigue Mechanism, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, v.110, No. F2. https://doi.org/10.1029/2004JF000217
- Adams, P. N., P. Ruggiero, G. C. Schoch, and G. Gelfenbaum, 2007, Intertidal Sand Body Migration Along a Megatidal Coast, Kachemak Bay, Alaska, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, v.112, No. F2. https://doi.org/10.1029/2006JF000487
- Adams, P. N., D. L. Inman, and N. Graham, 2008, Southern California Deep-Water Wave Climate: Characterization and Application to Coastal Processes, Journal of Coastal Research, v. 24, no. 4, p. 1022-1035. https://doi.org/10.2112/07-0831.1
- Adams, P. N., N. D. Opdyke, and J. M. Jaeger, 2010, Isostatic Uplift Driven By Karstification and Sea Level Oscillation: Modeling Landscape Evolution In North Florida, Geology, v. 38, no. 6, p. 531-534. https://doi.org/10.1130/G30592.1
- Young, A. P., P. N. Adams, W. C. O’Reilly, R. E. Flick, and R. T. Guza, 2011, Coastal cliff ground motions from local ocean swell and infragravity waves in southern California, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, v.116, C09007. https://doi.org/10.1029/2011JC007175
- Adams, P. N., D. L. Inman, and J. L. Lovering g, 2011, Effects of Climate Change and Wave Direction on Hotspots of Coastal Erosion in Southern California, Climatic Change, v. 109, Suppl. 1, pp. S211-S228. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-011-0317-0
- Pendleton, L., P. King, C. Mohn, D.G. Webster, R.K. Vaughn, and P.N. Adams, 2011, Estimating The Potential Economic Impacts Of Climate Change On Southern California Beaches, Climatic Change, v. 109, Suppl. 1, pp. S277–S298. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-011-0309-0
- Silliman, B. R., J. van de Koppel, M. W. McCoy, J. Diller, G. Kasozi, K. Earl, P. N. Adams, and Andrew R. Zimmerman, 2012, Degradation and resilience in Louisiana salt marshes after the BP–Deepwater Horizon oil spill, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, v. 109, no. 28, p. 11234–11239, https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1204922109
- Young, A. P., R. T. Guza, P. N. Adams, W. C. O’Reilly, and R. E. Flick, 2012, Cross-shore decay of cliff top ground motions driven by local ocean swell and infragravity waves, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, Vol. 117, C06029, https://doi.org/10.1029/2012JC007908
- Limber, P. W. p, A. B. Murray, P. N. Adams, and E. B. Goldstein, 2014, Unraveling The Dynamics That Scale Cross-Shore Headland Relief On Rocky Coastlines, Part 1: Model development, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, https://doi.org/10.1002/2013JF002950
- Kline, S. W. g, P. N. Adams, and P. W. Limber, 2014, The Unsteady Nature of Sea Cliff Retreat Due to Mechanical Abrasion, Failure, and Comminution Feedbacks, Geomorphology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.03.037
- Barnard, P. L., M. van Ormondt, L. Erikson, J. Eshleman, C. Hapke, P. Ruggiero, P. N. Adams, and A. Foxgrover, 2014, Development of the Coastal Storm Modeling System (CoSMoS) for predicting the impact of storms on high-energy, active-margin coasts, Natural Hazards, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-014-1236-y
- Johnson, J. M., L. J. Moore, K. Ells, A. B. Murray, P. N. Adams, R. A. MacKenzie III g, and J. M. Jaeger, 2014, Recent Shifts in Coastline Change and Shoreline Stabilization Linked to Storm Climate Change, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 40, pp. 569-585, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3650
- Wilson, K. E. g, P. N. Adams, C. J. Hapke, E. E. Lentz, and O. Brenner, 2015, Application of a Bayesian Network to Forecast Barrier Island Morphodynamics, Coastal Engineering, v. 102, pp. 30-43, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2015.04.006
- Adams, P. N., K. Malone Keough g, and M. Olabarrieta, 2016, Beach Morphodynamics Influenced by an Ebb-Tidal Delta on the North Florida Atlantic Coast, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, v. 41, pp. 936-950, https://doi.org/10.1002/esp.3877
- Limber, P. p, P. N. Adams, and A. B. Murray, 2017, Modeling large-scale shoreline change caused by complex bathymetry in low-angle wave climates, Marine Geology, v. 383, pp. 55-64, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2016.11.006
- Woo, H. B. g, M. P. Panning, P. N. Adams, and A. Dutton, 2017, Karst-driven flexural isostasy in North-Central Florida, Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, v. 18, no. 9, p. 3327–3339, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GC006934
- Adams, P. N., 2018, Geomorphic origin of Merritt Island-Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA: A paleodelta of the reversed St. Johns River? Geomorphology, v. 306, p. 102–107, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.01.005
- Paniagua-Arroyave, J. F. g, Correa, I. D., Anfuso, G., and P. N. Adams, 2018. Soft-cliff Retreat in a Tropical Coast: The Minuto de Dios Sector, Caribbean Coast of Colombia. In: R. Almar, L. P. Almeida, N. T. Viet, M. Sall (eds.), Tropical Coastal and Estuarine Dynamics. Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 81.
- Paniagua-Arroyave, J. F. g, A. Valle- Levinson, P. N. Adams and S. M. Parra, 2019, Coherence between infragravity waves and ambient water motions over cape-associated shoals, Continental Shelf Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2018.12.003
- Paniagua-Arroyave, J. F. g, P. N. Adams, S. M. Parra and A. Valle-Levinson, 2019, Observations of surface-gravity-wave scattering and dissipation by an isolated shoal related to a cuspate foreland, Continental Shelf Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2018.12.004
- Paniagua-Arroyave, J. F. g, A. Valle-Levinson, S. M. Parra, and P. N. Adams, 2019, Tidal Distortions Related to Extreme Atmospheric Forcing Over the Inner Shelf, Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, https://10.1029/2019JC015021
- Conlin M. P. g, P. N. Adams, B. Wilkinson, G. Dusek, M. Palmsten, J. Brown, 2020, SurfRCaT: A tool for remote calibration of pre-existing coastal cameras to enable their use as quantitative coastal monitoring tools, SoftwareX, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.softx.2020.100584
- Conlin, M. P. g, P. N. Adams, J. M. Jaeger, and R. A. Mackenzie, 2020, Quantifying Seasonal‐to‐Interannual‐Scale Storm Impacts on Morphology Along a Cuspate Coast With a Hybrid Empirical Orthogonal Function Approach, Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface, https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JF005617
- AlYousif, A., Laurel-Castillo, J.A., So, S., Adams, P., Valle-Levinson, A., 2021. Subinertial hydrodynamics around a cape influenced by a western boundary current. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 251, 107199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecss.2021.107199
- AlYousif, A., Valle-Levinson, A., Adams, P.N., Laurel-Castillo, J.A., 2021. Tidal and subtidal hydrodynamics over ridge-swale bathymetry. Continental Shelf Research 219, 104392. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2021.104392
- Johnson, H. A. g, Adams, P.N., and Antonenko, P.D., 2021. GEOAppS: Interactive numerical models of geomorphic processes and application in a post-secondary coastal processes course. Journal of Geoscience Education 69, 15. https://doi.org/10.1080/10899995.2021.1890527
- Conlin, M. P. g, Adams, P.N., and Palmsten, M., 2022. On the Potential for Remote Observations of Coastal Morphodynamics from Surf-Cameras. Remote Sensing, vol. 14, no. 7. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs14071706
- Conlin, M. P. g, Cohn, N., and P. N. Adams, 2023. Total Water Level Controls on Dune Toe Retreat Trajectory. Geomorphology, vol. 438. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2023.108826
Book Chapters
- Hapke, Cheryl J., P. N. Adams, Jonathan Allan, Andrew Ashton, Gary Griggs, Monty Hampton, Joseph Kelly, Adam Young, 2014, Sea Cliffs of the Continental USA, In: Kennedy, D. and W. Stephenson eds., Rocky Coast Geomorphology: A Global Synthesis. Geological Society of London Memoirs, v.40; p137-154. doi: 10.1144/M40.9
- Karanci, A., Velásquez-Montoya, L., Paniagua-Arroyave, J.F. g, Adams, P.N., and Overton, M.F., 2017, Beach Management Practices and Occupation Dynamics: An Agent-Based Modeling Study for the Coastal Town of Nags Head, NC, USA, in Botero, C.M., Cervantes, O.D., and Finkl, C.W. eds., Beach Management Tools – Concepts, Methodologies and Case Studies, Coastal Research Library, Springer International Publishing, Cham, p. 373–395.
Conference Proceedings
- Adams, P., and P. Ruggiero, 2005, Wave Energy Dissipation By Intertidal Sand Waves On A Mixed-Sediment Beach, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Coastal Dynamics, Barcelona, Spain, April 4 – 8, 2005, 10 pp.
- Ruggiero, P., N. Adams, and J. Warrick, 2007, Mixed sediment beach processes: Kachemak Bay, AK, Proceedings of the Coastal Sediments ’07 Conference, New Orleans, LA: World Scientific Publishing, 14 pp.
- Paniagua Arroyave, J. F. g, Parra, S. M., Valle-Levinson, A. and N. Adams, 2019, Observations of Bed Elevation Changes At Cape Canaveral Shoals. Proceedings of the 9th Coastal Sediments Conference. St. Petersburg, Florida: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 101-113.
- Conlin, M. P. g, Adams, P. N., Plant, N. G., Jaeger, J. M., and MacKenzie, R., 2019, Daily to Decadal Variability of Beach Morphology at NASA-Kennedy Space Center: Storm Influences Across Timescales. Proceedings of the 9th Coastal Sediments Conference. St. Petersburg, Florida: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 2268–2281.
- Johnson, H. g, Antonenko, P., and Adams, P. N., 2020, “Comparative Effects of Visualization Media on Understanding Mathematical Relationships in Post-secondary Geoscience.” In 2020 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Annual Meeting, held 2020/04/17-2020/04/21, meeting held virtually due to COVID-19, instead of San Francisco, CA, USA. 8 pp.
Field Trip Guides
- Adams, P. N., 2004, Wave Energy Delivery and the Shape of Rocky Coasts, in Friends of the Pleistocene Field Trip Guidebook Santa Barbara Fold Belt and Beyond, April 15-18, 2004. Leaders: L. D. Gurrola and E. A. Keller.
- Hurst, M.V., Winkler, W., Davis, K., Fountain, K., Adams, P.N., Williams, C.T., and Lewis, M., 2010, Central Florida’s Sand Mining District, Southeastern Geological Society Field Trip Guide, 60 p.
- Inman, D. L., P. M. Masters, P. N. Adams, and L. J. Hogarth, 2005, Facing the Coastal Challenge: Past, Present, and Future Erosion and Position of the Southern California Coast. Final Report for the Kavli Institute, Oxnard, CA.
- Inman, D. L., and P. N. Adams, 2005, Bedforms and Closure Depth on Equilibrium Beaches. Final Project Report Prepared for: Office of Naval Research (ONR) Grant #: N00014-02-1-0232 “Model to Predict Mine Migration and Related Bedforms”, 18 pp. (https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/citations/ADA441320)
- Adams, P. N., and D. L. Inman, 2009, Climate Change and Potential Hotspots of Coastal Erosion Along the Southern California Coast, Report to the California Energy Commission, Publication Number CEC-500-2009-022-D.
- Pendleton, L., P. King, C. Mohn, D. G. Webster, R. K. Vaughn, and Adams, P. N., 2009, Estimating the Potential Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Southern California Beaches, Report to the California Energy Commission, Publication Number CEC-500-2009-033-D.
- Barnard, P.L., O’Reilly, W., van Ormondt, M., Elias, E., Ruggiero, P., Erikson, L.H., Hapke, C., Collins, B.D., Guza, R.T., Adams, P.N., and Thomas, J.T., 2009, The framework of a coastal hazards model; a tool for predicting the impact of severe storms: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1073, 21 p. (http://pubs.usgs.gov/of/2009/1073/)
- Jaeger, J. M., Adams, P. N., and MacKenzie, R. A. g, 2010, Establishing measures and proxies of shoreline change at Cape Canaveral, Florida: Annual Report Phase 1, May 2009-May 2010, Annual Project Report Prepared for: IHA-NASA Environmental Program at KSC, 91 pp.
- Jaeger, J. M., Adams, P. N., MacKenzie, R. A. g, Kline, S. g, Maibauer, B. u, Lesnek, A., Harris-Parks, E., and Lovering, J. g, 2011, Monitoring Shoreline And Beach Morphologic Change At Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida: Annual Report Phase 2, Annual Project Report Prepared for: IHA-NASA Environmental Program at KSC, 107 pp.
- Griggs, Gary, Peter Adams, Peter Bromirski, Daniel Cayan, and Reinhard Flick, 2011, Sea Level Rise, In: California Climate Extremes Workshop Report, Ed: David W. Pierce, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, CA. (http://meteora.ucsd.edu/~pierce/papers/CA_climate_extremes_report_SIO_Dec2011.pdf)
- Adams, Peter N., Douglas L. Inman, Nicholas E. Graham, Jessica L. Lovering g, Adam Young, and Shaun Kline g, 2012, Ocean Wave Climate Change and Associated Implications for Coastal Erosion Along the Southern California Coast, Final Project Report Prepared for: California Energy Commission Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program
- Adams, P.N., J. M. Jaeger, R. A. MacKenzie g, and S. W. Kline g, 2012, Monitoring Shoreline And Beach Morphologic Change At Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida Annual Report Phase 3, Oct. 2011-Sept. 2012, Annual Project Report Prepared for: IHA-NASA Environmental Program at KSC, 19 pp.
- Adams, P.N., J. M. Jaeger, R. A. MacKenzie g, and S. W. Kline g, 2013, Monitoring Shoreline And Beach Morphologic Change At Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida Final Report, May. 2009 – Oct. 2013, Final Project Report Prepared for: IHA-NASA Environmental Program at KSC, 26 pp.
- Jaeger, J.M. and P.N. Adams, 2015. Geology, Geomorphology, and Physical Oceanography of Kennedy Space Center, Florida. In: Dankert et al.’s FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FOR KENNEDY SPACE CENTER SHORELINE PROTECTION PROJECT. 169 pp. plus appendices (https://netspublic.grc.nasa.gov/main/FINAL%20_EA_Shoreline_Aug%2017_2015.pdf).
- Alexander, C.R., Jackson, C.W. Jr, Jaeger, J.M., Adams, P., Corbett, D.R., Howard, S. and J.P. Walsh. 2014. Regional Collaborative Research in the Southeastern US: Progress Toward a New Coastal Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Tool. In: Cherry, K. Hernandez, D., and Alexander, C., Designing A Multi-State and Regional Framework for Ocean Planning and Decision- Making: A Governors’ South Atlantic Alliance Initiative. Phase II – Revised Final Report 3: October 1, 2012 – March 31, 2014. NOAA Regional Ocean Partnership Funding Program.
- Adams, P.N., M. P. Conlin g, and H. B. Woo g, 2018, Preliminary Geomorphologic Assessment for Beach Mouse Habitat Restoration at Smyrna Dunes Park, Volusia County, Florida, Final Project Report Prepared for: Wildlife Foundation of Florida, Inc. and US Fish and Wildlife Service, 9 pp. (plus Appendices).
- Doonan, T.J., Evans, E.H., Meilink, C., Smith, L. M., Adams, P.N., Miller, D., and Thetford, M., 2019, Recovering the Anastasia Island Beach Mouse from Hurricane Impacts, Final Project Report Prepared for: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC), 35 pp. plus supplementary material.
- Scheinkman, A.F.u, Conlin, M.P.g, Adams, P.N., Johnson, A.J., and Woo, H.B.g, 2020, Hurricane-Driven Changes to Coastal Morphology at Dr. Von D Mizell-Eula Johnson State Park, Final Report for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.