University of Florida Homepage


Book Manuscript (in progress)

  • The Crisis Mediascape: Audiovisual Storytelling in Post-2008 Spain (Under contract with University of Toronto Press)

Edited Volumes

  • The Political Imagination in Spanish Graphic Narrative. Routledge, 2024.

Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • “From Print to Netflix: The Fariña Phenomenon, Adaptation, and Transmedia Storytelling during Times of Crisis.” Hispanic Research Journal, vol 24, no. 2, 2024. (forthcoming)
  • “Transnational Female Solidarity and Gender Equality in the Comic Medium: Pepita Sandwich’s Las mujeres mueven montañas, and Ana Penyas’s Estamos todas bien.” Bulletin of Hispanic Studies, vol. 99, no. 6, 2022, pp. 545-567.
  • “New Voices and Creative Protest in Post-2008 Spain: María Folguera’s Los primeros días de Pompeya.” Bulletin of Spanish Studies, vol. 97, no. 10, 2020, pp. 1653-1671
  • “La crisis, la risa y catarsis: The 2008 Financial Crash and Comedic Representations of Spanish Emigration.” Hispanic Studies Review, vol. 4, no. 1, 2019, pp. 26-39.
  • “‘La novela de la selva’ in Colombia and Brazil: Antiheroes in La vorágine and Macunaíma.” Chasqui, vol. 48, no. 2, 2019, pp. 330-342.
  • “Developing Self-Directed Learners through an ePortfolio Peer Consultant Program.” International Journal of ePortfolio, vol. 9, no. 1, 2019, pp. 45-54.

Book Chapters

  • El feminismo transtemporal y transnacional: Mujeres que se unen y rebelan por la escritura y el performance en Elena Fortún y Hermana (Placer) de María Folguera.” In La dramaturgia femenina reclama su sitio. Renacimiento, 2024, pp. 345-62.
  • “El Selfie de la España poscrisis: Una autorreflexión a través del mockumentary.” Crear entre mundos: nuevas perspectivas en la metaficción española, edited by Iana Konstantinova and Sabrina Laroussi. Albatros Ediciones, 2021, pp. 51-67.
  • “Netflix and ‘España Global’: Promoting Spain through Television Streaming in La casa de papel, Las chicas del cable, and Élite.” Crisis TV: Spanish-Language Television After 2008, eds. María Caña Jiménez and Vinodh Venkatesh. SUNY Press, (forthcoming, November 2024).
  • “La burbuja del alquiler en el cómic: Mass Tourism, Gentrification, and Spain’s Housing Crisis in Todo bajo el sol, Soy de Pueblo: Manual Para Sobrevivir en la Ciudad, and Coqueto, mejor ver.” The Political Imagination in Spanish Graphic Narrative, eds. Joanne Britland and Xavier Dapena.

Published Interviews

  • An Interview with Nacho Carretero of Fariña ‘From Galicia to the Globe: Awareness and Activism through Transmedia Storytelling,’” Hispania, vol. 107, no. 1, 2024, pp. 3-12.

Book Chapter Translation

  • Sáez Delgado, Antonio. “Carmen de Burgos, Cultural Mediator Between Spain and Portugal.” InNew Approaches to Women’s Cultural Activity in Early Twentieth-Century Iberia, edited by Leslie Harkema and Evelyn Scaramella. (Forthcoming, University of Toronto Press)

Book Review

  • Invited Book Review: “Literature of Crisis: Spain’s Engagement with Liquid Capital by Olga Bezhanova.” Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, vol. 22, no. 3, 2021, pp. 437-439.

Poetry Translation

  • Alvarado, Javier. Ofrenda de cebolla. Valparaíso Ediciones, 2020. Translated by Joanne Britland and Lina Rincón.