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358. Dewsbury, D. A. (2009). Origins of behavior genetics: the role of the Jackson Laboratory. Behavior Genetics, 39, 1-5..
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360. Dewsbury, D. A. (2009). Charles Darwin and Psychology at the Bicentennial and Sesquicentennial: An Introduction. American Psychologist, 64, 67-74.
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364. Dewsbury, D. A. (2009). Is psychology losing its foundations? Review of General Psychology, 13, 281-289.
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Dewsbury, D. A. (2011). John Paul Scott (1909-2000) and the study of genetics, development, and social behavior. In W. E. Pickren, D. A. Dewsbury, & M. Wertheimer (Eds.) Portraits of pioneers in developmental psychology. New York: Taylor & Francis, in press.
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