Writing Research Papers

History of Psychology Course
Dr. Dewsbury

I think that the term paper can be one of the best parts of the course in that it can help you learn where to find information and how to use it once you have it. The idea is that you will develop skills that will be useful in your later work. I hope that writing it will be an enjoyable learning experience.

I. Choosing a Topic

Some of you will write on a topic rather than a person. I prefer these papers and I think they present both a greater challenge and greater rewards. There are many possibilities. One might write about an event. A 477 page book has been published dealing just with Freud’s visit to Clark University in 1909. You might want to work on early research in a given field (e.g., forensic psychology, industrial psychology, sport psychology). You may wish to cover a topic drawn from material we will not cover (an aspect of Eastern psychology). There are many fine topics of this sort.

If writing about an individual, for major psychologists, you may with to deal with just one aspect of his/her work (e.g., James, Freud, or Hall on religion); otherwise your will be inundated with material. For less visible psychologists you may need to scramble to find enough material for a paper.

With respect to papers on individual psychologists, there is a tendency for the same people to be covered again and again. I keep a record of the papers written in recent years when I have taught the course. When I last tallied these, there had been 9 papers on Karen Horny, 8 on Abraham Maslow, 7 each on Harry Stack Sullivan, Jean Piaget, Carl Rogers, George Kelly, Francis Galton, Erik Erikson, and John B. Watson, and 6 on Alfred Adler and Sigmund Freud.

Here are some additional suggestions: people often forgotten, some of which may be harder or easier than others. They are generally people who are not well known but who might be interesting to consider. The list is idiosyncratic and incomplete, but may help.

Women: Millicent Washburn Shinn, Ethel Puffer Howes, Margaret Floy Washburn, Leta Stetter Hollingworth, June Etta Downey, Helen Bradford Thompson Wooley, Edna Heidbreder, Grace Kent

African Americans: Kenneth B. Clark, Mamie Phipps Clark, Francis C. Sumner, Carolyn Robertson Payton, Charles H. Turner, Ruth Howard, Herman G. Canady, Horace Mann Bond, Frederick Payne Watts

Clinical and Counseling psychologists, etc.: J. E. Wallace Wallin, Frederic Lyman Wells, Gilbert Van Tassel Hamilton, James G. Miller, Adolf Meyer, David Shakow, William Healy, Frank Parsons, Boris Sidis, Chauncey M. Louttit, Robert H. Felix, Seymour Sarason, Carney Landis, Johann C. Reil, Wilhelm Greisinger, Donald E. Super, Frieda Fromm-Reichmann

Social psychologists: Floyd H. Allport, Gabriel Tarde, Gustave LeBon, William McDougall, Luther L. Bernard, Norman Triplett, Muzafer Sherif, Gardner Murphy, Carl Murchison, Theodore M. Newcomb, Carl I. Hovland, Fritz Heider, Leon Festinger, Solomon Asch, Alfred C. Kinsey, Edward A. Ross

Applied psychologists: Donald G. Patterson, Edward K. Strong, Jr., Walter VanDyke Bingham, Harry L. Hollingworth, Walter Dill Scott, Norman R. F. Maier

Developmental psychologists: Arnold L. Gesell, Harold E. Jones, Wilhelm Preyer, Myrtle McGraw, James Mark Baldwin, Robert R. Sears, John Bowlby, Heinz Werner, Florence L. Goodenough, George E. Coghill, William Stern

Physiological psychologists: Claude Bernard, H. H. Donaldson, Shepherd I. Franz, Donald O. Hebb, Heinrich Kluver, David Krech, Karl S. Lashley, James Olds, Hans Selye, Charles S. Sherrington, Roger W. Sperry, Wilder Penfield, John F. Fulton, Walter B. Cannon, C. Judson Herrick, Santiago Ramon y Cajal

Comparative psychologists: George J. Romanes, C. Lloyd Morgan, Leonard T. Hobhouse, Sir John Lubbock, T. Wesley Mills, Jacques Loeb, Herbert Spencer Jennings, Linus W. Kline, Edward L. Thorndike, Robert M. Yerkes, Margaret Floy Washburn, John F. Shepard, Calvin P. Stone, Zing-Yang Kuo, Carl J. Warden, C. Ray Carpenter, Frank A. Beach, Harry F. Harlow, Theodore C. Schneirla, Norman R. F. Maier, Daniel S. Lehrman, Konrad Z. Lorenz, Niko Tinbergen, Karl von Frisch, Henry W. Nissen, Leonard Carmichael, John Garcia

Personality theorists: Henry Murray, Gordon W. Allport, Edward J. Kempf, William H. Sheldon

Cognitive psychologists: Frederick C. Bartlett

Sensory/ Perceptual psychologists: Louis L. Thurstone, S. Smith Stevens, Ewald Hering, Christine Ladd-Franklin, E. G. Wever, Georg von Bekesy, David Katz, George Malcolm Stratton, Adelbert Ames, Jr., Egon Brunswik, James J. Gibson, Carl Seashore, Clarence H. Graham, John G. Beebe-Center, Samuel W. Fernberger, Edwin G. Boring, Charles H. Judd, Edward W. Scripture, George S. Fullerton

Educational Psychologists: Guy Montrose Whipple

Learning and Experimental Psychologists: Edwin R. Guthrie, Kenneth W. Spence, O. Hobart Mowrer, Fred Keller, Richard J. Herrnstein, Walter S. Hunter, Arthur W. Melton, Paul M. Fitts, Donald G. Marquis, Harold Schlosberg, John G. McGeoch, Leonard L. Troland, Karl M. Dallenbach, Albert P. Weiss, Herbert S. Langfeld, Knight Dunlap, Edwin B. Holt, Max F. Meyer, Charles S. Myers, Raymond Dodge, I. Madison Bentley, Robert W. Woodworth, Howard C. Warren, Edmund B. Delabarre, Joseph Jastrow, William Lowe Bryan, Edmund C. Sanford, John Garcia, Georg E. Muller

Humanistic psychologists: Sidney M. Jourard, Viktor Frankl, Gordon W. Allport, Albert Ellis, Ronald D. Laing, Karl Buhler

University of Florida psychologists: Elmer D. Hinckley, Sidney M. Jourard

I/O Psychologists: Harry Hollingworth, Walter Dill Scott, Hugo Münsterberg, Walter Van Dyke Bingham, Morris S. Viteles, Elton Mayo

II. APA Style

We will be using APA style for the paper. The many fine points of APA style are rather detailed, occupying some 368 pages in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition, APA, Washington, DC, 2001). I will explain the basics.

However, online help can be found at:

Page Numbering

Each page should be numbered with a page header in the upper right-hand corner. There should also be a short heading. Thus, the first page might have a heading of “Charles Darwin 1” in the upper right-hand corner.

Title Page

At the top of the title page is a “RUNNING HEAD.” This corresponds to the heading that would appear on each page of the printed article (e.g., BIOGRAPHY OF CHARLES DARWIN). This is flush left.

This is followed by the title, the author, and the author’s academic affiliation, each centered on a separate line.


All APA-style papers begin with an Abstract. This is a summary of the paper, generally in 150 words or fewer. It normally stands alone as the second page of a manuscript. It is written as a single paragraph, but with no indentation. You may skip the abstract for the purpose of this project if you so choose.


The text of the article begins on the third page if you choose to produce an abstract. The title of the article, but not the author(s) is repeated at the top of the first page of text. The logic for this is that some journals want referees not to know who wrote the paper under review. The text then flows continuously with page breaks only when appropriate, not between different headings.

Headings and sub-headings can be a great help in guiding your reader through the logic or your paper. The levels of headings are as illustrated here. Note the centering, underlining, capitalization, punctuation, and use of text on the line.

Level Number 1

Level Number 2 [rest of line blank]

           Level number 3. Text starts on this line.


You should support major points with references from the literature. Citations within text generally are to two types:

According to Watson and Lashley (1913), psychology is a science. [or]

Psychology is a science (Watson & Lashley, 1913).

At the end of the paper you should have a Level 1 section labeled “References” that begins on a new page. There are many different kinds for different kinds of material. You may need to consult the Manual for some. The references, like the rest of the paper, are double-spaced (though not here to save space). Again, note punctuation, capitalization, etc. There are the three most frequently used:

[NOTE: The following references should be formated with “hanging indents” (1st line flush left and subsequent lines indented).  This is easy to do in most word processing programs (e.g., Control F7 in word Perfect) but it is difficult in Network Composer as was used in preparing this text.]


Herman, L. M., Kuczaj, S. A., III, & Holder, M. D. (1993). Responses to anomalous gestural equences by a language-trained dolphin: Evidence for processing of semantic relations and syntactic information. Journal of  Experimental Psychology: General, 122, 184-194.


Cone, J. D., & Foster, S. L. (1993). Dissertations and theses from start to finish: Psychology and related fields. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Chapters in Edited Books:

Massaro, D. (1992). Broadening the domain of the fuzzy logical model of perception. In H. L. Pick, Jr., P. van den Broek, & D. C. Knill (Eds.), Cognition: Conceptual and methodological issues (pp. 51-84). Washington, DC: American  Psychological Association.

Webpage document:

Greater New Milford (CT) Area Healthy Community 2000, Task Force  on Teen and Adolescent Issues (n.d.). Who has time for a family meal? You do!
retrieved October 5, 2000, from http:www.familymealtime.org.


The Manual has many other details on constructing tables, writing various kinds of references, abbreviations, use of numerals vs. written-out numbers (2
vs. two), etc.

Double space the entire paper, including references and tables.

Do not hyphenate words at the end of lines and avoid hyphens at ends of lines.

Do not right justify.

Some Small Points

Write from an outline.

Check your spelling.

“Data” is a plural; “datum” is the singular.

Be careful of such problems as “it’s” vs. “its”

Be careful of “affect” vs. “effect”

Number all pages

Give page numbers for quotations

Where possible, cite authors of articles from the  encyclopedias, and similar volumes, not just the editor.

III. Searching in LUIS

The library’s LUIS system has a wealth of information if you know how to use it. You may need to consult a Reference Librarian; that is what they are there for. However, here are some basics to get you started. The exact formats to be used in these searches are changed from time to time, but, as text is provided in LUIS, you should be able to find the sources.

By now you should be familiar with the UF Libraries Catalog. It is a good place to start. You can search by title, author, topic, etc. Keyword searches can be especially valuable and can be made precise with the use of terms such as “and,” “or,” etc.

Many databases are accessible through LUIS. Get to the Index Menu in the LUIS Menu and you will have some good choices. The exact commands change from time to time, but the system is menu-driven and generally easy to follow.

The most useful will be PsychINFO. This is a data base created by the American Psychological Association and contains many references to books and journal articles published since 1894. To use PsychINFO, enter the appropriate number and you may then be asked for your 14-digit library card number if from a remote site.  You then can use PsychINFO with the same commands as in the main LUIS catalogue. Play with it a bit. I find Keyword searching to be especially useful. Here are the results of a few tries:

k=James and Pragmatism produced 23 references

k=Freud and religion produced 144 references

k=Titchener and Edward produced 7 references

k=psychology and psychoanalysis produced over 4,000 references.

There are various ways to limit the searches with a NOT entry in keyword searching. You may need to consult a reference librarian to do some of the more complex Boolean searches.

You can also get access to Dissertation Abstracts International, abstracts of all doctoral dissertations. Go to the Smathers Library home page: http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/. Click on the Database Locator, click on Dissertation Abstracts and follow instructions.

The sources provided below include both traditional, but excellent, ways to locate material. The newer databases can be an excellent supplement. I think you might best use both to get a really complete picture of what is available.

IV. Some Useful reference Books and Sources

B. Some Internet Resources in Psychology

and the History of Psychology

Recent years have seen a rapid expansion of material available on the Internet. I provide some addresses below. Of course, you realize that these change over time to a much greater degree than printed material. some of these addresses will change, some will be deleted, and others will be added. fortunately, there are many good links to help you find these and other sites. It is important to develop at least basic skills for searching the Internet. Many of the sites below are useful not only in and of themselves but because of their links to other sites.

One good, if somewhat dated,  printed source is:

Stull, A. T. (1998) Psychology on the Internet 1997-1998: A student’s guide. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Many resrouces can be reached through the Smathers Library home page: Go to the Smathers Library home page: http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/. Click on the Database Locator or WebLuis to reach different sites.

University of Florida Libraries Psychology Resources


Excellent source of links:

Christopher Green’s Internet Full-text resources (full text of works of Darwin, Freud, James, Koffka, Dewey, and others)

Mind and Body: Rene Descartes to William James [Excellent text based on a 1992 book display at the National Library of Medicine]


Cheiron: The International Society for the History of the Behavioral and Social Sciences


American Psychological Association Division 26 (History of


History of Psychology Daily Calendar [Major events that occurred for each date throughout the year]


History of Science Society


William Marmie’s History of Psychology Links to material on Dewey, James, Helmholtz, Pavlov, Skinner, Watson, and Wundt


American Psychological Association


University of Texas Department of Psychology [Many good links]


Yahoo Psychology Page


Hanover College Department of Psychology [Good Links]


UF Department of Psychology Home Page


Texts of Many Important Philosophical Works


History of American Education Web Project


Korn and Joseph’s list of library resources in the history of psychology


University of Toronto site for a Museum of Psychological apparatus


The Science Guide: An internet directory of information about science


An on-line test on the history of psychology


Site for the International Society for the History of the Neurosciences


B. Traditional Print Material

Biographical material on psychologists

* Murchison, C. (1932). The psychological register. Vol. III. Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. Contains vitas of virtually all psychologists active in 1932. BF109 .A1 P7 ref. [Libr. West]

*Murchison, C. (1929). The Psychological Register. Worcester, MA: Clark University Press. Not as complete as the 1932 version but I have a copy and it might be useful in some cases. Not in the library; I have a copy.

*Watson, R. I. (1974). Eminent contributors to psychology. Volume I. A bibliography of primary references. New York: Springer. Lists major papers by major figures in the history of psychology. Z7201 .W37 [Libr. west ref. dept.]

*Watson, R.I. (1976). Eminent contributors to psychology. Volume II. A bibliography of secondary references. New York: Springer. Contains lists of papers about prominent psychologists. Z7201 .W37 [Libr. W. ref. dept.]

Zusne, L. (1975). Names in the history of psychology. A biographical sourcebook. Washington: Hemisphere. Brief biographies. BF 109 .A1 Z85 [Libr. W ref.] Has a good list of biographies on many prominent early psychologists.

*Zusne, L. (1984). Biographical dictionary of psychology. Westport, CT: Greenwood. [2nd ed. of “Names”]. Brief biographies BF 109 .A1 Z85 1984 ref.[Libr. West]

*Kaxdin, A. E. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of psychology. New York: Oxford University Press and the American Psychological Association.

*Corsini, R. J. (1994). Encyclopedia of psychology. 2nd ed. 4 vol. New York: Wiley. Biographies and many other entries in psychology. BF31 .E52 1984 Ref [Libr. west reference section]

Benjamin, L. T. Jr. (1974). Prominent psychologists: A selected bibliography of biographical sources. Social and Behavioral Sciences Documents Manuscript No. 535. Library West Microfiche section BF21 .C3. Lists biographies of psychologists

Benjamin, L. T., and Heider, K. L. (1976). History of psychology in biography: A bibliography. Social and Behavioral Sciences Documents Manuscript No. 1276. Library West Microfiche section BF21 .C3 Lists book-length biographies.

Birren, J. E., & Schroots, J. J. F. (1999). A history of geropsychology in autobiography. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Corsini, R. J. (1987). Concise encyclopedia of psychology. New York: Wiley. Biographies and many other entries in psychology. BF31 C67 1987 Ref [Libr. West reference section]

American Journal of Psychology 150.5 A512 [Libr. West, 3rd Floor]. Perhaps the most complete set of obituaries. Check for the year or so after the psychologist died. (the American Psychologist, shelved right next to the AJP, has carried useful obituaries in recent years)

A History of Psychology in Autobiography. 150.9 M973h [Library West]. Eight volumes of autobiographies by prominent psychologists (1930, 1932, 1936, 1952, 1966, 1973, 1980, 1989) under various editors (e.g. C. Murchison, G. Lindzey).

Krawiec, T. S. (Ed.) The psychologists. (I Oxford University Press, 1972; II Oxford University Press, 1974; III Clinical Psychology Publishing Co., 1978). 150.9 K91p Library West Similar to the “History of Psychology in Autobiography”

Hall, G. S. (1912). Founders of Modern Psychology. New York: Appleton. 921 H176f Library West. Zeller, Lotze, Fechner, Hartmann, Helmholtz, Wundt

Karier, C. J. (1986). Scientists of the Mind. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. BF81 K34 1986 [Libr. West] James, Mead, Thorndike, Watson, Hall, Freud, Adler, Jung, Naumberg, Frank, Rank

Watson, R. I. (1963) The great psychologists from Aristotle to Freud. Philadelphia: J. Lippincott. 150.9 W341g2 [Library West] Treats many older “psychologists.”

Watson, R. I. (1978). The great psychologists. 4th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott. BF81.W35 [Library West] (5th ed. Watson & Evans, 1991, Harper/Collins)

Dewbury, D. A. (1985). Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press. QL26 L43 1985 [Science Library] Autobiographies of prominent animal behaviorists (e.g., Lorenz, Tinbergen) [Also published under the title Studying animal behavior: Autobiographies of the founders, University of Chicago Press, 1989]

Evans, R. I. (1976). The making of psychology. New York: Knopf. BF109 .A1E9 1976 [Library West] Conversations with Lorenz, Tinbergen, Harlow, Piaget, Jensen, Hilgard, Skinner, Norman, Rhine, Kayima, Krech, McClelland, Schachter, Miller, McConnell, G. Allport, Rogers, Laing, Bandura, Eysenck, Jones, Jung, Erikson, Fromm, Festinger, Rokeach, Milgram, Zimbardo.

Cohen, D. (1977). Psychologists on psychology. New York: Taplinger. BF109 A31 C63 [Library West] Interviews with McClelland, Broadbent, Chomsky, Eysenck, Festinger, Hudson, Jouvet, Laing, Lowenthal, Miller, Skinner, Tajfel, Tinbergen.

Hilgard, E. R. (ed.) (1978). American psychology in historical perspective. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. BF105 F54 1988 [Library West] Sketches and addresses of APA Presidents to 1977.

Nordby, V. J., and Hall, C. S. (1974). A guide to psychologists and their concepts. San Francisco: Freeman. 150.9 N828g [Library West] Brief biographical material and key concepts of 42 psychologists.

Kimble, G. A., Wertheimer, M., & White, C. L. (1991). Portraits of pioneers in psychology. vol. 1. Washington, DC: Anerican Psychological Association.

Kimble, G. A., Boneau, C. A., & Wertheimer, M.. (1996). Portraits of pioneers in psychology. vol. 2. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Kimble, G. A., & Wertheimer, M. (1998) Portraits of pioneers in psychology. vol. 3. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Kimble, G. A., & Wertheimer, M. (2000) Portraits of pioneers in psychology. vol. 4. Washington: American Psychological Association.

Walker, C. E. (1991). The history of clinical psychology in autobiography. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Thompson, D., and Hogan, J. (1996) A history of developmental psychology in autobiography. Boulder, CO: Westview.

Women in Psychology

O’Connell, A. N., and Russo, N. F. (1990). Women in psychology: A bio-bibliographic sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood. Library West BF109.A1 W65 1990.

(See also O’Connell and Russo’s Models of Achievement (3 volumes) and Scarborough and Furumoto’s Untold lives)

Necrologies (Give dates of death of psychologists.)

Boring, E. G. (1928). Psychological necrology (1903-1927). Psychological ulletin, 25, 302-305, 621-625.

Bennett, S., and Boring, E. G. (1954). Psychological necrology (1928-1952). Psychological Bulletin, 51, 75-81.

Annin, E. L., and Boring, E. G. (1966). Psychological necrology (1953-1964). Psychological Bulletin, 65, 193-198. 150.5 P974 [Libr. West 3rd floor]

Encyclopedias of Psychology

Kazdin, A. E. (Ed.)(2000) . Encyclopedia of psychology. New York: Oxford University Press and the American Psychological Association.  BF31 .E52 2000 Ref [Libr. west reference section]

*Corsini, R. J. (1994). Encyclopedia of psychology. 2nd ed. 4 vol. New York: Wiley. Biographies and many other entries in psychology. BF31 .E52 1984 Ref [Libr. west reference section]

General biographical materials

*Biobase Lists many biographical sources for many people. A good starting place. Microfiche: Library West reference, on table near ref. desk

Biography Index. Lists biographical material beginning 1946 papers. Z5301 B5 [Libr. W ref. near desk]

American Men and Women of Science Q141 .A47 1976 Science Library Brief biographies of scientists living at the time of the publication. Try the earlier editions for the older scientists of this century. Biographical memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences. Includes biographies of many prominent scientists. 506 N277b [Science Library compact shelving]

Who’s Who; Who’s Who in America etc. (see LUIS; as of 5/89, it had 369 “Whos Who” entries) Try E176 .W642 and CT120 .W5 [Libr. West ref.] Brief Biographies

Who was who in America. Brief biographical sketches. E176 .W64 [Library west ref. sect.]

National Cyclopedia of American Biography. New York: White 1893- , 53 vol. + 11 suppl. vol. Biographies of prominent Americans. E176 .N27 [library west reference section]

New York Times Obituaries CT120 .N45 [Library west ref.]

New York Times Index 017.471 N567 [Libr. west reference]

Stephen, L., and Lee, S. (Eds.) (1917+supplements) The dictionary of national biography. Oxford: Oxford. Good biographies of British luminaries. DA28 .D48 [Library west reference]

Dictionary of American Biography. New York: Scribner’s, 1928-1958. Brief biographies of Americans. E176 .D563 [Libr. West reference]

Ireland, N. O. (1962). Index to scientists of the world from ancient to modern times: Biographies and portraits. Boston: Faxon. Science Library: R925 I65i and Z7404.17.

Gillespie, C. C. (Ed.) Dictionary of scientific biography. New York: Scribner’s. 1970-. Q141 .D5 Ref

Edwards, P. (Ed.) (1967). The encyclopedia of philosophy. 8 vol. New York: Macmillan B41 .E5 1972 [Library west reference]

Sills, D. L. (Ed.) International encyclopedia of the social sciences. 18 vol. New York: Macmillan, 1968-1979. H41 .E65 1968 (Library West reference)

Current Biography. Has biographies of about 3 pages of prominent people. Check indexes. Library West Reference CT100 .C8

The Reader’s Adviser: A layman’s guide to literature. 13th edition. New York: Bowker, 1986. Z1035.B7 Ref [Libr. West Ref.] Volume 3 has some good materials on psychology and a few psychologists.

Andrews, D. (Ed.) (annual). The annual obituary. London: St. James Press.

Unpublished manuscript collections

Sokal, M. M., and Rafail, P. A. (1982). A guide to manuscript collections in the history of psychology and related areas. Milwood, NY: Kraus. Lists sources in the U. S. for many psychologists’ unpublished papers. BF 81 .S58 1982 [Libr. west reference]

National Union Catalog: Manuscript Collections Library West Reference Z6620 .U5 N3 (and microfiche LC9.8)


Psychological Abstracts and Cumulative Author Index to Psychological Abstracts and Psychological Index. BF1 .P65 Library West Reference section (Also on line and on DC-rom)

Walker, A., Jr. (Ed.)(1991) Thesaurus of psychological index terms. (6th ed.) Arlington, VA: American Psychological Association. Z695.1 .P7 T48 1991 (Shelved with Psychological Abstracts)

PsycBooks. Reference, Library West BF1 .P7. New in 1988, provides abstracts of chapters published in books– these are not in Psychological Abstracts.

Biological Abstracts. QH1.B37 Science Library

Zoological Record. 016.59 Z87 Science Library

Index Medicus. Z6660.I4 Health Center Library


PsycLIT. is available on line.  Go to the Smathers Library Home Page: http://web.uflib.ufl.edu/.  Click on WebLuis, then on PsychInfo.

Thesaurus of psychological index terms. (6th ed.) APA: Arlington, VA, 1991. Library West Z695.1.P7 T48 1991 [shelved with Psychological Abstracts near the database machines] [This is useful supplement when looking for terms with which to search PsychLit.

Citation indexes

These provide information on when and where different works are cited by various authors. They can be very useful in tracking the impact of an article or author. Someone may publish a lot, but are the works referenced by other authors?

Available online through the Smathers Library site at http://webofscience.com/

Science Citation Index Health Center Library and Science Library (Z7401 .S365 in indexes)

Social Sciences Citation Index. Library West Reference Z7161 .S65.

Information on journals

Osier, D., and Wozniak, R. H. (1984). A century of serial publications in psychology: 1850-1950. Milwood, NY: Kraus. Much good information on journals and other serials. Z7203 .O8 1984. [Libr. W ref.]

Union List of Serials in Libraries of the United States and Canada Library West Reference 016.05 U58 (being recatalogued) and Science Library and Health Center Library Reference Z6945 .U58 1965.

Notes and News

Benjamin, L. T., Jr., et al. (1989). A History of American Psychology in Notes and News. 1883-1945. Provides a useful index to material published in brief notes and news sections of various journals during this period. BF108 .U5 H571 1989. (Should be recatalogued for Reference)

Histories of Departments of Psychology

Furchtgott, E. (1986). Histories of departments of psychology in United States universities. Social and Behavioral Sciences Documents Manuscript No. 2738, Library West Microfiche section BF21 .C3

Academic tenures

Zusne, L. (1983). The academic tenures of historically important contributors to psychology, and the prominence of institutions in historical perspective. Social and Behavioral Sciences Documents Manuscript No. 2528 Library West Microfiche section BF21 .C3

Articles in popular magazines

Viney, W., Michaels, T., and Ganong, Al. An annotated bibliography of Psychological articles in selected cultural magazines. Social and Behavioral Sciences Documents Manuscript No. 2096 Library West Microfiche section BF21 .C3

Book Reviews

Book reviews were and are published in many of the journals in psychology and related disciplines. However, since 1956 psychology has had a journal specializing in book reviews:

Contemporary Psychology Library West Reference section BF1 .C53.


*English, H. B., and English, A. C. (1958). A comprehensive dictionary of psychological and psychoanalytical terms. New York: McKay.

Popplestone, J. A., and McPherson, M. W. (1988). Dictionary of Concepts in General Psychology. New York: Greenwood. BF31 .P665 1988 [Ref. Libr. West]

*Baldwin, J. M. (1901-5) Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology. 3 vols. New York: MacMillan. 103 B181d [Libr. West] AND R103 B181d 1957 [Libr. W. Ref.] An extremely useful source of definitions and references as of a pivotal time in the history of psychology.

*Warren, H. C. (1934), Dictionary of psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin. BF31 .W3 [Libr. West] A very well done dictionary for terms of the time.

Wolman, B. Dictionary of Behavioral Science. New York: VanNostrand Reinhold. BF31 .W64 Ref [Libr. West ref.]

Pronko, N. H. (1988). From AI to Zeitgeist. A philosophical guide for the skeptical psychologist. New York: Greenwood. Library West BF38.P73

For others see pp. 19-21 of Viney et al. (1979) and those listed in Contemporary Psychology, 1989, 34, 1074-1078.

Faculty Addresses

Directory of the American Psychological Association. Washington, APA. Frequent revisions, 1989 most recent. Library West Reference BF11 .A67

National Faculty Directory. Contains addresses of faculty in the U. S. without telephone numbers. L901 .N 1988 [At the Libr. W. Ref. Desk]

Pawlik, K. (1985). International Directory of Psychologists Exclusive of the U.S. A. Amsterdam: North Holland. BF30 I152 1985 [Libr. west Ref.; also HC] Addresses of psychologists around the world.

Textbooks in the History of Psychology (Note: Some of these books have more recent editions than those shown. New editions of popular books appear frequently.)

Benjafield, J. G. (1996). A history of psychology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Benjamin, L. T. Jr. (1988). A history of psychology: Original sources and contemporary research. New York: McGraw-Hill. BF81 .H58 [Libr. West]

Bolles, R. C. (1993). The story of psychology: A thematic history. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole.

Boring, E. G. (1957). A history of experimental psychology. (2nd ed.) New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 150.9 B734h2 [Libr. West]

Boring, E. G. (1942). Sensation and perception in the history of psychology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 152 B734s [Libr. West]

Brennan, J. F. (1994). History and systems of psychology. 5th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Not in library.

Brennan, J. F. (1995). Readings in the history and systems of psychology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Bringmann, W. G., Lück, H. E., Miller, R., and Early, C. E. (Eds.)(1997). A pictorial history of psychology. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing.

Buxton, C. E. (Ed.) (1985). Points of view in the modern history of psychology. New York: Academic Press. BF81 .P87 1985 [Libr. West]

Fancher, R. E. (1979). Pioneers of psychology. New York: Norton. BF95 .F3 1974 [Libr. West]

Goodwin, C. J. (1999).   A history of modern psychology.  New York: Wiley.

Hearnshaw, L. S. (1987). The shaping of modern psychology. London: Routledge and Keegan Paul. BF81 .H33 1987.

Hearst, E. (Ed.) (1979). The first century of experimental psychology. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. BF181 .F5 [Libr. West]

Heidbreder, E. (1933). Seven psychologies. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts. 150.19 H465S [Libr. West]

Hergenhahn, B. R. (1996). An introduction to the history of psychology (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.

Hilgard, E. R. (1987). Psychology in America: A historical survey. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. BF108.U5 H54 1987. [Libr. West]

Hothersall, D. (1984). History of psychology. Philadelphia: Temple Univ. Press. BF95.H671 1984b [Libr. West]; (2nd ed. 1990 not in LUIS).

Hunt, M. (1993). The story of psychology. New York: Doubleday.

Kantor, J. R. (1963). The scientific evolution of psychology. (2 vol.) Chicago: Principia. 150.9 K16s [Libr. West, also HC]

Kendler, H. H. (1987). Historical foundations of modern psychology. Chicago: Dorsey. BF81.K461 1987 [Libr. West]

Kimble, G. A., and Schlesinger, K. (Eds.) (1985). Topics in the history of psychology. (2 vols.) Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. BF95 .T67 1985. [Libr. West]

Leahey, T. H. (2000). A history of psychology. (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Leahey, T. H. (1991). A history of modern psychology. 3rd ed. (2001). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Lowry, R. (1982). The evolution of psychological theory. 2nd ed. New York: Aldine. BF81 .L68 1982 [Libr. West]

Lundin, R. W. (1991). Theories and systems of psychology. (4th ed.) Lexington, MA: Heath.

MacLeod, R. B. (1975). The persistent problems of psychology. Pittsburgh: Duquesne. 150.9 M165p [Libr. West]
Marx, M. H., and Cronan-Hillix, W. A. 1987). Systems and theories in psychology. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Misiak, H., and Sexton, B. S. (1966). History of psychology: an overview. New York: Grune and Stratton. BF81 .M5 [Libr. West]

Murray, D. J. (1983). A history of western psychology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall. BF81 .M83 1988 [Libr. West] (2nd ed., 1988 not in LUIS)

Robinson, D. N. (1986). An intellectual history of psychology. Madison, WI: Univ. of Wisconsin Press. BF81 .R65 1981 [Libr. West]

Schultz, D. P., and Schultz, S. E. (1987). A history of modern psychology. 4th ed. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Libr. has 2nd ed.: BF95 .S35 1975 [Libr. West] (5th ed. 1992)

Thorne, B. M., and Henley, T. B. (1997). Connections in the history and systems of psychology. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

Viney, W., and King, D. B. (1998). A history of psychology: Ideas and context (2nd ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Watson, R. I., and Evans, R. B. (1991). The great psychologists: A history of psychological thought. New York: HarperCollins.

Wertheimer, M. (1987). A brief history of psychology. 3rd ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Library has 1st ed.(150.9W499b 1970) and 2nd ed. (BF81 .W47 1979).

Reference material in psychology

*Viney, W., Wertheimer, M., and Wertheimer, M. L. (1979). History of psychology: A guide to information sources. Detroit: Gale, 1979. Includes many sources of historical material. Z7204 .H57 v.56 [Libr. W ref. section]

Borchardt, D. H., and Francis, R. D. (1984). How to find out in psychology. Oxford: Pergamon. BF76.8 .B67 1984 Ref [Libr. West Reference] Reference information in psychology.

Louttit, C. M. (1928). Bibliography of bibliographies on psychology, 1900-1927. New York: Burt Franklin BF76.8 .L892 [Libr. West Ref.] Good listing of papers published in psychology during this time. Fragile– handle with care.

Louttit, C. M. (1932). Handbook of psychological literature. Bloomington, IN: Principia. 7/89: R 016.15 L893h [In storage] Try LUIS for update. Describes sources available in 1932.

Watson, R. I. (1978). The history of psychology and the behavioral sciences: A bibliographic guide. New York: Springer. Guide to much historical material. Z7201 .W373 [Ref. sec. Library west]

Benjamin, L. T. Jr. (1981). Teaching history of psychology: A handbook. New York: Academic Press. Includes many sources and resources. Not in library. Hard to find and out of print; I have only a xerox copy.

Bell, J. E. (1971). A guide to library research in psychology. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown. R 016.5 B433g [In storage]

American Psychological Association. Catalogue of Selected Documents in Psychology (JSAS). (superseded by Social and Behavioral Science documents) BF1 .C33 [Libr. West Ref.] Lists unpublished documents in psychology, several of which are listed below. As of 7/89 the documents were not available in the library; this may change.

Gilgen, A. R., and Gilgen, C. K. (1987). International Handbook of Psychology. New York: Greenwood. Library West reference BF77.I62 1987 REF


American Psychological Association. Publication Manual. (4th ed.) Washington, 1994. Library West Reference BF76.7 .P83 1983. (Also at Education and Health Center Libraries)


*National Union Catalog. Listings of published books by author. R 018.1 C3571- Library West Reference; Check LUIS for new call no.

British Museum Catalogue. R 018.1 C3571- Library West reference section; Check LUIS.

C. Some Biographies and Autobiographies of Psychologists

C. Some Biographies and Autobiographies of Psychologists



Ainsworth, M. D. S. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Ainsworth, M.Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Albee, G. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Albino, J. E. N. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Allport, F. H. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Allport, F. H. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Allport, G. W, History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Alper, T. G. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Ames, Louise Bates History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Anastasi, A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Anastasi, A. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Anastasi, A. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Anastasi, A. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Anastasi, A., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Angell, J. R. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Angell, J. R., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Ansbacher, H. L. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Arnold, M. B., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Aronson, Elliot, History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Asch, S., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Baerends, G. P. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Baldwin, J. M. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Baltes, P. B. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Bandura, Albert, History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Banham, K. M. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Barker, R. G. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Bartlett, F. C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Bartlett, Frederic C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Bartoshuk, L. M. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Bayley, N. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Bayley, N., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Beach, F. A. Gandelman: Autobiographies in Expt. Psychol.

Beach, F. A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Beach, Frank A. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Bem, S. L. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Bentley, M. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Berg, I. A. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Bernal, M. E. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Beverfelt, E. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Bills, M. A., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Binet, A. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Bingham, W. v. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Bingham, W. V., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Birren, J. E. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Birren, James E. History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Blatz, W. E. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Block, J. H. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Boring, E. G. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Botwinick, J. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Bourdon, B. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Bower, Gordon, H., History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Bricklin, P. M. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Broadbent, D. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Broadbent, D. E. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Bromley, D. B. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Brooks-gunn, J. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Brown, R. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Brozek, J. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Bruner, J. S. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Brunswik, E., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Bryan, A. I. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Buhler, C. M. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Burks, B. S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Burt, C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Calkins, M. W. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Calkins, M. W. O’Connell & Russo “Eminent Women” (1980)

Calkins, M. W. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Calkins, M. W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Calkins, M. W. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Cantor, D. W. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Carmichael, L. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Carr, H. A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Carr, H. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Cattell, J. McK., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Cattell, R. B. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Cattell, R. B. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Chomsky, N. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Claparede, E. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Clark, K. B., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Clark, M. P. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Clark, M. P. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Comas-Diaz, L. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Cook, Stuart W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Craik, F. I. M. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Crissey, M. S. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Crissey, Marie Skodak History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Cronbach, L. J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Culbertson, F. M. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Dallenbach, K. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Dallenbach, K. M., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Darwin, C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Dashiell, J. F. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

De Sanctis, S. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Deaux, K. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Denmark, F. L. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Denmark, F. L. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Dethier, V.G. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Dewey, John Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Dewing, F. H. R. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Dix, D. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Dodge, R. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Doll, E. A. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Downey, June Etta, Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Drever, J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Duncker, K. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Dunlap, K. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Ebbinghaus, H. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Eibl-Eibesfeldt, I. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Eichorn, D. H. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Elkind, David History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Elliott, R. M. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Ellis, A. Walker,: History of Clinical Psychol. in Autobiog.

Engelhardt, O. E. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Erickson, M. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Estes, W. K. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Eyseck, H. J. Walker,: History of Clinical Psychol. in Autobiog.

Eysenck, H. J. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Eysenck, H. J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Eysenck, Hans Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Fechner, G. T. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Ferrari, G. C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Festinger, L. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Festinger, L. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Fozard, J. L. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Franz, S. I. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Frenkel-Brunswik, E. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Freud, A. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Freud, S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Frobes, J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Fromm, E. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Fromm-Reichmann, F.., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Fuller, J. L. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Galton, F. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Garfield, S. L. Walker,: History of Clinical Psychol. in Autobiog.

Garner, W. R. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Gatz, M. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Geldard, F. A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Gemelli, A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Gesell, A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Ghiselli, E. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Gibson, E. J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Gibson, E. J. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Gibson, J. J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Gibson, J. J. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Gilbreth, L. M. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Gilbreth, L. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Goldstein, K. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Goldstein, Kurt, Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Goodenough, F. L. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Goodnow, J. J. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Graham, C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Graham, C. H. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Graham, F. K. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Gray, S. O’Connell & Russo “Eminent Women” (1980)

Griffin, D. R. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Griffith, C. R., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Groos, K. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Guilford, J. P. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Guthrie, E. R. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Hall, G. S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Halpern, D. F. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Hanfmann, E. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Harlow, H. F., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Harris, Dale B. History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Harrower, M. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Harrower, M. R. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Harrower, M. Walker,: History of Clinical Psychol. in Autobiog.

Harwood, E. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Hatfield, E. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Hathaway, S. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Hathaway, Starke Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Hebb, D. O. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Hebb, D. O. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Hediger, H. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Heidbreder, E. O’Connell & Russo “Eminent Women” (1980)

Heidbreder, E. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Heidbreder, E. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Heider, F. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Heider, Fritz Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Helmholtz, Hermann von Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Helson, H. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Helson, H. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Helson, R. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Henle, M. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Henle, M. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Hess, E. H. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Heymans, G. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Hickok, L. P. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Hilgard, E. R. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Hinde, R. A. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Hoffding, H. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Hoffman, Lois W. History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Hollingworth, H. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Hollingworth, L. S. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Hollingworth, L. S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Hooker, Evelyn Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Horney, K. O’Connell & Russo “Eminent Women” (1980)

Horney, K. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Horney, Karen Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Horowitz, F. D. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Hovland, Carl I. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Howard, R. W. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Hudson, L. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Hulicka, I. M. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Hull, C. L. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Hull, C. L. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Hunt, J. Mc.V. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Hunt, W. A. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Hunter, W. S. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Hunter, W. S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Hurvich, L. M. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Hyde, J. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Inhelder, B. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Inhelder, B. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Ives, M. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Ives, M. Walker,: History of Clinical Psychol. in Autobiog.

Jahoda, M. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

James, W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Jameson, D. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Janet, P. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Jastrow, J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Jastrow, J. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Jensen, A. R. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Johnson, N. G. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Jones, M. C. O’Connell & Russo “Eminent Women” (1980)

Jones, M. C., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Jones, M. H. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Jouvet, M. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Judd, C. H. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Jung, C. G. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Kagan, J. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Kagan, Jerome, History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Kagitcibasi, Cigdem History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Kahneman, Daniel, History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Kastenbaum, R. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Katz, D. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Katz, P. A. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Keith-Spiegel, P. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Keller, F. S. Gandelman: Autobiographies in Expt. Psychol.

Kendler, H. H. Gandelman: Autobiographies in Expt. Psychol.

Kendler, H. H. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Kiesow, F. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

King, J. A. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Klemm, O, History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Klineberg, O. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Koch, Sigmund Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Kogan, N. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Kohler, W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Konorski, J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Krech, D. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Krech, D. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Kuo, Z.-Y. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Labouvie-Vief, G. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Ladd-Franklin, C. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Ladd-Franklin, C. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Laing, R. D. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Lashley, K. S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Lawton, M. P. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Leeper, R. W. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Leibniz, G. W., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 5

Lewin, K. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Leyhausen, P. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Lipsitt, Lewis P. History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Loevinger, J. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Loftus, E. E., History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Lord, F. M., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Lorenz, K. Z. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Lowenthal, L. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Luce, R. D. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Luce, R. D. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Luria, A. R. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Maccoby, E. E. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Maccoby, E. E. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Manning, A. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Marbe, K. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Marler, P. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Martin, L. J. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Maslow, A. H., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Matlin, M. W. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Maynard Smith, J. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Mayo, C. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

McClearn, G. E. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

McClelland, D. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

McDougall, W. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

McDougall, William, Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

McGraw, M. B. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

McGraw, M. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

McKeachie, W. J. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

McNemar, Q. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Mead, M. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Mednick, M. T. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Meehl, P. E. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Metzger, W., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Michotte, A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Michotte, A., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Miles, W. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Milgram, S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Miller, G. A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Miller, N. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Mitchell, M. B. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Mischel, W., History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Montessori, M. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Moore, K. G. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Morgan, C. L. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Mowrer, O. H. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Muller, Georg E. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Munsterberg, Hugo Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Murchison, C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Murphy, G. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Murphy, G. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Murphy, L. B. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Murphy, L. B. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Murray, H. A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Murray, H. A., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Musen, Paul History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Myers, C. S. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Neisser, U., History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Nesselroade, J. R. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Neugarten, B. L. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Newcomb, T. M. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Nissen, H. W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Norsworthy, N. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Osgood, C. E. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Osgood, C. E. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Paterson, D. G., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Pavlov, I. P. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Payton, C. R. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Payton, C. R. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Pfaffmann, C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Pfaffmann, C. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Piaget, J. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Piaget, J. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Pieron, H. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Pillsbury, W. B. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Pressey, S. L. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Pribram, K. H. Gandelman: Autobiographies in Expt. Psychol.

Puffer Howes, E. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Puffer, E. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Ratliff, F., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Rhine, J. B. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Rhine, J.B., & E. L. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Richter, C. P. Gandelman: Autobiographies in Expt. Psychol.

Richter, C. P. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Riggs, L. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Rioch, M. J. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Robertson, G. Croom Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Roe, A. O’Connell & Russo “Eminent Women” (1980)

Rogers, C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Rogers, C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Ross, A. O. Walker,: History of Clinical Psychol. in Autobiog.

Royce, joseph Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Salthouse, T. A. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Sanford. E. C., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Scarr, S. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Schachter, S. History of Psychology in Autobiography 8

Schaie, K. W. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Schiller, P. H. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Schneirla, T. C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Schroots, J. J. F. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Scott, J. P. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Scripture, E. W. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Sears, P. S. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Sears, R. R. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Seashore, C. E. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Sechenov, I. M. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Sexton, V. S. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Shakow, D., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Shanan, J. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Sherif, C. W. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Sherif, C. W. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Shinn, M. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Shneidman, E. Walker,: History of Clinical Psychol. in Autobiog.

Simon, H. A. History of Psychology in Autobiography 7

Skinner, B. F. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Skinner, B. F. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Skinner, B. F. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Smith, M. Brewster Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Smith, P. C. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Smith, T. L. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Spearman, C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Spearman, Charles E. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Spence, J. T. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Spence, J. T. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Spence, K. W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Sperry, Roger W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Stern, W. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Stern, W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Stevens, S. S. History of Psychology in Autobiography 6[N.A.]

Stoltz, L. H. M. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Stone, C. P., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Strickland, B. R. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Strickland, B. R. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Strupp, H. H. Walker,: History of Clinical Psychol. in Autobiog.

Stumpf, C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Stumpg, Carl Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Sullivan, H. S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Sumner, Francis C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Suppes, P. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Terman, L. M. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Terman, Lewis Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Thomae, H. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Thompson, R. F., History of Psychology in Autobiography, 9

Thomson, G. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Thorndike, E. L. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Thorndike, E. L. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Thorne, F. C. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Thurstone, L. L. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Thurstone, L. L. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Thurstone, T. G. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Tinbergen, N. Cohen: Psychologists on Psychology

Tinbergen, N. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Tinbergen, N., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Titchener, E. B. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Tolman, E. C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 4

Tolman, E. C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Tomkins, S. S. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Troll, L. E. A History of Geropsychology in Autobiography (1999)

Troll, L. E. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Trotman-Reid, P. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Tryon, R. C. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Turner, C. H., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Tyler, L. E. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement2″(1988)

Tyler, L. E. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Tyler, L. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Tyler, L., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Underwood, B. J. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Upham, Thomas Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 4

Vernon, P. Krawiec: The Psychologists 3

Viteles, M. S. History of Psychology in Autobiography 5

Viteles, M. S. Krawiec: The Psychologists 2

Wapner, Seymour History of Developmental Psychol. in Autobiog. 1

Warren, H. C. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Washburn, M. F. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Washburn, M. F. O’Connell & Russo “Eminent Women” (1980)

Washburn, M. F. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Washburn, M. F. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Washburn, M. F.Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Watson, J. B. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Watson, J. B. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Watson, R. I. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Webb, W. B. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Wellman, B. L. O’Connell & Russo :”Women in Psychol.” (1990)

Wertheimer, M. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 1

Willis, D. J. Models of Achievement 3 (2001)

Wilson, E. O. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Wirth, W. History of Psychology in Autobiography 3

Witmer, L. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Wolfe, Harry Kirke, Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 5

Woodworth, R. S. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Woodworth, R. S., Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology, 6

Wooley, H. B. T. Scarborough & Furumoto “Untold Lives”

Wright, M. J. O’Connell & Russo “Models of Achievement”(1983)

Wundt, W. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 3

Wynne-Edwards, V. C. Leaders in the Study of Animal Behavior&Studying Animal Behavior:

Yerkes, R. M. History of Psychology in Autobiography 2

Yerkes, R. M. Portraits of Pioneers in Psychology 2

Young, P. T. Krawiec: The Psychologists 1

Ziehen, T. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1

Zwaardemaker, H. History of Psychology in Autobiography 1