Talking Heads
Podcast: CiviL War Talk Radio Companion
June 2020: An interview about the book Lens of War.
Anna Dickinson and Civil War Politics
March 2018: A talk at UVA as part of their Civil War Lives conference.
Podcast: Civil War Talk Radio Companion
October 2015. This is an interview with Dr. Jerry Prokopowicz on Defining Duty in the Civil War. (The first ten minutes of the show are about other matters.)
Panel Discussion on The Lens of War
This is from June 20, 2015. Eight authors from the book Lens of War offered their thoughts on Civil War photography. Gettysburg College, Civil War Institute.
This is a panel discussion held at the University of Virginia, as part of the state’s Civil War Sesquicentennial celebration (April 18, 2015). The panelists are Gallman, Joan Waugh, and John Neff. Gary Gallagher moderates.
The Home Front of the Civil War
This panel discussion was held at the National Archives on November 20, 2010.
Blog Entries
“Shoddy: The (Sometimes) Strange History of a Civil War Term”
This is a blog entry for UNC Press. [It is essentially an attempt to stir up interest in my book, Defining Duty in the Civil War.
“On Heroes and Hypocrites: War Talk 150 Years Ago and Today”
This is a second UNC Press blog entry. This one compares some Civil War themes with fairly recent political discourse.
Opinion Pieces and Short Essays
On Confederate Flags and Civil War Reenactors
This is a piece solicited by the Gainesville Iguana, which was written shortly after the massacre of black churchgoers in Columbia, South Carolina. I was asked about the use of Confederate flags by reenactors . (The version linked here was posted a month or so after it first appeared in the Iguana.)
This is a letter/editorial in the Gainesville Sun (October 30, 2012) about the significance of the Humanities in undergraduate education. (I did not write the title.)
The Battle of Antietam and 9-11 and selfless heroism
Guest editorial in the Orlando Sun, September 20, 2012. This is an attempt at linking the Civil War with contemporary political discourse. Written as an “open letter” to Mitt Romney.
This is a one page reflection on a photograph of a cavalry private in the United States Colored Troops. Appeared in Military Images (Winter 2016)
Reviews of Recent Books
Book Trailer for Civil War Places
Reviews of Defining Duty in the Civil War
Review in the Civil War Monitor Author Page
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