Guides to Writing and Citation
Chicago Manual of Style (Turabian) Guide
This is a link to the University of Wisconsin’s Writing Center. It includes valuable links from the Chicago Manual (also called “Turabian’s”) for citations etc.
Reading, Writing, and Researching for History
Patrick Rael, Bowdoin University, has prepared this wonderful web page, It includes wise advice on researching and writing papers. It is well work your time.
H-Net’s Guide for Citing Internet Sources
This page has been around for awhile, but I think that the fundamental conventions are unchanged.
Teaching History
History Matters
This is a site from George Mason University that is a gateway for tons of information on teaching U. S. History.
Digital History
This is a web page from the University of Houston that is aimed at folks teaching U.S. History. There is some useful material here.
Professional Links for Graduate Students
Some Major Organizations
The AHA Web Page
This web page is full of links to reports and opinion pieces about all aspects of the profession. Well worth browsing.
Organization of American Historians
OAH main web page.
The Southern Historical Association
The SHA’s main web page.
AHA Directory of Dissertations
This is a nice search engine. It is useful for finding out if someone has already written your dissertation topic.
AHA Directory of History Departments
Another search engine. A useful way to find out about who is in a department when you are applying for jobs.
Getting a Job
AHA Career Center
One of the key places to visit when you are in search of jobs.
AHA: Guide to Cover Letters and C.V.s
A useful piece
AHA: Another essay on Cover Letters and C.V.s
Also useful.
AHA: On Preparing a Teaching Portfolio
It is worth thinking about your teaching portfolio long before you are in the job market.
Chronicle of Higher Education: The Basics of Writing Cover Letters
For folks in the job market.
Getting Published
Book Publishing for the Uninitiated
This is an essay written by Susan Ferber of Oxford University Press. Ferber is one of the top editors around (I worked with her on my book about Anna Dickinson).
On Publishing Journal Articles
My old friend and colleague C. Dallett Hemphill wrote this short piece advising young scholars about the journal publishing business. It is full of excellent advice. (Sadly, Dallett died very shortly after this essay appeared.)
Some other useful professional links
AHA Guide to Professional Conduct
Explains how the AHA defines plagiarism and various other useful things.
H-Net hosts a long list of discussion groups (of uneven quality). It is also a great place to look for job ads as well as announcements of grants and conferences.
History News Network
HNN links to various news stories and commentaries, largely dealing with how historians find their way into public discourse.
HNN Blogroll
This page has links to a staggering number of blogs addressing some aspect of history. No doubt all are superb. This is a good place to visit if you wish to extend your graduate career by a few years.