The purpose of this seminar, which is supported by the Graduate Mathematics Association and Prof. Dana Bartošová, is simply to make mathematical research more accessible to undergrad and grad students. With this in mind, experts from different fields in mathematics and related disciplines (e.g., statistics, computer science, etc.) will talk about their research in “simple words” (i.e. a first year grad student should be able to understand most of a talk). Unlike a usual talk in which the speaker focuses on one specific paper/result/problem, our speakers would offer a panoramic overview of their research highlighting connections to other fields.
And we do not talk about mathematics on an empty stomach; we have free pizza!
Where: Little Hall 233 When: Thursday at 3:00 PM
Date | Speaker | Topic | Toppings |
03/30/2023 | Krishnaswami Alladi | The Queen of Mathematics | Pepperoni and Shredded Parmesan Asiago; Onions and Pineapple; Black Olives and Diced Tomatoes (2); Cheddar Cheese Blend and Shredded Parmesan Asiago (2). |
03/23/2023 | Zachary Hamaker | Fourier Analysis and the Symmetric Group | Pepperoni and Shredded Parmesan Asiago; Onions and Pineapple; Black Olives and Diced Tomatoes (2); Cheddar Cheese Blend and Shredded Parmesan Asiago (2). |
02/23/2023 | Arnaud Marsiglietti | Four Problems at the Intersection of Probability, Analysis and Geometry | Pepperoni and Shredded Parmesan Asiago; Onions and Pineapple; Black Olives and Diced Tomatoes (2); Cheddar Cheese Blend and Shredded Parmesan Asiago (2). |
02/16/2023 | Chunmei Wang | Efficient Numerical Methods for Weak Solutions of Partial Differential Equations | Shredded Parmesan Asiago and Cheddar Cheese; Diced Tomatoes and Roasted Red Peppers; Spinach and Feta Cheese; Onions and Pineapple. |
02/09/2023 | Kiley Graim | Big-data Genomics for Precision Medicine | Shredded Parmesan Asiago and Cheddar Cheese; Diced Tomatoes and Roasted Red Peppers; Spinach and Feta Cheese; Onions and Pineapple. |
11/17/2022 | Sarah Moeller | Computational and Statistical Approaches to Language Science | Shredded Parmesan Asiago and Cheddar Cheese; Diced Tomatoes and Roasted Red Peppers; Spinach and Feta Cheese; Onions and Pineapple; and Pepperoni. |
11/03/2022 | Jeremy Booher | Langlands Program | Shredded Parmesan Asiago and Cheddar Cheese (2X); Diced Tomatoes and Green Peppers; Onions and Pineapple; Spinach and Feta Cheese; and Pepperoni and Cheddar Cheese. |
10/20/2022 | Peter Bubenik | Topological Data Analysis | Diced Tomatoes and Green Peppers; Shredded Parmesan Asiago and Cheddar Cheese (3X); Mushrooms and Feta Cheese; and Onions and Pineapple. |
10/13/2022 | Jindrich Zapletal | Independence Results in Algebra and Analysis | Diced tomatoes and Spinach; Shredded Parmesan Asiago and Cheddar Cheese (X2); Roasted Red Peppers and Black Olives; Pepperoni and Cheddar Cheese; and Pineapple and Bacon. |
09/29/2022 | Jindrich Zapletal | Independence Results in Algebra and Analysis (Postponed due to hurricane Ian) | N/A |
09/15/2022 | Sergei Shabanov | Bound States in the Continuum | Shredded Parmesan Asiago and Cheddar Cheese; Diced Tomatoes and Spinach; Pineapple and Ham; Pepperoni and Shredded Provolone Cheese; No Cheese, Onions, and Green Peppers. |
09/01/2022 | Sara Pollock | Numerical Eigenvalue Problem: Upcycling Data for Faster Convergence | Pineapple and Bacon; Premium Chicken and Jalapeno Peppers; Spinach and Feta Cheese; Cheddar Cheese and Shredded Parmesan; No Cheese, Mushrooms and Dice Tomatoes. |
04/14/2022 | Kathe Todd-Brown | Mathematics of Soil Carbon | Cheddar Cheese and Shredded Provolone; No cheese, Mushrooms, and Diced Tomatoes; Pineapple, Ham, Chicken, and Jalapeño Peppers; Pepperoni and Bacon; Onions, Pineapple, and Ham. |
03/31/2022 | Kevin Knudson | Morse Theory | Pineapple, Ham, Chicken, and Jalapeño Peppers; No cheese, Mushrooms, and Diced Tomatoes; Pepperoni and Bacon; Onions, Pineapple, and Ham; Cheddar Cheese and Shredded Provolone. |
03/24/2022 | Mike Jury | Pick’s Problem | Pineapple, Ham, Chicken, and Jalapeño Peppers; No cheese, Mushrooms, and Diced Tomatoes; Pepperoni and Bacon; Onions, Pineapple, and Ham; Cheddar Cheese and Shredded Provolone. |
02/24/2022 | Dana Bartošová | Dynamical Systems | Ham, Onions, and Pineapple; Chicken, Onions, and Jalapeño Peppers; Cheddar Cheese and Provolone Cheese. |