For further information or reprints please contact Jack Ewel jackewel@ufl.edu
Ewel, J. J., G. Celis & L. Schreeg. 2015. Steeply increasing growth differential between mixture and monocultures of tropical trees. Biotropica 47: 162-171. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J., M. J. Mazzarino & G. Celis. 2014. Soil changes in model tropical ecosystems: effects of stand longevity outweigh plant diversity and tree species identity in a fertile volcanic soil. Ecosystems 17: 820-836. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-014-9753-9
Ewel, J. J. & S. W. Bigelow. 2011. Tree species identity and interactions with neighbors determine nutrient leaching in model tropical forests. Oecologia 167: 1127-1140. (PDF)
Clark, M. L., D. A. Roberts, J. J. Ewel & D. B. Clark. 2011. Estimation of tropical rain forest aboveground biomass with small-footprint lidar and hyperspectral sensors. Remote Sensing of Environment. 115: 2931-2942. (PDF)
Gutiérrez-Soto, M. V. & J. J. Ewel. 2008. Water use in four model tropical plant associations established in the lowlands of Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical 56: 1947-1957. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J. & M. J. Mazzarino. 2008. Competition from below for light and nutrients shifts productivity among tropical species. PNAS 105: 18836-18841; http://www.pnas.org/cgi/content/full/0807216105/DCSupplemental (PDF)
Evans, M. N. 2007. Toward forward modeling for paleoclimatic proxy signal calibration: A case study with oxygen isotope composition of tropical woods. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 8: 10.1029/2006GC001466. 13 pp.
Trager, M. D. & E. M. Bruna. 2006. Effects of plant age, experimental nutrient addition and ant occupancy on herbivory in a neotropical myrmecophyte. Journal of Ecology 94: 1156-1163.
Carney, K. M. & P. A. Matson. 2006. The influence of tropical plant diversity and composition on soil microbial communities. Microbial Ecology 52: 226-238.
Cole, T. G. & J. J. Ewel. 2006. Allometric equations for four valuable tropical tree species. Forest Ecology and Management 229: 351-360. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J. 2006. Species and rotation frequency influence soil nitrogen in simplified tropical plant communities. Ecological Applications 16: 490-502. (PDF)
Gutiérrez, M. V. & L. S. Santiago. 2006. A comparison of sap flow measurements and potometry in two tropical lowland tree species with contrasting wood properties. Revista de Biología Tropical 54: 73-81.
Carney, K. M. & P. A. Matson. 2005. Plant communities, soil microorganisms, and carbon cycling: does altering the world belowground matter to ecosystem functioning? Ecosystems 8: 928-940.
Lovelock, C. E. & J. J. Ewel. 2005. Links between tree species, symbiotic fungal diversity, and ecosystem functioning in simplified tropical ecosystems. New Phytologist 167: 219-228. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J. & A. J. Hiremath. 2005. Plant-plant interactions. pp. 203-234 in: D. Bursalem, M. Pinnard, and S. Hartley(eds.) Biotic Interactions in the Tropics. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge UK. (PDF)
Silver, W. L., A. W. Thompson, A. Reich, J. J. Ewel, & M. K. Firestone. 2005. Nitrogen cycling in tropical plantation forests: potential controls on nitrogen retention. Ecological Applications 15: 1604-1614. (PDF)
Tillberg, C. V. 2004. Friend or foe? A behavioral and stable isotopic investigation of an ant-plant symbiosis. Oecologia 140:506-515.
Clark, M. L., D. B. Clark, & D. A. Roberts. 2004. Small-footprint lidar estimation of subcanopy elevation and tree height in a tropical rain forest landscape. Remote Sensing of Environment 91:68-89.
Carney, K. M., P. A. Matson, & B. J. M. Bohannan. 2004. Diversity and composition of tropical soil nitrifiers across a plant diversity gradient and among land use types. Ecology Letters 7:684-694.
Bigelow, S. W., J. J. Ewel, & J. P. Haggar. 2004. Enhancing nutrient retention in tropical tree plantations: no short cuts. Ecological Applications 14:28-46. (PDF)
Reich, A., N. M. Holbrook, & J. J. Ewel. 2004. Developmental and physiological correlates of leaf size in Hyeronima alchorneoides (Euphorbiaceae). American Journal of Botany 91:582-589. (PDF)
Russell, A. E., C. A. Cambardella, J. J. Ewel, & T. B. Parkin. 2004. Species, rotation-frequency, and life-form diversity effects on soil carbon in experimental tropical ecosystems. Ecological Applications 14:47-60. (PDF)
Reich, A., J. J. Ewel, N. M. Nadkarni, T. Dawson, & R. D. Evans. 2003. Nitrogen isotope ratios shift with plant size in tropical bromeliads. Oecologia 137:587-590. (PDF)
Merwin, M. C., S. A. Rentmeester, & N. M. Nadkarni. 2003. The influence of host tree species on the distribution of epiphytic bromeliads in experimental monospecific plantations, La Selva, Costa Rica. Biotropica 35:37-47.
Hiremath, A. J., J. J. Ewel, & T. G. Cole. 2002. Nutrient use efficiency in three fast-growing tropical trees. Forest Science 48:662-672. (PDF)
Mata, A. 2002. Diagnóstico de los insectos herbívoros en las plantaciones puras de pilón, cedro y laurel, en la Estación Biológica La Selva, Puerto Viejo, Sarapiquí, Costa Rica. pp 129-131 in: Taller seminario especies forestales nativas.INICEFOR, Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica.
Hiremath, A. J. & J. J. Ewel. 2001. Ecosystem nutrient use efficiency, productivity, and nutrient accrual in model tropical communities. Ecosystems 4:669-682. (PDF)
Bigelow, S. W. 2001. Evapotranspiration modeled from stands of three broad-leaved tropical trees in Costa Rica. Hydrological Processes 15:2779-2796.
Menalled, F. D., & M. J. Kelty. 2001. Crown structure and biomass allocation strategies of three juvenile tropical tree species. Plant Ecology 152:1-11.
Hiremath, A. J. 2000. Photosynthetic nutrient-use efficiency in three fast-growing topical trees with differing leaf longevities. Tree Physiology 20:937-944.
Hummel, S. 2000. Coppice sprouts in Cordia alliodora. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 12:552-560.
Hummel, S. 2000. Height, diameter and crown dimensions of Cordia alliodora associated with tree density. Forest Ecology and Management 127:31-40.
Hummel, S. 2000. Understory development in young Cordia alliodora plantations. New Forests 19:159-170.
Kelty, M. J. 2000. Species interactions, stand structure, and productivity in agroforestry plantations. Pages 183-205 in: M. Ashton & F. Montagnini (eds.) The Silvicultural Basis for Agroforestry Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
Heneghan, L., D. C. Coleman, X. Zou, & D. A. Crossley, Jr. 1999. Nitrogen dynamics in decomposing chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.) in mesic temperate and tropical forest. Applied Soil Ecology 13:169-175.
Heneghan, L., D. C. Coleman, X. Zou, D. A. Crossley, & B. L. Haines. 1999. Soil microarthropod contributions to decomposition dynamics: tropical-temperate comparisons of a single substrate. Ecology 80:1873-1882.
Ewel, J. J. 1999. Natural systems as models for the design of sustainable systems of land use. Agroforestry Systems 45:1-21. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J., & A. J. Hiremath. 1998. Nutrient use efficiency and the management of degraded lands. pp.199-215 in: B. Gopal, P. S. Pathak, & K. G. Saxena (eds.) Ecology Today: An Anthology of Contemporary Ecological Research. International Scientific Publications, New Delhi. (PDF)
Heneghan, L., D. C. Coleman, X. Zou, D. A. Crossley, & B. L. Haines. 1998. Soil microarthropod community structure and litter decomposition dynamics: a study of tropical and temperate sites. Applied Soil Ecology 9:33-38.
Menalled, F. D., M. J. Kelty, & J. J. Ewel. 1998. Canopy development in tropical tree plantations: a comparison of species mixtures and monocultures. Forest Ecology and Management 104:249-263. (PDF)
Haggar, J. P., & J. J. Ewel. 1997. Primary productivity and resource partitioning in model tropical ecosystems. Ecology 78:1211-1221. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J., M. Cifuentes, & A. J. Hiremath. 1997. El mito de la luz como limitante del crecimiento: efecto de la competencia por nutrimentos sobre los árboles. In: III Congreso Forestal Nacional, San José, Costa Rica, MINAE, pp. 305-307. (PDF)
Hiremath, A. J., J. J. Ewel, & M. Cifuentes. 1997. Pérdida de nutrimentos por escorrentía de fuste en ecosistemas tropicales simplificados. In: III Congreso Forestal Centroamericano, San José, Costa Rica, Impresos Belén, pp. 31-33. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J. 1997. Ecosystem processes and the new conservation theory. Chapter 20, pages 252-261 in S. T. A. Pickett, R. S. Ostfeld, M. Shachak, & G. E. Likens (eds.). Ecology and the New Conservation Theory. Proceedings of the VI Cary Conference. Chapman & Hall, N.Y. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J., & S. W. Bigelow. 1996. Plant life forms and tropical ecosystem functioning. Chapter 6, pages 101-126 in G. H. Orians, R. Dirzo, & J. H. Cushman. (eds.). Biodiversity and Ecosystem Processes in Tropical Forests. Springer-Verlag, N.Y. (PDF)
Haggar, J. P., & J. J. Ewel. 1995. Establishment, resource acquisition, and early productivity as determined by biomass allocation patterns of three tropical tree species. Forest Science 41:689-708. (PDF)
Kelty, M. J., and I. R. Cameron. 1995. Plot designs for the analysis of species interactions in mixed stands. Commonwealth Forestry Review 74:322-332.
Rodgers, H. L., M. P. Brakke, & J. J. Ewel. 1995. Shoot damage effects on starch reserves of Cedrela odorata. Biotropica 27:71-77. (PDF)
Gerwing, J. J. 1995. Competitive effects of three tropical tree species on two species of Piper. Biotropica 27:47-56.
Haggar, J. P., & J. J. Ewel. 1994. Experiments on the ecological basis of sustainability: early findings on nitrogen, phosphorus and root systems. Interciencia 19:347-351. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J. 1993. The power of biology in the sustainable land use equation. Biotropica 25:250-251. (PDF)
Bigelow, S. W. 1993. Leaf nutrients in relation to stature and life form in a tropical rain forest. Journal of Vegetation Science 4:401-408.
Galo, A. T., P. M. Rich, & J. J. Ewel. 1992. Effects of forest edges on the solar radiation regime in a series of reconstructed tropical ecosystems. Proceedings, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 1992 Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. pp. 98-108. (PDF)
Theses and dissertations
Trager, M. D. 2005. Ant occupancy and anti-herbivore defense of Cordia alliodora, a neotropical myrmecophyte. University of Florida, Gainesville. 67 pp.
Tillberg, C. V. 2003. The evolution and ecology of an ant-plant symbiosis. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Colorado, Boulder. 143 pp.
Carney, K. M. 2003. The influence of plant diversity and land use on the composition and function of soil microbial communities. Ph.D. dissertation. Stanford University, Stanford. 105 pp.
Mata Arroyo, A. 2001. Diagnóstico de los insectos herbívoros presentes en las plantaciones de monocultivos de pilón, cedro y laurel, ubicadas en las parcelas experimentales del Proyecto Huertos, Estación Biológica La Selva, Puerto Viejo de Sarapiquí, Heredia, Costa Rica. Informe de Practica de Especialidad. Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago. 104 p + Anexos
Moeser, J. 2000. Interaktionen zwischen Herbivoren, Ameisen und Parasitoiden an Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae). Eine Untersuchung im Tieflandregenwald von La Selva, Costa Rica. Diplomarbeit. M.S. thesis, Universitaet Hannover/Tieraerztliche Hochschule, Hannover.
Hiremath, A. J. 1999. Nutrient use efficiency in simplified tropical ecosystems. Ph.D. disseration. University of Florida, Gainesville. 184 pp.
Bigelow, S. W. 1998. Stand rotation frequency as determinant of leaching in the Humid Tropics. Ph.D. dissertation. University of Florida, Gainesville. 145 pp.
Hummel, S. 1997. Stand development of Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae), a neotropical secondary forest tree in northern Costa Rica (1992-1996). Ph.D. dissertation. Oregon State University, Corvallis. 117 pp.
Casey, M. T. 1996. Throughfall in a forestry plantation at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. M.S. thesis, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 101 pp.
Menalled, F. D. 1996. Crown structure, light availability, and stand dynamics in forest plantations in Costa Rica: a comparison of species mixtures and monocultures. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 110 pp.
Gerwing, J. J. 1993. Competitive effects of monocultures and a polyculture of three tropical tree species on understory plant growth. M.S. thesis. University of Florida, Gainesville. 53 pp.