(with K. Kunen and J. Steprans) Continuous maps on Aronszajn trees, Order 29 (2), (2012), 311-316
Infinite Combinatorics, in: Sets and Extensions in the Twentieth Century, (D. Gabbay, A. Kanamori, J. Woods, eds), a volume of the series Handbook of the History of Logic, (2012), 146-357. (InfiniteCombinatoricsPreprint)
(with P. Komjath and N. Sauer) The quasi order of graphs on an ordinal, Discrete Mathematics 322 (15), (2011) 1451-1460
(with A. Hajnal) Partition Relations, in: Handbook of Set Theory, (M. Foreman, A. Kanamori eds) 1 (2010) 129-213 (Hajnal-Larson preprint)
(with M. Dzamonja, W. Mitchell) Partitions of large Rado graphs, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 48 (6) (2009), 579-606
(with M. Dzamonja, W. Mitchell), A partition theorem for a large dense linear order, Israel Journal of mathematics, 171 (1) (2009), 237-284
Counting Canonical Partitions in the Random Graph, Combinatorica 28 (6) (2008), 659-678
Partition relations on a plain product order type, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 144 (1-3), (2006) 117-125