

DePasquale,C., & Leri, J.D. (2018). The influence of exercise on anxiety-like behavior in zebrafish (Danio rerio). Behavioural Processes. doi: 10.1016/j.beproc.2018.04.006



Fochler, S., Leri, J.D., & DePasquale, C. (April 2017). Effects of Exercise on Anxiety Behaviors in Zebrafish. Diving Tank Poster.pdf

Leri, J.D., & Tornello, S.L. (March 2017). Social Distance, Psychotropic Medication, & Depression Stigma. SD, PM, DS Poster.pdf

Leri, J.D., Graham, Z.A., LaDage, L.D. (January 2017). Differential Contributions to the Medial Cortex Volume of Eastern Fence Lizards. Cell Layer Poster.pdf

Leri, J.D., & Tornello, S.L. (April 2016). Social Distance Psychotropic Medication, & Mental Illness Exposure. SD, PM, MIE Poster.pdf

Leri, J.D., & Tornello, S.L. (March 2016). Depression Diagnosis, Antidepressants, and the Self. DD, AD, Self Poster.pdf