LNW 2560 Dr. Jennifer A. Rea
T 6th (12:50-1:40) e-mail: jrea@ufl.edu
R 6-7th (12:50-2:45) Office: 142 Dauer/Tel. 392-2075
Course: Location: RNK 210 Office Hours: Tues. 7th hour (1:55-2:45)/Thurs. 3rd hour (9:35-10:25) & by appt.
Course Description:
In this course you will explore the works of six key authors of the Late Republic and Early Empire: Cicero, Caesar, Catullus, Vergil, Livy and Ovid. During our close reading of the texts we will examine the topic of Roman cultural identity. While our initial goal will be to reinforce key grammatical and syntactical points and to revise some of the Latin vocabulary you have already learned, our main focus will be to apply and expand your talents in order to develop a more significant understanding of the Latin language. Expect to amplify your Latin vocabulary dramatically and to increase your understanding of the language’s grammar and syntax. Our required text is the Oxford Latin Reader.
Student Expectations/Course Objectives:
* identify and discuss the unique features of each genre of Latin Literature we read
* increase proficiency in your ability to read Latin
Exam, Assignment, and Class Expectations:
It is extremely difficult to be involved in the learning process unless you participate fully in class discussions. Thus, your participation in class discussion and willingness to translate in class are especially critical. It should be obvious that you cannot make an effective contribution to the class if you come to class unprepared, are chronically late, or fail to attend class. All assignments to be handed in must be submitted at the start of class on the due date. Make-up examinations are rarely given and only for extraordinary circumstances beyond your control, such as a grave illness or family emergency. You must notify me within 24 hours of a missed exam in order to arrange a makeup. Grading will be traditional, i.e., only outstanding work will receive an A, good work will receive a B, average work a C, etc. Your final grade will consist of 3 non-cumulative exams (20% each); 10 in-class quizzes (20%); and class participation (20%).
Attendance Policy
Regular attendance and active participation are mandatory.
More than one absence will cause your final grade to be penalized by five points for each subsequent unexcused absence.
Tardiness will count as half an absence.
Late Assignments: You will be allowed to hand in work late only for excused absences, such as required student participation in a university-sponsored event (you must submit official documentation to the professor from the appropriate faculty or staff member before the event); religious holidays (notify the professor within the first two weeks of class); medical emergencies (with documentation from a health care provider); family emergencies (with valid written documentation). Regarding medical and family emergencies, it is your responsibility to notify me as soon as possible that you will need accommodations. Students with a valid excuse have one week after a missed assignment (or one week after recovering from an illness) to hand in the work.
Information on the UF Counseling Center can be found at https://counseling.ufl.edu/
Grading Scale:
A = 90 or above C = 70-73
A- = 87-89 C- = 67-69
B+ = 84-86 D+ = 64-66
B = 80-83 D = 60-63
B- = 77-79 D- = 57-59
C+ = 74-76 E = 56 or below
Grading Scale with GPA Equivalencies
A = 4.0
A- = 3.67
B+ = 3.33
B = 3.0
B- = 2.67
C+ = 2.33
C = 2.0
C- = 1.67
D+ = 1.33
D = 1.0
D- = 0.67
E = 0.0
- A C- grade will not qualify for major, minor, Gen Ed, Gordon Rule or College Basic Distribution credit. UF does not consider C- to be a passing grade.
This course is in compliance with all UF policies regarding special needs and academic honesty. For details, see https://www.dso.ufl.edu/drc/ (special needs); https://www.dso.ufl.edu/sccr/process/student-conduct-honor-code (academic honesty). Students requesting special accommodation will need to provide a letter from the Dean of Students Office at the start of the semester.
Students will be expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online and students will be given specific instructions as to when the online link will be available. Generally the evaluations are offered online during the last 2-3 weeks of the semester.
Class Schedule (Note that readings are due the day they appear on the syllabus)
T August 25 Introduction
R August 27 Catullus
T September 1 Catullus/Quiz #1
R September 3 Catullus
T September 8 Vergil
R September 10 Vergil Quiz #2
T September 15 Vergil
R September 17 Vergil
T September 22 Vergil Quiz #3
R September 24 Sight Reading Exercise/Review for Exam
T September 29 Exam #1
R October 1 Cicero
T October 6 Cicero
R October 8 Cicero/Quiz #4
T October 13 Caesar
R October 15 Caesar/Quiz #5
T October 20 Caesar
R October 22 Sight Reading/Review for Exam
T October 27 Exam #2
R October 29 Livy
T November 3 Livy/Quiz #6
R November 5 Livy/Quiz #7
T November 10 Livy
R November 12 Livy/Quiz #8
T November 17 Livy
R November 19 Ovid/Quiz #9
T November 24 Ovid
R November 26 No Class (Thanksgiving)
T December 1 Ovid/Quiz #10
R December 3 Review/Course Evaluations
T December 8 Exam #3