Jorge Valdés Kroff
Associate Professor of Spanish and Linguistics
I am currently on professional leave from UF, serving as Program Director for the Build and Broaden Program in the Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences at NSF.
Google Scholar page
Research Gate profile
LinkedIn profile
Areas of Interest/Research
- Psycholinguistics, especially sentence processing in bilingual and second language speakers
- Spanish-English code-switching
- Spanish heritage speakers
- B.A., University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill (Linguistics, International Studies)
- M.A., Penn State University (Hispanic Linguistics)
- Ph.D., Penn State University (Hispanic Linguistics and Language Science)
Contact Information
Email: jvaldeskroff [at] ufl [dot] edu
Phone: (352) 273-3744
Office: 246 Dauer
Office Hours:
2024-2025, by appointment only
Mailing address:
PO Box 117405
170 Dauer Hall
Gainesville, FL 32611