
Sellers, Mitchell Dylan. Forthcoming. “Gubernatorial Use of Executive Orders: Unilateral Action and Policy Adoption,” Journal of Public Policy. [Replication Data]

Hicks, William, McKee, Seth C., Sellers, Mitchell D. and Smith, Daniel A. 2015. “Evolution of an Issue: Voter ID Laws in the American States,” Political Research Quarterly 68(1): 18-33. [Download Article]

Sellers, Mitchell Dylan. 2014. “Discrimination and the Transgender Population: Analysis of the Functionality of Local Government Policies that Protect Gender Identity,”  Administration & Society 46(1): 70-86. [Download Article]

Sellers, Mitchell Dylan. 2014. “Executive Expansion of Transgender Rights: Electoral Incentives to Issue or Revoke Executive Orders.” InTransgender Rights and Politics (Eds.) Taylor, Jami Kathleen and Haider-Markel, Donald P. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Sellers, Mitchell Dylan and Colvin, Roddrick. 2014. “Explicit Use of Transgender-Inclusive Language and Its Effects on the Adoption and Implementation of Local Nondiscrimination Policies.” In Transgender Rights and Politics (Eds.) Taylor, Jami Kathleen and Haider-Markel, Donald P. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.