Any excuse for food is a good one here. Before our spring break, the members all brought food for a lab brunch during our weekly meeting and it was great! There were bagels and lox, scones, two types of quiche, cake with raspberry, muffins, and traditional Jewish hamentashen (from Naomi as she was celebrating the Jewish Purim Holiday that week). This shmorgisborg is a nice break from the usual work week and a fun, casual way to hang with your fellow lab members.

 This morning we decided to celebrate Naomi getting into her top choice for graduate school at Texas State! She brought fresh strawberries she picked over the weekend, Molly made a healthy paleo cake with the Texas State University colors, and Raphaela baked an apple cardamom pie.

Everything was delicious and congratulations Naomi on being accepted and offered a Graduate Research Assistantship!