Ongoing Research Projects

This lab focuses on the development and refinement of behavioral assessment, behavioral treatment, and skill acquisition procedures for children with developmental disabilities, including autism. We have some studies running that involve assessment of behavior disorders, intervention for behavior disorders, and skill acquisition via shaping and chaining. Current and previous research projects have been funded by contracts with school districts and clinics, Autism Speaks, and federal grants from NICHD. Below are some ongoing research projects.


Evaluation of Skill Acquisition Procedures

Evaluating progressively intensive interventions to teach response to name, methods of teaching verbal operants, and methods of discrete trial instruction.


Behavioral Assessment and Treatment

Evaluating changes in function over time, the relative occurrence of potentially dangerous and appropriate behavior, the use of a no-interaction condition as a screening procedure, and methods of improving the efficiency and feasibility of functional analysis.


Pediatric Feeding Disorders

Training staff to provide structured mealtimes, evaluating variables that may influence inappropriate mealtime behavior, and improving the assessment and treatment of food selectivity and refusal.


Identification and Evaluation of ReinforcersĀ 

Improving methods of reinforcer identification, evaluating the efficacy of social reinforcers, comparing the efficacy of healthy and unhealthy edible reinforcers, and comparing the efficacy of edible and leisure reinforcers.


Evaluation of Toilet Training Procedures

Evaluating toilet training procedures effective for typically developing children with autism, more or less intensive toilet training procedures, methods of individualizing and improving toilet training procedures, and parent and staff preferences related to effort and time to acquisition.


Evaluation of Staff and Parent Training Procedures

Evaluating methods to improve parent and staff coaching, guidance, and feedback, along with performance evaluations.


Assessment and Improvement of Social Skills

Participant initiated research to improve conversation, independent living skills, and relationship building. These assessments are guided by participants personal goals for improvement.