Dr. Robin West![](http://people.clas.ufl.edu/west51/files/west.jpg)
Professor Emeritus
Everyday Memory and Aging
Research Interest
Dr. West’s research career can be characterized as having two streams – the first is a theoretical path, devoted to testing constructs related to memory self-evaluation and social cognition, and the second is an applied path, focused on intervention methodologies for training older adults to improve their practical memory skills. In both arenas, the search for ways to maximize memory performance has been central: to find the key to why age declines vary under particular testing conditions and to understand the impact of negative self-perceptions on cognition. She investigates everyday memory performance, self-regulatory factors that influence memory performance, such as self-efficacy, goal setting, possible selves, control beliefs and strategies, and has designed highly effective memory interventions that lead to improved memory and increased memory self-efficacy and control in older adults.
Contact Information
Email: west51@ufl.edu
Office: 530 McCarty Hall C
Mailing address:
Department of Psychology
University of Florida
PO Box 112250
Gainesville, FL 32611