Curriculum Vitae

CV 2024

Editorial work

·  Editors of Proceedings of AMS (2004-2012)

·  Editors of Algebraic and Geometric Topology (AGT)

·  Editors of Topology and its Applications

·  Advisory Board of Topology Proceedings

·  Editors of Fundamenta Mathematicae

·  Editors of Journal of Topology and Analysis (JTA)

·  Reviewer for MR (1993-2007)


My Students

Alexei Karinskii, MS. 1992;
Alexei’s publications

Greg Bell, Ph.D. “Asymtotic dimension of groups”, 2002;
Greg’s publications

Rustam Sadykov, Ph.D. “Singularities of Smooth maps”, 2005;
Rustam’s publications

Sergey Melikhov, Ph.D. “Geometry of link invariants”, 2005;
Sergey’s publications

Yuri Turygin , Ph.D. “Borsuk-Ulam property of finite group action on manifolds and applications”, 2007;
Yuri’s publications

Justin Smith , Ph.D. “Discrete Groups from a Coarse Perspective”, 2007;
Justin’s publications

Thanos Gentimis , Ph. D. “Properties of groups at infinity”, 2011;
Thanos’s publications

Brad Groff , MS, 2010;

 Sergii Kutsak , Ph.D. “Essential Manifolds with Extra Structures”, 2013;

Sergii’s publications

 Tulsi Srinivasan, Ph.D. “The Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of Peano continua”, 2015;

Tulsi’s publications

Ashwini Amarasinghe, Ph. D. “Acyclicity Properties of Complements of Subsets in the Hilbert cube”, 2017

Ash’s publications

 Fred Byrd, dropped

Trevor Davila, Ph. D. “Infinite-Dimensional Coarse Geometry of Groups and Spaces”, 2020

Trevor’s publications

Michelle Daher, Ph. D. “Applications of Surgery Theory to Geometry”, 2021

Michelle’s publications

Jamie Scott, Ph.D. “LS-category and Topological Complexity of maps”, 2022

Jamie’s publications

Nursultan Kuanyshov, Ph. D. “Numerical Invariants of Group Homomorphisms”, 2024

Nursultan’s publications

Adi De Saha, current

Satya Howladar, current

Ekansh  Jauhari, current