MAT6932 Seminar in Topology

Time and Location

T5 LIT 368,

Description and Goals: This is a research seminar with a long tradition


TOPOLOGY and Dynamics SEMINAR meets on Tuesdays 5th period in LIT 368


January 16th Organizational meeting

January 23rd Ziga Virk, University of Ljubljana, “Mapping spaces of persistence diagram into the Hilbert space with controlled distortion using quantitative dimension theory”

January 30th  Peter Bubenik, “CW complexes in closure spaces”

February 6th Phil Boyland, “Measuring Dynamics in Homology”

February 13th Alex Dranishnikov, “On Topological Complexity of a Space”

February 20th Ekansh Jauhari, “Distributional topological complexity and its sequential versions”

February 27th Hubert Wagner, “Quantifying geometric-topological interactions using mixup barcodes”

March 5th Kevin Knudson, “Discrete Morse theory for open complexes”

March 19th no seminar, Nursultan Kuanyshov Ph.D. defense (LIT 423) 12:45 pm

March 26th Krzysztof Kapulkin, Univ of Western Ontario, “Calculus of fractions for higher categories”  

April 2nd  Luca Di Cerbo “On the signature of aspherical 4-manifolds”

April 9th Nursultan Kuanyshov “The sequential topological complexity of group homomorphisms”

April 16th Henry Adams “The connectivity of Vietoris-Rips complexes of spheres”

April 23rd Andres Zuniga, oral exam in LIT 368 starts at 10:30 am.

May 14th Antonio Rieser, “Homotopy and sheaf theory for data and combinatorics”



August 29th Chris Kapulkin, University of Western Ontario, “Cubical setting for discrete homotopy theory” (canceled) 

September 5th Organizational meeting

September 12th Peter Bubenik “Persistence: from Algebra to Analysis”

September 19th Henry Adams “Hausdorff vs Gromov-Hausdorff distances”

September 26th Hubert Wagner”Comparing Bregmen divergences on the standard simplex”

October 3rd Thanos Gentimis, LSU “Digital Agriculture”

October 10th Nursultan Kuanyshov “LS-category of epimorphisms of almost nilpotent group”

October 17th Alex Dranishnikov “On Gromov’s PSC conjecture”

October 24th Satya Howladar “Gromov’s conjecture for RAAGs”

October 31st Yeor Hafuta “CLT for hyperbolic dynamical systems”

November 7th Luca Di Cerbo “An invitation to the Singer conjecture”

November 14th Johnathan Bush “Topological feature selection for time series”

November 21st  no seminar

November 28th Snir Ben Ovadia, Penn State “Exponential volume limits”

December 5th Michael Moy, Colorado State University, “The topology of simplicial metric thickenings”


Some of the old seminars:

Schedule for 2023

Schedule for 2022

Schedule for 2021

Schedule for 2020

Schedule for 2019

Schedule for 2017

Schedule for 2016

Schedule for 2015


For older seminars see `seminars’ here. 



Graduate Student Topology Seminar is a survey seminar in Topology :

          UF Graduate Student TOPOLOGY SEMINAR meets on Tuesdays 9th period in LIT 368




January 16th Organizational meeting

January 23rd Erdos Colloquium

January 30th  Nursultan Kuanyshov, “Canonical classes for topological complexity”

February 6th  Nursultan Kuanyshov, “Canonical classes for topological complexity.II”

February 13th Hayden Hunter, “An Introduction to Hyperbolic Harmonic Functions”

February 20th Hayden Hunter, “An Introduction to Hyperbolic Harmonic Functions.II”

February 27th Sucharita Mallick, “Kneser conjecture– history and a topological proof”

March 5th no seminar

March 19th Aaron Thrasher, “Proof of Hadamard’s Theorem”

March 26th Aaron Thrasher, “Proof of Hadamard’s Theorem.II”

April 2nd  no seminar

April 9th  Wanchen Zhao “Introducing L-homologies of double complexes”

April 16th Satya Howladar “Transfer map and important consequence in (co)homomogy groups”

April 23rd 


August 29th Canceled

September 5th Organizational meeting

September 12th Adi De Saha “Bestvina’s complex”

September 19th Adi De Saha “Bestvina’s complex.II”

September 26th Nursultan Kuanyshov “Introduction to the topological complexity” 

October 3rd Nursultan Kuanyshov “Introduction to the topological complexity II”

October 10th Satya Howladar “Introduction to Artin Groups”

October 17th Ekansh Jauhari “Topology of symmetric products”

October 24th Ekansh Jauhari “Topology of symmetric products.II”

October 31st Hayden Hunter “Hyperbolic Lattices and Applications in Riemannian Geometry”

November 7th Wanchen Zhao “Model Category”

November 14th Wanchen Zhao “Model Category.II”

November 21st no seminar

November 28th Aaron Thrasher “A Comparison Theorem of Ricci Curvature”

December 5th Aaron Thrasher “A Comparison Theorem of Ricci Curvature.II”


Old Seminars:

·  2022-2023

·  2021-2022

·  2020-2021

·  2019-2020

·  2018-2019

·  2017-2018

·  2016-2017

 · 2015-2016

· 2014-2015

·  2013-2014

·  2012-2013 

·  2011-2012 

·  2010-2011 

·  2008 

·  2006-2007 

·  2005-2006 

·  2004-2005 
·  2003-2004 
·  2002-2003 
·  2001-2002 

Grading Scale

80%Attendance+20%Presentation; A if >85, B+ if > 80.

Attendance and Late Policy

Attendance is strictly recommended.