Dr. Stewart
Jon D. Stewart
Professor, Department of Chemistry
Affiliate Professor, Department of Biomedical Enginering
Affiliate Professor, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Editor, Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic
Office: 102 Leigh Hall
Office Phone: 352.846.0743
Office Fax: 352.846.0743
Lab Phone: 352.846.0989
E-mail: jds2@chem.ufl.edu
1. Enzymes as practical catalysts for organic synthesis. We develop enzyme-catalyzed reactions that help make chemical synthesis more sustainable. Ourgoal is to develop reactions that can be use to prepare valuable compounds in both academia and industry. This work is currently supported by the National Science Foundation and involves protein engineering, X-ray crystallography and organic synthesis.
2. Value-added products from Brassica carinata. Ethiopian mustard (B. carinata) produces large quantities of a non-edible oil rich in erucic acid. The oil extracted by crushing the seeds can be converted to aviation jet fuel, which allows a renewable and sustainable source of this key transportation fuel. The residue (seed cake) is rich in protein, but also contains glucosinolates and anti-nutrients, making it unsuitable for animal and human nutrition. Our goal is to develop methods for removing these unwanted by-products, thereby greatly enhancing the value of carinata protein. This work is part of the Southeast Partnership for Advanced Renewables from Carinata (SPARC), which is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Recent publications
1. “An Efficient Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Coenzyme A and Its Disulfide.” L.M.M. Mouterde and J.D. Stewart. Org. Process Res. Develop. 2016, in press.
2. “Role of Polymer Architecture on the Activity of Osteoprotegerin Conjugates for the Treatment of Accelerated Bone Loss Disorders.” B.S. Tucker, J.D. Stewart, J.I. Aguirre, L.S. Holliday, C.A. Figg and B S. Sumerlin. Biomacromolecules 2015, 16, 2374-2381.
3. “Applications of Protein Engineering to Members of the Old Yellow Enzyme Family.” E.D. Amato and J.D. Stewart, Biotechnol. Adv. 2015, 33, 624-631.
4. “Enhancing the Heat Stability and Kinetic Parameters of the Maize Endosperm ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase Using Iterative Saturation Mutagenesis.” K. Boehlein, J.R. Shaw, J.D. Stewart, B. Sullivan and L.C. Hannah. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 2015, 568, 28-37.
5. “Opposite Enantioselectivity in the Bioreduction of (Z)-β-Aryl-β-cyanoacrylates Mediated by the Trp 116 Mutants of Old Yellow Enzyme 1: Synthetic Approach to (R)- and (S)-β-Aryl-γ-lactams.” Brenna, M. Crotti, F.G. Gatti, D. Monti, F. Parmeggiani, R.W. Powell III, S. Santangelo and J.D. Stewart. Adv. Synth. Catal. 2015, 357, 1849-1860.
6. “Role of Polymer Architecture on the Activity of Osteoprotegerin Conjugates for the Treatment of Accelerated Bone Loss Disorders.” S. Tucker, J.D. Stewart, J.I. Aguirre, L.S. Holliday, C.A. Figg and B S. Sumerlin. Biomacromolecules 2015, 16, 2374-2381.
7. “Influence of Cofactor Regeneration Strategies on Preparative-Scale, Asymmetric Carbonyl Reductions by Engineered Escherichia coli.” Dascier, S. Kambourakis, L. Hua, J.D. Rozzell and J.D. Stewart, Org. Proc. Res. Devel. 2014, 18, 793-800.
8. “Threonine Aldolases.” S.E. Franz and J.D. Stewart, Adv. Microbiol. 2014, 88, 57-101.
Honors and Awards
1. Colonel Allan R. and Margaret G. Crow Term Professor of Chemistry (2014 – 2015).
2. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Award (2015 – 2016).
3. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Award (2012 – 2013).
4. College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Teaching Award (2009 – 2010).
5. Howard Hughes Medical Institute Distinguished Mentor Award (2006 – 2007).
6. 2006 Biocat Prize, International Congress on Biocatalysis.
7. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellow (2006).
8. Camille and Henry Dreyfus New Faculty awardee (1991 – 1994).
The “Other” Jon Stewart
If you were looking for the former host of The Daily Show and landed here by mistake, this is the “other” Jon Stewart. Apart from his being younger, better looking and much wealthier, even our mothers have a hard time telling the two of us apart.