A Journal of Translation and World Literature
Delos: A Journal of Translation and World Literature, is now (as of 2018) published twice a year by University of Florida Press. The journal includes translations of poetry, fiction, and drama from around the world, classic and contemporary, as well as articles by translators and reviews of translations. Volume 33 for 2018 includes translations from Chinese, French, German, Hebrew, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, and medieval Czech, Icelandic, and Provençal (at least!). To subscribe and find out more, consult our site at http://journals.upress.ufl.edu/delos.

Delos was founded as part of a grant by the Ford Foundation to the University of Texas in Austin in 1965; six issues (No. 1-6) appeared there in 1968-71. The journal was revived with a second series as a publication of The Center for World Literature at the University of Maryland, edited by Reed Whittemore, in 1988-91. At the end of volumes 1-4 of the second series, (the first three quarterly, No. 7-21, the last semiannual, 22-23), Delos moved to the University of Florida with Volume V of the second series. Although still presented as a semiannual, most of the remaining volumes (No. 24-30) consisted of one physical issue, often published several years after the official date. In this way, volumes V-XII (1992-1999) were edited by Harold Hanson at UF, the last being made available in 2003. Professor Hanson ceded his editorship to guest editors Hal Rennert and Cynthia Chennault for volumes VII and X, respectively.
The first volume of the Third Series, published as an annual in 2016 and numbered 31, was issued in print in April 2016 under the editorship of UF Professor Emeritus Hal Rennert (review editor, Professor Alexander Burak). In 2017, Judy Shoaf joined as Managine Editor. This team continued to work through 2020, with 2021 seeing a new editorial team, led by Ben Hebblethwaite of UF.
Delos, if you … have the temple of far-shooting Apollo, all men will bring you hecatombs and gather here, and incessant savor of rich sacrifice will always arise, and you will feed those who dwell in you from the hand of strangers.
— Homeric Hymn to Delian Apollo 51–60