Peer-reviewed articles & book chapters
Marangoni F. and A. Kreppel (2022) “From the ‘yellow-red’ to the technocratic government in the pandemic era. The formation and activity of the Draghi government during its first nine months in charge” Contemporary Italian Politics (online first)
Kostadinova, P. and A. Kreppel (2021) “Loyal Agent or Shirking Partner: Understanding the Policy Goals of National Ministers in the Council of the European Union,” Journal of European Public Policy, (online first).
Oztas, B. and A. Kreppel (2021) “Power or Luck? The Limitations of the European Commission’s Agenda Setting Power and Autonomous Policy Influence,” Journal of Common Market Studies, (Online first)
Webb, M. and A. Kreppel (2020) “The European Parliament’s role as an informal EU agenda setter: The influence of own initiative reports.” Public Administration Vol. 99, Issue 2: 304-320.
Kreppel, A. and M. Webb (2019) “European Parliament Resolutions – Effective Agenda Setting or Whistling into the Wind” Journal of European Integration, Vol. 41 No. 3: 383-404.
Kreppel, Amie (2018), “Bicameralism and the Balance of Power in EU Legislative Politics” Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 24, No. 1: 11-33.
Kreppel, A. and B. Oztas (2017), “Leading the Band or Just Playing the Tune? Reassessing the Agenda- Setting Powers of the European Commission” Comparative Political Studies, 50 (8) 1118-1150.