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Coffee/House (for Volta)

Coffee/House (for Volta)

Published: May 26th, 2024

Something closed must retain our memories, while leaving them their original value as images. –Gaston Bachelard In his meditative book The Poetics of Space, philosopher-poet-postmaster Gaston Bachelard situates the house… Read More

Teaching with Trash: American Poetry & Personal Trash Piles

Teaching with Trash: American Poetry & Personal Trash Piles

Published: Apr 8th, 2023

    What impressions does a pile of discarded items reveal about your community? How might one or more of these items tell a story about a person (real or… Read More

Punk DIY as Sustainable Pedagogy

Punk DIY as Sustainable Pedagogy

Published: Dec 5th, 2022

I’m wrapping my PostPunk Cultures courses on the British 1980s this week. And I’m wrapping my head around the amazing work my students did for their DIY craft projects. Our… Read More

Aisles Full of Annotations! Ginsberg’s Supermarket in Perusall

Aisles Full of Annotations! Ginsberg’s Supermarket in Perusall

Published: Jun 13th, 2022

Strolling through A Supermarket in California like a flâneur, Allen Ginsberg presents himself as a counterculture shopper in 1950s America. He sees the extraordinary in the new ordinary–garishly lit neon fruit, beaming wives… Read More

1950s Yearbook Highlights: Tapping Digital Archives for Student Projects

1950s Yearbook Highlights: Tapping Digital Archives for Student Projects

Published: Oct 28th, 2021

  Do you remember how it felt to begin another full semester of remote learning in January 2021? While my students were scattered and attending class through their laptops or… Read More

Limericks for Oktoberfest

Limericks for Oktoberfest

Published: Oct 23rd, 2021

I teach literature, and I am a literary beer reviewer. I write about literary-themed craft brews like the Leaves of Grass series from Bell’s (a tribute to poet Walt Whitman).… Read More

My Pandemic Triptych

My Pandemic Triptych

Published: Mar 31st, 2021

March 2021 is winding down, and we’ve been reading countless accountings of the pandemic’s one-year anniversary. I can distill my pandemic year in three images of entangled worlds and warped… Read More

The Milledgeville Quiz: Who Said It?

The Milledgeville Quiz: Who Said It?

Published: Mar 25th, 2021

Born 96 years ago today in Savannah, American fiction writer Flannery O’Connor lived much of her life in the family farm house in Milledgeville, GA. I recently taught her short… Read More

Chatalist: Zoom Chat as Form

Chatalist: Zoom Chat as Form

Published: Feb 20th, 2021

A latecomer to pandemic pedagogy, I’m lately drawn to the phenomenon of Zoom Chat–something else that happens while I’m teaching. I first found it distracting and disconcerting, especially when I… Read More

Socks in Box: Marie Kondo Tidies Dr. Seuss

Socks in Box: Marie Kondo Tidies Dr. Seuss

Published: Jun 15th, 2020

Socks Amok. Box. Socks. Pile of socks by empty box. Balled up socks in pile send shocks! She comes – Marie comes. My sock drawer now looks so sorry. Help… Read More