Articles Tagged pedagogy Subscribe to RSS Feed

Parody Pedagogy: Plath as Style

Parody Pedagogy: Plath as Style

Published: Dec 6th, 2014

Here’s my lead-in to a piece on Plath parodies for Plath Profiles #7. It’s a collaboration with students from my 2013 course on ‘Plath and Her Cultural Afterlife at 50’ (timed to… Read More

The Modernist Long Poem Goes to the Movies

The Modernist Long Poem Goes to the Movies

Published: Oct 14th, 2014

Here’s a preview of my new “Epic Encounters” essay on teaching the modernist long poem for Journal of Modern Literature (37.4). This Gladiator-inspired movie poster of Paterson, by Cory Hunter, is reproduced by… Read More

Poetry as Architecture: Hellenic by Design

Published: Jan 30th, 2013

How can modernist poems be materials for designing a building? And how does this process look to a literary critic and an architect? Click and find out.