Welcome to Analysis and Probability Seminar at UF!




Location: LIT 423

Time: Period 9th (4:05 – 4:55 pm)

Date Speaker Description
Feb.3 Dr. Michael Jury TITLE: An Introduction to Hankel Operators
ABSTRACT: We will survey some of the basic theory of Hankel operators, including applications to moment problems and the theory of linear systems, and discuss some of the major theorems in the subject (Nehari’s theorem and the Adamyan-Arov-Krein theorem).
Feb. 10 Dr. Michael Jury TITLE: An Introduction to Hankel Operators II
Feb. 17 Dr. Meric Augat (University of South Florida) TITLE: Noncommutative algebra, a local-to-global principle, and two conjectures on noncommutative analytic functions

ABSTRACT: P.M. Cohn’s groundbreaking work has had significant impacts in noncommutative algebra and, more recently, in free analysis. The first half of this talk will address fundamental objects pioneered by Cohn and how they yield an interesting local-to-global principle for the inner rank of a matrix of noncommutative meromorphic functions.

The second half of this talk addresses a remarkable theorem of Schofield: two noncommutative rational functions either satisfy no non-trivial relations, or they commute. We will discuss a modification to a conjecture in the nc analytic setting, and attempting to solve the conjecture immediately leads us to a generalized inverse function theorem and a conjecture on when a noncommutative analytic function factors through a second function.

Feb. 24 Dr. Michael Roysdon (ICERM, Brown University) TITLE: A comparison theorem for the Radon Transform.

ABSTRACT: The classical Busemann-Petty Problem from the 1950s asked the following tomographic question:

Assuming you have two origin-symmetric convex bodies K and L in the n-dimensional Euclidean space satisfying the volume inequality

|K \cap \theta^{\perp}| \leq |L \cap \theta^{\perp}| for all \theta \in S^{n-1},

does it follow that |K| \leq |L|? The answer is affirmative for n \leq 4 and negative whenever n \geq 5. However, if K belongs to a certain class of convex bodies, the intersection bodies, then the answer to the Busemann-Petty problem is affirmative in all dimension. Several extensions of this result have been shown in the case of measures on convex bodies, and isomorphic results of the same type have been established. Moreover, the isomorphic Busemann-Petty problem is actually equivalent to the isomorphic slicing problem of Bourgain (1986), which remains open to this day.

In this talk, we will introduce the notion of an intersection function, provide a Fourier analytic characterization for such functions, and show some versions of the Busemann-Petty problem in this setting. In particular, we will show that if you have a pair of continuous, even, integrable functions f,g \colon \R^n \to \R_+ which satisfy [Rf] \leq [Rg], where R denotes the Radon transform, then one has that |f|_{L^{p+1}} \leq |g|_{L^{p+1}} provided that the function f^p is an intersection function.

This is based on a joint work with Alexander Koldobsky and Artem Zvavitch.

Mar. 3 No Talk this Week TITLE: —


Mar. 10 SEAM 2023
Mar. 17 Spring Break
Mar. 24 Dr. Michael Dritschel
(University of Newcastle, UK)
TITLE: Products of positive operators

ABSTRACT: The study of the class L+2\mathcal{L}^{+\,2} of Hilbert space
operators which are the product of two bounded positive operators first
arose in physics in the early 60s. On finite dimensional Hilbert
spaces, it is not hard to see that an operator is in this class if and
only if it is similar to a positive operator. We extend the exploration
of L+2\mathcal{L}^{+\,2} to separable infinite dimensional Hilbert
spaces, where the structure is much richer, connecting (but not
equivalent) to quasi-similarity and quasi-affinity to a positive
operator. The generalized spectral properties of elements of
L+2\mathcal{L}^{+\,2} are also outlined, as well as membership in
L+2\mathcal{L}^{+\,2} among various special classes of operators,
including algebraic and compact operators.
This is joint work with Maximiliano Contino, Alejandra Maestripieri, and Stefania Marcantognini.

Mar. 31 Arthur A. Danielyan
(University of South Florida)
TITLE: On a converse of Fatou’s theorem

ABSTRACT: Fatou’s theorem states that a bounded analytic function in the unit disc hasradial limits a.e. on the unit circleT. This talk presents the following new theoremin the converse direction.Theorem 1. LetEbe a subset onT. There exists a bounded analytic functionin the open unit disc which has no radial limits onEbut has unrestricted limits ateach point ofT\Eif and only ifEis anFσset of measure zero.The sufficiency part of this theorem immediately implies a well-known theoremof Lohwater and Piranian the proof of which is complicated enough. However, theproof of Theorem 1 only uses the Fatou’s interpolation theorem, for which too theauthor has recently suggested a new simple proof.It turns out that for the Blaschke products, a well-known subclass of boundedanalytic functions, Theorem 1 takes the following form.Theorem 2. LetEbe a subset on the unit circleT. There exists a Blaschkeproduct which has no radial limits onEbut has unrestricted limits at each pointofT\Eif and only ifEis a closed set of measure zero.The proof of the necessity part of Theorem 2 is completely elementary, but it stillcontains some methodological novelty. The proof of the sufficiency uses Theorem 1as well as some known results on Blaschke products. (Theorem 2 is a joint resultwith Spyros Pasias.)

Apr. 7 Gautam Memana TITLE: —


Apr. 14 Dr. Christopher Felder (Indiana University) TITLE: —


Apr. 21 Heshan Arvinda/Puja Pandey TITLE: —


FALL 2022

Location: LIT 423

Time: Period 9th (4:05 – 4:55 pm)

Date Speaker Description
Sept. 9th Dr. Scott McCullough TITLE: The Sz.-Nagy Dilation Theorem and Friends.

ABSTRACT: The Sz.-Nagy dilation theorem will be interpreted in terms of Agler’s operator model theory. Related results will be discussed.

Sept. 16th Michael Coopman TITLE: Freeness-of-trade, metrics of negative type, and perverse equilibria.

ABSTRACT: In an economics model analyzed by Mossay and Tabuchi, freeness-of-trades matrices are introduced to represent loss incurred via trade between two entities. The corresponding paper proved that if the freeness-of-trade matrix is positive definite, then the model admits a unique equilibrium. We show that such matrices need not be positive definite by analyzing extreme rays on the cone of pseudo-metrics on finite points. Tangential results are explored.

Sept. 23 Tapesh Yadav TITLE: On Asymptotic Moments of Patterned Random Matrices.

ABSTRACT: For a sufficiently nice 2-dimensional shape, we define its approximating matrix (or patterned matrix) as a random matrix with iid entries arranged according to the given pattern. For large approximating matrices, we observe that the eigenvalues roughly follow an underlying distribution. This phenomenon is similar to the classical observation on Wigner matrices. We prove that the moments of such matrices converge asymptotically as the size increases and equals the integral of a combinatorially-defined function that counts certain paths on a finite grid.

Oct. 4 Palak Arora TITLE: An optimal approximation problem for noncommutative polynomials

ABSTRACT: Motivated by recent work on optimal approximation by polynomials in the unit disk, we consider the following noncommutative approximation problem: for a polynomial f in d noncommuting arguments, find an nc polynomial p_n, of degree at most n, to minimize c_n:=\|p_nf -1\|^2. (Here, the norm is the \ell^2 norm on coefficients.) We show that c_n\to 0 if and only if f is nonsingular in a certain nc domain (the row ball). As an application, we give a new, elementary proof of a theorem of Jury, Martin, and Shamovich on cyclic vectors for the d-shift.

SLIDES: Approximation_problem_for_free_polynomials

Oct. 14 Heshan Aravinda TITLE: Degree of freedom of discrete log-concave functions and more

ABSTRACT: We adapt the notion of degree of freedom to log-concave functions on integers. We show that the degrees of freedom of a discrete log-concave function and its continuous counterpart are equal. As an application, we give an alternative proof of a result of Bobkov, Marsiglietti, and Melbourne (2021), which states that the two-sided geometric distribution minimizes the min-entropy among the class of symmetric discrete log-concave probability sequences with fixed variance. The talk is based on ongoing work.

Oct. 21 George Tsikalas TITLE: Interpolating sequences for pairs of kernels

ABSTRACT: A sequence {z_n} in the unit disk is called an interpolating sequence if every interpolation problem f(z_n)=w_n, n=1, 2, 3,…, with {w_n} bounded, can be solved with a bounded analytic function f. Carleson (1958) proved that a sequence in the disk is interpolating if and only if it is separated in the pseudohyperbolic metric and generates a Carleson measure. In a relatively recent breakthrough paper, Aleman, Hartz, McCarthy, and Richter generalized Carleson’s theorem to multiplier algebras of spaces with the complete Pick property. In this talk, we will extend these results to pairs of kernels (k, \ell) such that k is a complete Pick factor of \ell, thus answering a question left open in that paper.


Oct. 28 Austin Jacobs TITLE: Integral transforms: Now with more commuting operators!

ABSTRACT: In this talk, we will examine an integral operator closely associated with convolution that arises in many applications. We will briefly describe the intuition for these applications and give proof of validity. We will then examine under what circumstances the precision in calculation can be improved or extended to more general settings. Time permitting, we may also give estimates for correctness under imperfect conditions. We would like to extend a special thanks to Jason Nowell for help brainstorming a title.

Nov. 4 Puja Pandey TITLE: Upper Bound of Isotropic Constant Conjecture

ABSTRACT: In this talk, we will talk about hyperplane conjecture by Bourgain and its equivalent formulation isotropic constant conjecture, i.e., there exists an absolute constant C > 0 such that L_{k} ≤ C for every n ≥1 and every convex body K in R^n which is verified for several classes of convex sets such as unconditional convex bodies, zonoids, duals to zonoids, etc. but the general case is still open. We will also see the best general bound known to date, which is given by K. Ball.

Nov. 8 Abdulmajeed Alqasem TITLE: On a Conjecture of Feige for Discrete Log-Concave Distributions

ABSTRACT: A remarkable conjecture of Feige (2006) asserts that for any collection of independent non-negative random variables X1, X2, . . . , Xn, each with expectation at most 1, we have
P(S < E[S] + 1) ≥ 1/e, where S is the sum of these random variables.
In this talk, we investigate this conjecture for the class of discrete log-concave probability distributions, and we prove a strengthened version. Namely, we show that the conjectured bound 1/e holds when Xk’s are independent discrete log-concave with arbitrary expectation. This is joint work with Aravinda, Marsiglietti and Melbourne.

Nov. 18 Dr. Arnaud Marsiglietti TITLE: Moments, concentration, and entropy of log-concave distributions

ABSTRACT: In this talk, I will present a simple mechanism combining log-concavity and majorization in the convex order to derive moments, concentration, and entropy inequalities for random variables that are log-concave with respect to a reference measure.